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Hi, all, and happy Tuesday!

It's trial day! I don't plan on watching, as I find it intolerable to stomach the GOP members'  lies and misconstruing.

I DO plan on calling.

On that subject: I get lots of people asking me why we bother calling when we have a "good" rep, and why we bother when our rep is "beyond saving." So I made a TikTok to answer the question. It's here if you're interested.

It takes less than 5 minutes to call all 3 reps.

It's easy; it's critical; it's the least we can do.

So let's do it one more time.

Call Your Senators
(find yours here)
Hi, I'm a constituent calling for a couple of reasons today:

First, the Senate has to convict Trump. If they don't, it's only a matter of time until he or someone more capable tries again to overturn a fair election. Our democracy is at risk. It's also critical that the Senate vote to never allow him to hold elected office again.

Second, President Biden and the Senate need to take immediate action to fill the four vacancies on the Postal Board of Governors with diverse, pro-post-office, and community-based members who will fire Louis DeJoy, build back the Postal Service, serve our communities, and heal the USPS. Thanks.

Call Your House Member

(find yours here)
Hi, I'm a constituent calling for a couple of reasons today:

First, I support HR 51 to make the District of Columbia the 51st state in the union. The January 6th coup attempt makes clear that issues like the the inability of city leaders to protect the District in emergencies, let alone taxation without representation, is unacceptable. [H/T]

Second, the House has to pass HR 1 as soon as possible. Without democracy reform and anti-corruption legislation our elections will be permanently taken over by special interests and made unrepresentative by partisan gerrymandering. Please. This has to be a top priority. Thanks.
Extra Credit
Post the below on your social media:
Can you make one call today to help save our democracy? It's easy. And CRITICAL.
Call your lawmakers & say: "I'm a constituent and I want you to pass HR1, the For the People Act."
That's it!
This link will tell you who to call and what their number is.

Something else
From Secure Our Vote and Public Citizen:

Tomorrow, February 10, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) plans to vote on new standards for American voting systems. Please sign onto a letter asking them to restore the ban on wireless in voting machines in the new voting system guidelines. In the weeds but important.

Go here to do so.
(New to Resistbot? Go here)
[to all 3 reps] [H/T]

Hi, I'm writing as a constituent about two separate thing:

First, to urge you to support H.R. 695 /S. 145, the USPS Fairness Act. The Postal Service is a critical part of our public infrastructure and plays a key role in everyday life in America. Requiring the USPS to pre-fund 75 years of retirement costs is an undue burden no other government agency must face.

Second, I also want you to support the Biden-Harris administration’s coronavirus rescue plan. I particularly support
  • Providing at least another $1,400 in direct payments to most Americans, (and)

  • increasing the federal per-week unemployment benefit to $400, (and)

  • increasing the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, (and)

  • extending the eviction and foreclosure moratoriums until at least September 31st, (and)

  • increasing the Child Tax Credit to $3,000 per child.

Congress must provide the relief needed so America can move forward. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Talk tomorrow!
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