

Mission: To better understand the needs and perceptions of Restonians as they age and to identify and share resources that allow neighbors to help neighbors age in place.

 News to Support Healthy Longevity
February 2021


Vaccine Dashboard & Status Checker
Financial Security
AARP Conversation 
Virtual Travel Party – Ireland
Alzheimer Support


Vaccine Dashboard and Status Checker
Signing up for the vaccine has become a frustrating experience for many. To help residents better understand the Covid-19 vaccine distribution across our area and then track one’s own application, Fairfax County has introduced two new tools:
  • Vaccine Dashboard. Provides the big picture, including numbers of people remaining on the waitlist; the number of appointments; how many doses Fairfax County receives from Virginia Department of Health each week; and how many doses are distributed each week, etc. As of midafternoon February 14, 106,135 people had been vaccinated with both doses; 223,584 had registered and 104,732 remained on the waitlist.  
  •  Status Checker. To verify if you are registered to for your first COVID-19 vaccination appointment, enter your information. FCHD is currently scheduling appointments for individuals who registered on 01/18/21. The website notes that it may take several weeks to contact everyone who signed up on a day where registration volume was high.  
Not registered yet? Individuals 65+, those who have a high risk medical condition or disability and live in Fairfax County are eligible to register for a vaccine appointment. Teachers and child care workers are also eligible. Click here to register.  You may also call 703-324-7404.
For more on Covid-19, see Fairfax County Updates: frequently asked questions; contact tracing; testing; and isolation/quarantine guidelines. 

Financial Security in Today’s Economy
For most older adults, securing an appointment for a Covid vaccination is at the top of their  to-do lists. At the same time, there remain other ongoing high priority goals such as reviewing current financial planning in today’s economy. What do older adults need to know? When should one call in professional advice? What questions to ask? What to look for?  
In a recent Aging Matters interview,  Jim Joseph, CFP (Certified Financial Planner) offered tips for what older adults need to know about hiring an advisor—timing, how to begin, checking certifications/licenses, understanding the terminology and investment minimums.  
Joseph noted that 99% of his referrals came via family or friends. Thus, talking with people you know is a good place to begin your search. Starting the process now is preferrable than deferring to post Covid (zooming with clients has become a frequent practice). He noted there was not a financial minimum for hiring an advisor. 
Given the many types of financial planning companies, the industry has established certain standards to help consumers sort out their options. A certified financial planner (CFP initials after the name) must meet education, training and ethical standards. CFP indicates one has achieved excellence in financial planning. It is considered the gold standard. 
For background on your potential advisor, have a look at brokercheck. This website provides 
employment history, regulatory actions, investment-related licensing information, arbitrations and complaints. In this instance, the term “broker” covers a wide range of individuals providing investment advice. 
To hear more of the conversation about financial planning, including comments on the stock market and Covid-19, go to Aging Matters interview. Aging Matters is a weekly interview program, on Arlington's community radio station WERA - LP Arlington 96.7 FM featuring guests with expertise about aging related subjects of interest to older adults and their families.

AARP Covid-19 Conversation
The AARP invites the public to join AARP members to learn about the rollout of the vaccine and “help you cut through all the confusion and get the facts you need to decide if you want to get the vaccine.”
When: Feb. 20, 10 am
Sponsor: AARP
Speaker: Gloria Addo-Ayensu, MD, MPH, Director of Health, Fairfax County Health Department.
Cost: Free
Register: Click here

Irish Blarney – Virtual Travel Party Feb 26
Put on your green and join us to find the Leprechauns' secret spots, guess the names of the Irish beers and whiskeys, and hear people's favorite Irish sayings and songs.  New format!  Join us!
What: Virtual Travel Party
When: Fri, Feb. 26, 5:30 pm
Cost: Free
Register: Email Pat Williams or   
Eileen Curtis   
Not on the regular monthly invitation list?  Just call or email Pat at 703-582-9482 or and say "I'd like to be on your Travel Party list."

Alzheimer Support--Finding Help
Alzheimer Support is a free service that assists families who have loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. Through a free search tool and nationwide database of Alzheimer’s care facilities, families who are in need of care for their loved ones are able to locate licensed care homes and communities that are best equipped to provide care for their loved ones. To learn more, check out Alzheimer Support
Contact: Lora Suico,

What: Parkinson’s Communication Club
Led by Susan I. Wranik, the Club (meets every Tuesday) establishes a wellness and prevention program for individuals with Parkinson’s disease and their care partners, with a focus on maintenance of communication skills. It stresses the importance of speaking louder to be heard in social settings.
When: Feb. 16 & 23, 3-5 pm
Sponsor: This is a collaboration between The Kensington and The Parkinson Foundation of the National Capital Area (PFNCA.)Cost: Free
Register: Click here
What: Global Needs--Answers for Humanity
When: Feb. 18, 2-3 pm
How do we meet the needs of hundreds of millions of people who are worldwide in need of humanitarian assistance? To fight hunger, address violence, provide shelter, meet basic needs, and demand resources, it will take international cooperation and local leadership.

Special guest will be Ursula Mueller, a German diplomat, former executive director at the World Bank and, until this year, the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs. She will share her insights and show slides of her official field missions to some of the 45 countries with humanitarian situations, which she visited during the past 3 years. 
Co-Sponsors: Bethesda Metro Area Village and Connie Morella Library
Registration: Not required. Just click the Zoom link
Zoom Link. or Dial In:? 301 715 8592; Meeting ID 936 5563 3065. The library will close the link at 2:10; please log in promptly.
What: Book Chat -  Care and Feeding of the Aging Human Male Species
Irene Shere, co-author shares her guide for Aging Women in their relationships with their Aging Human Males. The guide is divided into 4 sections: The Field Guy-ed provides broad basics describing Aging Human Males. The Roadmap provides advice on how to avoid pitstops while travelling in an Aging Human Partnership along Route 66+. The Dame Digest provides tips on how Boomer Chicks can "Shine, Baby, Shine." The Precious Old Dames Party Playbook offers activities for groups of Aging Women to gather together to share their laughter and their lives.
When: Feb 22, 3pm
Cost: Free
Sponsor: Assisting Hands Home Care
 Reston for a Lifetime
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