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Goats, religion, leaky KitKats!

Hello and good afternoon!

This week I demonstrated that goats can explain the work comms teams do.

It was silly, but I didn't let that hold me back.

Comms Creatives content of the week!

I've noticed a lot of church type content in my homefeeds lately, like this sign in a cathedral that got shared all over social media.

Social Media Comms Academy member, Matt Batten, runs a vibrant Twitter feed for Llandaff Diocese that is full of support, and love, and vibrancy.

And really, I'm not surprised religious organisations would be good at social media, as building communities is something they've been doing for centuries.

I'm not a believer myself, but I have fond memories of my Catholic upbringing, and I do love seeing more inclusive and welcoming comms from religious institutions.


This week, we have a user generated content of the week - from the Church Of England.

Kaya Burgess @kayaburgess on Twitter · Feb 16 "The Church of England has launched an Instagram filter allowing people to superimpose a digital ash cross onto their foreheads in selfies while people can't mark Ash Wednesday in church"
Instagram is a place that can make people feel inadequate or unhappy comparing themselves to others, so it's a great place to add a filter that brightens it up and help people feel better about themselves.

Like with a lot of good not-for-profit comms - not everyone is going to like this.

For everyone who thinks it devalues something holy, there are others who love a fresh way to express their faith.

The greatest comms pros know things are worth doing even if they don't please everyone.


Joint place for content of the week goes to Durham Cathedral

 Durham Cathedral @durhamcathedral tweets: "We're sacred and we know it [Church emoji] ( @JayHulmePoet , we couldn't resist)"
When your audience is chatting with you in a light-hearted way, it's a 100% legit opportunity to respond playfully and have a bit of fun.

It's makes you more approachable, which is a good thing in a time when many may be looking for spiritual guidance.

Thanks Rachael Stray for sharing this.

Oh, and special mention this week goes to the poor old Kit Kat Social Media Manager.
 KITKAT @KITKAT on Twitter: Feb 16  - "We couldn't keep it a secret any longer, so we're happy to say the rumours are true.. KITKAT Vegan is COMING SOON! EyesWho's excited?!*   *Ps. A personal thanks to the person who leaked this product launch, our Social Media Manager hasn't been able to Have A Break since Friday [Winking face]"
WhenI started in PR, it was often said that we must stay behind the scenes at all times, and the brand was to be at the front.

But on social media, your audiences like knowing the human that is behind the account.

I think it was really relatable, and a clever thing to say to get the audience feeling like they're on KitKat's side.

I'm actually obsessed with their Twitter account, so I may blog in more detail about that in the next week or so.

 If Kit Kat people are reading this and wish to thank me for the mention in the form of chocolate, I'm OK that.

The Social Media Expert Course is
is OPEN (until April 1st!)

Get in quick, stay for the year!
Image of the academy - computer screeds showing the Social Media Expert Course, content calendar and Live masterclasses.

Are you a comms pro who’s feeling frustrated that your social media engagement is low?

🔸Maybe you struggle to find time to create posts that really excite your audience.

🔸Maybe you don’t have the support around you at work to try new techniques.

🔸Maybe you just need some inspiration and some ideas and templates to kick start your social media mojo.

Would you like to learn how to be an social media legend, who creates compelling content that gets everyone talking, and impresses your bosses?

Sign up to the Social Media Expert Course by April 1st! 

When you join the course, you get one year of access to the Social Media Comms Academy  - which includes monthly masterclasses, group support and our exclusive content calendar.

Get in by April 1st to join our spring cohort.

Laptop with live masterclass on screen
  • How to be strategic
  • Being a super social media storyteller
  • Powerful copywriting
  • Thumbstopping video and  images
  • Fun tools
...and loads more.
Emma Jane Henry on Facebook: "✅ Fun ✅ Creative ✅ Inspiring ✅ Confidence boosting ✅ Great value for money ✅ Fab network of comms people to stay in touch with I can't recommend this course enough! One of the best things for me was sharing the learning with my small team- everyone is now on board with being friendly, fun and creative on our social media channels. All the feedback from both customers and management has been massively positive, and engagement is ⬆️💹➕⬆️👌👏 And we have definitely used lots of the things I learned to help our comms strategy during the current crisis. It's the course that just keeps giving! And there has literally never been a better time for online learning- book it! 😁"
Book your place now

Comms Cartoons

I drew this in 2017 when home-schooling and lockdowns were nowhere near our thoughts.

Parents of comms, I salute you!
PR & comms for parents! Media relations: (kids on sofa, parent ayd in background "Don't Snapchat your sister when she's in the same room"). Reputation management: Parent slumped on sofa.  Kid shouts "I want McDonalds!" and the parent says "Hold on wjhile I post this photo of a homecooked meal to Facebook). Engageing Steak Holders (Kid is eating steak with hands.  Parent says " Don't eat with your fingers, use a fork!"


I'm working hard on exciting stuff at the moment - mainly (as you can see above) launching the spring cohort of our Social Media Expert Course.

I'll tell you why I'm sharing this with you.

I'll be spreading the word about it, so we can get a nice full class.

That means over the next month, I'll be emailing maybe twice, never more than three times a week, instead of just once with this newsletter.

I always aim to keep the emails useful, fun or thought-provoking - but if you don't want to hear from me, don't worry. 

You can unsubscribe and I won't take it personally.

But I'll miss you obviously!

If you're staying with me, THANK YOU.

It's an honour to have the contents of my brain land in your inbox.

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