Welcome to Dudley Parent Carer Forum.  We are an independent group of parent carers who believe in ‘Aiming For Brighter Futures’ for the children and young people with additional needs and disabilities in Dudley.  

As the officially recognised Parent Carer Forum we try to gather opinions on various aspects of having a child or young person aged 0-25 with additional needs and/or disabilities in Dudley so that we can represent your views. We also aim to share relevant and useful information.

Please enter your details below to join without obligation and receive updates about our activities and opportunities to participate! However much or little you choose to get involved you will be helping to make a difference to the services that matter to our children. 

Parent/Carers - We would like to send you a small joining gift in the post so please ensure you provide your address if you would be happy to receive this.
Parent/Carers of young adults aged 25-30 are still welcome to join us as an Associate Member by please choosing the appropriate option below.

Practitioners in, or serving, Dudley are also entitled to become an Associate Member and keep up to date with our activities.  Please enter your work contact details, not personal ones,

Please email info@dudleyparentcarerforum.co.uk if you have any problems with this form and there is a comments box if there's anything you'd like to tell us also.
* indicates required

Please select all the ways you would like to hear from Dudley Parent Carer Forum and we will contact you in accordance with your wishes:

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