
Helpful Tip #14 How NOT to say ‘Yes’ to Drugs!
“Um…No Thanks! My I.Q is dangerously low already!”
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Peeling Back the Label – Alcohol Advertising & Young People 2020 update
Campus Drug Prevention:  Research Articles For Students, Peers & Parents 
A Good New Years Resolution on Soooo Many Fronts – Healthier You
Russian Roulette with Drug Testing at Music Festivals
WHO launches year-long campaign to help 100 million people quit tobacco!                           
 (So why not a QUIT Cannabis Campaign too? Hmmm, the cognitive dissonance continues)
WHO today launches a year-long global campaign for World No Tobacco Day 2021 - “Commit to Quit."  The new WHO
 Quit Challenge on WhatsApp and publication “More than 100 reasons to quit tobacco" are being released today to mark the start of the campaign.
“Commit to Quit”:  The COVID-19 pandemic has led to millions of tobacco users saying they want to quit. The campaign will support at least 100 million people as they try to give up tobacco through communities of quitters and through “quit & win” initiatives
Using Drugs to Cope with Bullying? Victim mindsets, are unhelpful. However, when you pair it with an ‘entitlement’ mindset, you get a toxic disability! Be Your Own Hero! Weed to Cope - Escalation, Addiction and Total Disintegration of personal family life. All you care about is 'how to get high and who with!" Stop being a victim! Personal Responsibility and Becoming Your Own Hero
Killer drug GHB has been weaponized and 'should be reclassified'- Report
A drug that was weaponised by the UK's most prolific rapist and the serial killer Stephen Port should be reclassified, says an official report
Currently GHB is in class C, with anabolic steroids and some tranquilisers.

Assessment of the harms of (GHB) gamma-hydroxybutyric acid, gamma-butyrolactone, and closely related compounds Research & Analysis:
For complete story go to
Recognizing the Warning Signs of Drug Addiction: What You Need to Know
Link between Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and youth crime sparks calls for change
Anne Russell thought it was safe to drink alcohol while pregnant with her son, Seth, but her actions led to him being born with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) — a condition she believes pushed him into the criminal justice system.
Key points:
  • Experts are calling for all children in Australia's criminal justice system to be assessed for FASD
  • It is believed up to 40 per cent of inmates in Australian prisons may have the disability, but most are undiagnosed
  • A federal inquiry into FASD support, prevention and diagnosis is due to release its findings next month

For complete story go to Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder & Crime

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Cannabis Conundrum
Association of Cannabis Use With Self-harm and Mortality Risk Among Youths With Mood Disorders
JAMA Pediatr. Published online January 19, 2021. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.5494
Meaning  Cannabis use disorder is common among adolescents and young adults with mood disorders and is associated with an elevated risk of self-harm, overall mortality, and death by unintentional overdose and homicide in this already vulnerable population.
Importance  Cannabis use and cannabis use disorder (CUD) are common among youths and young adults with mood disorders, but the association of CUD with self-harm, suicide, and overall mortality risk is poorly understood in this already vulnerable population.
Conclusions and Relevance  Cannabis use disorder is a common comorbidity and risk marker for self-harm, all-cause mortality, and death by unintentional overdose and homicide among youths with mood disorders. These findings should be considered as states contemplate legalizing medical and recreational marijuana, both of which are associated with increased CUD.
For complete research
 JAMA Paediatrics January 2021
CND Vote on Cannabis: World Federation Against Drugs response – What You Need to Know
Is Marijuana a Risk for Domestic Violence?More than you know!
How Overcoming Drug Addiction Can Help you Lead a Better Life
Drugged Driving—What You Should Know
Blurred nighttime road from perspective of a drugged driver
In 2016, 44 percent of drivers in fatal car crashes (with known results) tested positive for drugs, according to a report entitled "Drug-Impaired Driving: Marijuana and Opioids Raise Critical Issues for States" by the Governors Highway Safety Association. This is up from 28 percent in 2006. 
What substances are used the most when driving? After alcohol, marijuana is the most commonly used drug.
Check out the graphic below from the National Institute on Drug Abuse about the effects different drugs can have on driving (click to enlarge).
Graphic: Marijuana- slows reaction time and impairs judgement of time and distance; meth or cocaine - aggressive and reckless behaviors; opioids - drowsiness and impaired memory and thinking skills; sedatives (benzodiazepines, barbiturates) - dizziness and drowsiness
Not only is driving while high illegal, it's also very dangerous. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the effects of marijuana can include: altered senses and sense of time, slow reaction time, anxiety, hallucinations and more.
For complete article go to Get Smart About Drugs – Drug Driving
Cannabis Use & Your Babies Heart - Contemporary epidemiology of rising atrial septal defect trends across USA 1991–2016: a combined ecological geospatiotemporal and causal inferential study
Abstract: Background: Cardiovascular anomalies are the largest group of congenital anomalies and the major cause of death in young children, with various data linking rising atrial septal defect incidence (ASDI) with prenatal cannabis exposure. Objectives / Hypotheses:  Is cannabis associated with ASDI in USA? Is this relationship causal?
Results: ASDI rose nationally three-fold from 27.4 to 82.8 / 10,000 births 1991–2014 during a period when tobacco and alcohol abuse were falling but cannabis was rising.
For complete research go to BMC Pediatrics 2020
With Pot Rules Relaxed, More U.S. Teens Driving While High: Study
view from behind the wheel while driving
50% of U.S. teens who use marijuana on a regular basis admit to driving while high, according to a new study published in JAMA Network Open
The reach these findings, researchers looked at data from the 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey. "Marijuana can impair cognitive abilities that are critical for safe driving," the study’s lead researcher Dr. Motao Zhu, an associate professor of epidemiology at Ohio State University College of Public Health said. "This is a serious issue that requires our attention."  "Definitely, there's more availability of marijuana from legal channels," Zhu said. "Maybe teens feel marijuana isn't as harmful as they thought in the past." Read more.
“Most people have been conned into using the word ‘overdose’ regarding illicit drugs! No such thing! Why? Because it clearly implies there is a 'safe' dose which can be taken - and everyone knows that's a lie. The same goes for the words 'use' and abuse'. Those terms can only be applied to prescribed pharmaceuticals because they have a prescribed safe dose. For example, I have asked each jurisdiction in Australia if the legal amount of alcohol when driving, up to 0.49, is considered safe for driving. All said no - they would not state that!”
Drug Watch International

  Education Team
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