Countdown to #glaucomaweek

March 7-13, 2021

Through a series of engaging worldwide activities, patients, eye-care providers, health officials and the general public are invited to contribute to sight preservation. 

This is World Glaucoma Week
Submit your activity

New Advances in the Management of Angle-Closure Glaucoma

The PAAO, ICO and WGA team up on Thursday, March 11th at 19H30 (EST) to bring you a free webinar in Spanish this World Glaucoma Week. 

Register here to secure your spot.
Learn more

Light up in GREEN in Japan

The “Light up in GREEN” movement is a movement led by the Japan Glaucoma Society to light up public (and private) hospitals and institutions in green during World Glaucoma Week, to spread glaucoma awareness and impel latent patients to visit medical institutions. The green light represents hope for a lifetime of quality vision in glaucoma patients. We are proud to report that our movement has been expanding yearly, and this year a total of over 300 institutions nationwide and overseas participated in the “Light up in GREEN” movement. We are aiming to further expand our movement both within Japan and internationally. We are always open to new offers to participate.
Learn more

Get Involved

For over a decade, the WGA has been working to raise global awareness on glaucoma and the importance of prevention. Join us!

Help us by spreading the word and make people aware that World Glaucoma Week is taking place again. Without your support, we are unable to reach all corners of our communities. 

👉 Think global, act local
👉 Eliminate glaucoma blindness
👉 Create a network

Be a part of it – this is how

  1. Visit  
  2. Click Find an activity to check what others are doing worldwide
  3. Register and submit your activity
  4. Download the artwork to promote your activity
  5. Use #glaucomaweek on your social media channels to spread the word
Submit your activity
Get the facts about glaucoma and download the complete infographic
Download the infographic
Looking for a trusted website with insights such as who is at risk, what are the symptoms, and how glaucoma can be treated? Check out A great resource to use for an activity during World Glaucoma Week! Available in English, Spanish, and Malay. 
Visit the Patient Education Website
Submit your activity

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