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Act Now: Tell Congress to Prioritize Hunger in the Next COVID Relief Package

This pandemic has intensified America's hunger crisis like never before. Over 50 million people in this country are facing hunger, including one in four children. Another COVID relief package is in the works - and YOU can take action to make sure hunger is prioritized.

Our legislators need to strengthen nutrition programs that help our neighbors access the food they need to feed their families, and support food banks in providing groceries to our communities. Boosting SNAP benefits, extending child nutrition waivers, and increasing funding for nutrition programs will be critical in putting more food on more tables as the pandemic continues. Our members of Congress need to hear that addressing the hunger crisis must be at the top of their list - and now is the time for us to speak up.

You can make a difference by urging our lawmakers to prioritize hunger in the next COVID relief package. Act now before another meal is missed due to this pandemic.
Take Action
Tell our lawmakers to prioritize hunger in the next COVID relief package:
  • Call your members of Congress - use Feeding America's call-in number and follow this script to tell lawmakers to prioritize hunger.
  • Send a message - urge your legislators to support nutrition programs by sending this simple email message.
  • Tweet and tag - get the attention of your elected officials by tagging them on social media! Use #BoostSNAPNow and #COVIDRelief and follow @hunger and @ILFoodBank to see our action Tweets this week!
With just one phone call, tweet, or email, YOU can help make sure all of our neighbors can put food on the table during this crisis. Not sure who your lawmakers are, or need contact information? Find out here!
If you know someone else who would like to become a Hunger Advocate, please feel free to forward this email or encourage them to subscribe to our alerts. Thank you for being a Hunger Advocate. Together we can solve hunger!
Julia Lemp 
Marketing Communications Specialist
Northern Illinois Food Bank
T: 630-746-7465
Copyright © 2021 Northern Illinois Food Bank - Advocacy Team, All rights reserved.

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