Upcoming Club Member Birthdays... Marcus - March 1st
Larry - March 3rd
Dave McLaughlin - March 6th
Jerry Humitz - March 14th
David Knox - March 17th
Dave Schaible - March 25th
Upcoming Member Join Dates... Gene - 2/22/65, 56 years Brian - 3/1/69, 52 years
Ray - 3/27/80, 41 years
Join us on Thursdays 8 pm EST for Kiwanis, Let's Talk. Here's our schedule for the first 6 weeks.
Participation is free and you can register at https://bit.ly/21KiwanisTalk
Join your fellow Kiwanis members from around the globe! You'll be glad you did! Oh, invite your friends, families and future Kiwanis members, too!
This is a great way to learn more about Kiwanis.
Consider attending the upcoming sessions on March 6th.
Nut Sale Continues! If anyone wants to order cans of nuts feel free to contact a Chelsea Kiwanis member that you know, message us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/kiwanisclubofchelsea, or contact John Knox @ jkknox58@gmail.com.
“Believe, when you are most unhappy, that there is something for you to do in the world. So long as you can sweeten another’s pain, life is not in vain.” – Helen Keller
Some local Kiwanis Club Zoom meeting schedules... feel free to join in when possible
Ann Arbor:
Meets Monday at NOON Join at 11:45
ZOOM # 863 0515 9969
Password 923851
Ann Arbor Western:
Meets Tuesday at NOON
ZOOM # 275 471 6224
Password AAWestern
2019/20 Future Club Programs, meetings and Events Blue Date= Club Meeting,Red Date= Other
March 1 - Club Zoom Meeting followed by a Club Board Meeting March 8 - Club Zoom Meeting March 13 - Spring Divisional, Div 4, 5 & 6 - Virtual. Reserve a spot soon - Nancy March 15 - Club Zoom Meeting March 20 - Chamber of Commerce Event March 22 - Club Zoom Meeting March 29 - Club Zoom Meeting April 10 - Chelsea Expo April 17 - SRSLY Movie Event (Tentative) April 20 - Division 6 Council Meeting - Nancy June 23 - 26 - Kiwanis Convention - Online or In person... Salt Lake City
CHS Key Club - Every other week - Check with Bob for schedule
President John Knox President Elect Secretary Ray Kemner (Since '82) Treasurer Bob Milbrodt (Since '96) Past President Marianne Knox
Jim Randolph (1), Board
Nancy Memmer (1) Board
Lindsay Baker (1) Board
Dave Schaible (2) Board
Larry Memmer (2) Board
Neil Horning (2) Board
Haley Thomsen (2) Board
2019/20 Div 6 & MI DISTRICT
Div 6 Lt Governor Nancy Memmer (Chelsea)
Div 6 Lt Governor-Elect
MI District Governor Fran Babbage (Allen Park)
MI Governor-Elect Rosemary Robinson (Swartz Creek)