Join us for the Alinker ZOOM call on 24th February
at 9am PST / 12pm EST, for all Alinker users and enthusiasts.
This is our space! Alinker Family Space! Community of kindness.
Please pre-register HERE it is FREE
After BE Alink welcomes us, and we share our land acknowledgement, we have a very special guest. After that we'll go in some break out rooms and we get to know each other.
Special Guest: She is the 4th person to complete an Alinker crowdfunding campaign to get access to her Alinker and her life is very different ever since. She is an artist, an entrepreneur and since she joined the Alinker Family, she has built her LoveMeKnots business, Selma Blair bought her blanket and posted on Instagram, she is outspoken about living with disabilities, and has been featured by CBC. Ceilidh is now donating 10% of the sales of the yellow Alinker beanies to the Collective Campaign. She has evolved into the cooolest TikTok artist and she will share her experiences with us on the ZOOM. Welcome Ceilidh Corcoran!

Join us as we are learning as well how to do these Alinker ZOOMs to best build our community of kind people, just showing up for each other.
Do you have any questions? Submit them to us in advance HERE
We are looking forward seeing you all on Wednesday!