I appreciate the Bloom Community's continued support in a variety of ways.

It has been Fun Zooming and sharing time together before &/or after our yoga practices.  I'm enjoying being welcomed into your homes and seeing  family members such as: a Grandchild zipping through the room, someone helping with technology, pet affection aka partner yoga or the sun shining down upon you. The morning yoga folks have visible halos 😉 due to the sunshine, evening folks have invisible halos, but their Inner Lights ☀️ shine just as bright!!!  Zooming is something that I had so much resistance towards and now it has brought joy, comfort and convenience as I have Zoomed from Baltimore, my home yoga room and the studio....No snow ⛄️ days!!!   PS. The Plants Miss Us 🪴

The month of February continues to bring challenging and precarious times for my family with a member still in ICU (non-Covid).  I extend my heartfelt gratitude for the various ways that you have been supportive of my Family....most importantly the prayers 🙏🏻.  Your "flexibility" with changing class day, receiving Zoom recordings instead of Zoom Live options, and patience with getting recordings has been a relief.  Your guidance and information related to dealing with our situation has been a gift.

It's been a Blessing to feel at ease asking for and receiving Your Graciousness.  Hmmmm, that's what Bloom Yoga is about.....taking the practice off the mat and into the world by living peace, kindness, healing and fun.

Thanks for Being You!!! 💚💚
Expand your Lungs with Sharon
Student Sharing

Bloom Yoga & Wellness has helped me to realize that peace and calm come from within.  Yoga speaks to a part of my body that doesn’t understand words, only movement and breath.  By taking a time out once a week for myself at yoga, I find that I can reconnect my mind with my body.  For me, yoga is better than having a massage; it’s like a hug from the inside out.  Sharon Green truly understands how interconnected our bodies and minds are as well as how interconnected we are as living beings.  It’s funny how only an hour or so a week can help one ground, nourish, and grow into a fuller existence.

Energizing Yoga Practice w/Sharon
Monday 5:15-6:30 or 7-8:15pm Mindful Yoga
with Cristal
8 week series $90
March 1 - April 26 (No class March 8)

Tuesday 6-7:15 pm Mindful Yoga
with Sharon
8 week series $90
March 2 - April 20

Wednesday 9-10:15am Kind Yoga
with Sharon
8 week series $90
March 3 - April 21

Wednesday 5:45-7:00pm Mindful Yoga
with Cristal
8 week series $90
March 4 - April 28 (No class March 10)

Thursday 10-11:15 am Kind Yoga
with Sharon
8 week series $90
March 5 - April 22

Thursday 6-7:15 pm Mindful Yoga
with Sharon
8 week series $90
March 5 - April 22

Click image of schedule to view/print
Koelle and Tony have been thrilled with the participation in the Sunday morning mindfulness meditation Zoom sessions.  In addition to local attendees, it has been a blessing to be able to welcome people from outside of our geographic area.  The discussions have been open and informative, and although each of us misses the in-person connection, we also have sincere gratitude for the ability to stay connected, and to even broaden our connections, using the virtual world! 

Sunday mindfulness meditations and discussions will continue through the month of March from 9am-10am.  Please contact either Koelle (814-937-8018) or Tony (814-935-1185) if you would like to join.  In the meantime, Koelle will continue to post a meditation along with personal insights on mindfulness to the Bloom Yoga & Wellness Facebook page each Sunday morning.  

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