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A six-week live Zoom program designed to:

Evolve Your thinking, Expand Your Consciousness, Uncover the Gift of Fear.

Move you beyond your limitations and do the things you think you cannot do.


Starts March 3rd to April 7th
Weekly at 12pm EST | 5PM GMT | 7pm SAST

Seating is limited

 About the Workshop 
All fears are founded in our lack of awareness of our true nature and of Universal law. We live in a world of infinite possibilities only limited by our fears and ignorance of the vast untapped potential lying dormant within us.
Fear is a normal part of life; it is meant to propel us into action not paralyze us. To Transcend means to rise above; this workshop will help you tap into the immense power within and give you the knowledge and tools to move transform your fears and develop the courage to step outside your comfort zone.
Transcendence is designed to help you face your challenges with more ease, grace and resilience and assist you to create a more harmonious and fulfilling life. 

Are fear and worry guiding your decisions and keeping you from living the life you want?

Fear manifests as Procrastination, Excuses, Justifications, Indecision, impatience and disrupts about ability to think clearly, leaving us feeling frustrated, angry and stressed.

Fear affects our heath, wealth, business, relationships, creating disharmony.

You have all you need for the success you desire.
You deserve to succeed! 


This workshop will assist you to: 

  • Debunk what underpins your fear.
  • Make fear your ally.
  • Release worry and poor habits
  • Focus on what you want.
  • Tap into higher perspective.
  • Become the deliberate creator of the life you desire. 

Each of us must confront our own fears, must come face to face with them. How we handle our fears will determine where we go with the rest of our lives. To experience adventure or to be limited by the fear of it.”  - Judy Blume

This workshop is for you If you are serious about creating the life you desire and are prepared to accept the responsibility of integrating the knowledge imparted into your life, and the wisdom to apply the tools received.

  • Are you prepared to make changes in your life?
  • Are you ready to challenge the validity of your most cherished beliefs and consider different perspectives?
  • Are you willing to do what is takes to create the life you want?

There are no magic bullets, the law of cause and effect is just and unfailing, input always determines output, you are personally responsible for the outcome of your life no matter the circumstances. We will assist you and give you tools and knowledge, what you do with it is entirely up to you.

Are you ready to transform your relationship with fear
and live from a higher perspective?

Secure your place now on the upcoming Transcendence workshop and acquire the knowledge and tools to expand your mind and develop the strength to face your challenges, the courage to be vulnerable; the confidence to rise above your fears and the inspiration to take appropriate actions towards achieving the success you seek. 

Yes I am ready to overcome my fears >>

About Your Hosts

The Growthpoint Organization is a portal to higher learning.

Growthpoint is the meeting place of minds in search of the greatest possibilities; for those willing to explore infinite human potential and constantly reach for higher truths.

For the exceptional people who are prepared to be held accountable for their contribution to human kind’s evolution and assume the responsibility of creating more than they consume.

David Pickard Wyllie

David has been at the vanguard of exceptional performance education, since 1974. He founded TAG Training International; integrating human potential and business uncommon sense, with metaphysics and quantum mechanics to expand human consciousness. Helping is clients bridge the gap between possibility and reality and lead extraordinary lives.
David is world renowned for his ability to inspire a total concept of affluence in almost everyone who embrace and practice his simple, practical methods of enhancing their natural abilities and marry them with simple business and life uncommon sense.
David is a healer of perception, his teaching encompasses every aspect of what he calls the business of life, whether it is your health, wealth or relationship that is of concern the universal laws applies. David’s simple philosophy is that wealth is created by enriching others.

David is recognised as a master of the business of understanding and motivating people. He has turned his personal experience and the experience gained as a motivational speaker and business consultant into a new science and has reduced this science to an understandable crisp, clear strategy.
His teachings are based on his life experiences. He passionately believes that successful people are people who are firstly true to themselves, then systematically and methodically make their dreams come true by merging their desires with accurate self-knowledge and uncommon sense in perfect harmony with Natural Universal Laws.
David is an insightful alchemist who can see opportunities in every problem and masterfully lead his students to self-realization…


Christine Randabel Wyllie

Christine is a certified TAG Consciousness Coach, Reiki Master Teacher, Holistic Practitioner combining the TAG principles with her practice of Energy Therapy, Shamanism and Spiritual healing.  

Although her clients seek healing from her, she insists that she is not the healer; simply the silent witness to their miracle, that her role is to be the  catalyst for infinite possibilities to reveal itself.
Christine founded Touch the Soul in 2008; Christine believes that to Touch the Soul of another is a sacred responsibility and a privilege. As a coach her strength lies in her ability to connect with people through her simplicity, astute clarity steeped in intuitive insights and deep caring..
She maintains that only you have the power to heal yourself, her purpose is to awaken and empower you, so you may remember who you truly are; rediscover your own profound wisdom, and your innate abilities and reconnect to your inner healer.
According to Christine her role is to love you back into consciousness and inspire you to express the essence of who you truly are so you may live an authentic life with integrity and in alignment with your chosen destiny.
Christine is on a mission to embody wholeness, to actively engage life and explore the freedom of individuality. To leave the world a better place because she honored her purpose and inspired others to do the same.
"Everything you've ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear"
 -George Addair


Here is What is Included In This 6-Week Workshop

 6 Weekly 90 Minute Live Zoom Workshops

The Workshop starts on March 3rd 2021 and will be held for 6 weeks
at 12pm EST | 5pm GMT | 7pm SAST


Session 1: Wednesday March 3rd

​Session 2: Wednesday March 10th

​Session 3: Wednesday March 17th

​Session 4: Wednesday March 24th

​Session 5: Wednesday March 31st

​Session 6: Wednesday April 7th

The Weekly Sessions are a Combination of Lectures, Q&A and Meditations.

The number of applicants is limited so we can give personal attention to each participant. 

Weekly Event Recordings

Recordings of the weekly sessions in case you miss any sessions. And to listen to the sessions multiple times to remain focused.

Access To A Private Facebook Group 

Stay connected to David, Christine and other members of the program through a private Facebook Group. Share your insights and exchange information, have your questions answered. This will help accelerate progress and learning of the program.

A Private Zoom Call with David and Christine

You will receive a complimentary coaching session with David and/or Christine to address your personal challenges.

A Personal Remote Energy Session with Christine

To clear and realign your energy and release stress.

A Digital Copy Of “Stepping Stones” 
From the land of Lack to the land of Plenty

“This is one of the most profound books I’ve had the privilege of reading. 
I have given a copy to every member of my management team.”
– Walter Hauser

Register Now

 What People Have to Say About David and Christine

“Dave is a phenomenal teacher. He has keen insight, sharp intuition, and a wonderful ability to share openly and teach from a place of experience. He also has a wealth of knowledge on many different interesting topics. 

Above all, what I like best about Dave is his humility and his absolute respect for the process of each individual. Dave will show you the door, but he will not push or drag you through it.

I would also like to mention Christine, Dave’s lovely wife and partner. Christine brings a quiet strength, nurturing energy, feisty spirit and a whole lot of love to the process – I felt very safe and extremely well supported.

As with all aspects of life, what I do next is entirely up to me.”

Vanessa Holmes

“I had the privilege to attend Dave’s & Christine’s TAG II workshop a bit more than a year and a half ago now. 

I came in with an open mind, curious of what this could bring. What I learned was truly transformational and beyond any of my expectations. There are too many points to list but my biggest take away were the glimpse of what the human mind is capable of and how good it feels when you are in line with yourself, values, thoughts & ethics. 

I also met amazing people that shared the workshop with me and who have and still are contributing to my life in one way or another. Worth doing again!

Thank you, Dave & Christine.”

Dean Oxenham

“David is so down to earth, funny and easy to relate to. I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop. So much of what was said related personally to me. I am so excited to start experimenting / playing with the tools that I have learnt both in my personal and family life as well as my new business…Learning these tools is so empowering and enlightening, I would love to share this knowledge with my daughters.”  

Lara Reed

“I met Dave in the early eighties and attended one of his personal development courses – Think Act and Grow. The course and subsequent TAG courses I attended were a life changer for me in all aspects including health, family & wealth! The principles I learnt I have passed onto my children and it is a blessing to see them enjoy the rewards of applying these principles in their lives. I am eternally grateful to Dave for being one of the Masters on my journey of life!”

Thank you Dave!

Allen Usher

 “Dear Christine, thank you so much for an amazing weekend it was truly a blessing and I cannot begin to tell you how much has changed in me and the personal aaaahhhaaaa moments that have transpired through this journey with you.

 I have to commend you on your teaching ability and the atmosphere of absolute comfort and trust that you created for all. It was the most comfortable learning experience creating confidence and not expecting us to conform to rigid structures, but rather encouraging us on our way with gentle persuasion. Allowing us the opportunity to practice learn and grow not only through your teachings but through your ability to peak the curiosity with questions that were so thought provoking and life changing.

Everything was imparted with such love; All the extras that you provided truly felt like I was at home and I cannot thank you enough for the beautiful gift that you have bestowed on me personally, I am eternally grateful.

Nicole Herbst

“Truly inspirational and exactly what I need at this point in my life. David and Christine are warm and sincere and a powerful combination. I look forward to implementing what has resonated with me today and changing my life to bring peace and joy to myself and those who are special to me.” 

 Keeran Kowlaser

“I have been involved in the Pharmaceutical Industry for 15 years – and am grateful for having had the privilege of attending training courses throughout the world, including input from C.P.S (Certified Professional Speakers,) in the U.S.A. and International Train-the-Trainer seminars in Europe.

This has brought me to being entrusted to look after and add value to the Key customers of Roche Pharma after having spent collectively in excess of $120 000.00 across 4 major multinational organisations since 1986.

However, just as they say in the classics “why travel abroad if you haven’t experienced your own country yet.”

Suffice it to say that the time effort and money spent on the TAG II intensive workshop was worth more to me than the rest of the basket put together, in the manner in which it created a physical, mental and spiritual receptivity to a universal restructuring of my life, and shedding light on my pathway to personal growth and success.

Thank you both for your divine intervention and for “tagging” me so effectively.”

Trevor Schultz

 “It was amazing to learn in such a relaxed environment; I enjoyed the openness and lightness of the interaction with other students. Christine sense of humour puts everyone at ease.

I’ve learnt a lot, I see Reiki as something tangible now and not airy-fairy. I really appreciate the straight forward approach to Reiki which you adopt. Thank you for such an uplifting experience.”

Sean Johnson

” David is inspirational and charismatic.
I have loved the seminar; it is thought provoking and resonates with me. I feel inspired to put the principles into practice and take it further. Thank you so much for opening my eyes.” 

Veroshka de Zio



Are you ready to rise above your limitations 

and transform your life?


March 3rd to April 7th

Weekly 12pm EST | 5pm GST | 7pm SAST


“What you seek is seeking you” -Rumi

Yes! I am ready to Enroll Now >>
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