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Reconnecting With Story Magic

“Wake up! Wake up! We’re going to the children!” Caja coaxes her stories out of their corona winter sleep. The schools are open again. Rescheduled bookings are rushing in. Yet, we cannot go back to the world as it was before. Our children feel that. The stories too, have evolved. “As I reconnect with their colours, their smells, I’m seeing new things, a flock of birds, a palace… it’s like a gift to me,” says Caja about the change. Because her wide repertoire isn’t static, each story carries with it new magic. Let’s relieve our children and help them reconnect with the world, through their imagination. A professional storyteller, near-native English speaker, who specializes in children’s stories, Caja is available from April this year and always, until all the birds fly away.

Magical Storytelling

Space To Work

Our office has moved! We have a larger space for our desks, our files, theatre props and furniture, leaflets, posters and intriguing gifts from fans, but mostly for our staff, who can sit comfortably working out new projects for our audiences and actors. So we diligently work from home, thinking about that wonderful new office... we are jolly well going to use our new felt elation: The move goes paired with a plan to expand our outreach to schools - see last article in this newsletter.

Be A Gorilla

Kaylee has found new ways to engage children in her theatre workshops. “Students are always acting,” she says, “In my workshops they are part of the piece’s creation.” It’s very educational. For younger children, who may not be confident with the vocabulary, she helps find the English words and phrases to create a script, perform a scene and even direct the play. She has great success with her animal games, in which aspects of an animal, like a cat or a zebra or a gorilla ...are used for expression, communication and movement. “It comes close to interpretive dance, which is very enjoyable for children, and I use fun music,” explains Kaylee. Her newest concepts take account of Corona safety with reduced direct contact, avoiding elements like tagging and making set-ups flexible to suit the space. Go wild, open the zoo and book Kaylee too! She’ll know what to do.

The Zoo Workshop

School Outreach Expands

Welcome to our new volunteer consultant, Gig Gamaggio, who will connect with schools by email and phone. She brings with her not only experience in dance and theatre education, but also in client development and a listening ear for schools and teachers to talk about workshop options. “We want to bring you on board! This is the ideal time to plan for creative classes. Current Corona restrictions have put a strain on teaching and learning. Let our actors take over some of the work!” says Gamaggio. English theatre workshops are easily taken to an online format, when classroom meetings are not possible. Ms.Gamaggio is reachable at
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