
Hey Pythonista,

If you step back and look at your career, do you feel like you're making as big a contribution to the world as you'd like?

Do you feel like you're solving the big problems you actually care about?

Or perhaps you're already involved in side projects that you want to take to the next level but are wondering how?

Do you want to earn the freedom to work with whomever / whenever / wherever you want?

Your job might not fit that desire.

To that extent becoming an entrepreneur (and starting your business) might be one of the best things you can do in your career and life.

It's also one of the hardest things you might ever do and one of the most rewarding. It allows you to give back in ways you can't imagine until you do it.

This takes tremendous courage and the willingness to be uncomfortable at times.


After 4+ years of PyBites we can proudly say we've done it and it has been one of the best decisions we've made in our lives.

If you are interested in enhancing your Python career with entrepreneurial skills, let us know via this form and we'll send you the top 5 lessons we learned along the way.

Our aim with this training is to show you that this is totally within reach, even if the "entrepreneurial personality" seems completely foreign to you.


-- Bob & Julian 

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