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Carpentries Clippings, 10 February 2021

Tweet of The Week

Stylin my new  @thecarpentries  sweatshirt
Karl Broman @kwbroman
Stylin my new @thecarpentries sweatshirt
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Community News & Updates from Our Committees / Task Forces

Meet our new Workshop Administrator, Danielle Sieh
We are delighted to announce that Danielle Sieh has accepted the job of Workshop Administrator with The Carpentries. Danielle is joining our team of workshop coordinators who manage workshop logistics, communicate with hosts and instructors, and respond to general workshop inquiries.

Read Danielle’s greeting to The Carpentries community.

Carpentries Conversation on Governance with the Executive Council on February 22
On February 22 at 15h00 UTC (check your time) and 22h00 UTC (check your time), The Carpentries Executive Council members will be present for conversation with community members about all things governance in The Carpentries as a community-led organisation. All are welcome to attend, and this will also count towards checkout for those who have just completed Instructor Training and are waiting to be certified as Carpentries Instructors. Sign up in the Community Discussions etherpad to attend.

African Carpentries Community Monthly Meetups
The African Carpentries Community monthly meetups have been running since 2017. Here we discuss topics that are of interest to our instructors in the African context, including available resources, opportunities, events, and more. Join our first session, on 25 February 2021 12:00 - 13:00 SAST/10:00-11:00 UTC. You can signup on our Etherpad.

Skill-up: Serah Rono

Organising virtual community events with accessibility in mind
In this session, we will talk about accessibility with a focus on community events like the workshops you run. We will discuss the responsibility that we as event organisers have towards event attendees, as well as opportunities and challenges that we have faced or can expect to tackle as we prepare to host events, and the resources available to help us as we go along.

Help Inform Translation Priorities for Carpentries Resources
To help inform the efforts of community members interested in translating (i)resources for use in local Carpentries events like CarpentryConnects and (ii) all other resources currently available for the global Carpentries community in English, we request your input on the set of questions and resources featured in this blog post.

Highlights from the Carpentries Community Calendar

Community Discussions and Themed Discussions in The Carpentries are a great way to interact with, learn from and share your knowledge and experiences with other Carpentries community members from around the world. Subscribe to our community calendar for updates on community calls that may pique your interest and are in a befitting hour depending on your timezone and schedule. You can also watch some of our recorded community calls on our YouTube channel.
  • The Carpentries Community Discussion with Preethy Nair: 15 February, 18:00 UTC
  • The Carpentries Community Discussion with Sarah Stevens: 17 February, 15:00 UTC
  • The Carpentries Themed Discussions with The Executive Council: 22 February, 15:00 & 22:00 UTC
  • The Carpentries Community Discussion with Toby Hodges: 23 February, 9:00 UTC

What you may have missed on the blog and mailing lists

Improving Accessibility in The Carpentries
In this blog post, Carpentries Core Team member Serah Rono highlights some of the short and long-term priorities in improving accessibility in The Carpentries along with some places where you can help contribute.

Read Post
Teaching Tips from The Carpentries Instructor Trainers
From Masami Yamaguchi:
"When there is a question raised from a class, I like to open it to the floor for a brainstorming-y discussion as long as time allows. Instructors can give some guidelines and share experiences, but often there is no 'right' answers. Opening to the floor makes participants think and engage them with learning. I feel active learning happens by doing this."

Community Opportunities

Code for Science & Society is Hiring a Program Manager for the Digital Infrastructure Incubator
This position will work on Planning and execution of programming to support a cohort of open source digital infrastructure projects to engage with research and experts. Learn more and apply at the Code for Science & Society Website.

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory is Hiring a Bioinformatics Community Project Manager
This role will work as part of the Bio-IT core team and with stakeholders across all EMBL research units to coordinate new and existing project activities; encourage and empower community members to engage with and contribute to these activities; and develop project strategy. Learn more and apply at the EMBL website.

Xero, an accounting software company, is hiring for several Data positions
Positions include: Data & Software Engineers, Data Scientists, and more. Apply and learn more at the Xero website.

csv,conf,v6 is accepting session proposals for the May 4-5 virtual conference
CSV Conference is a community conference for data makers everywhere that features stories about data sharing and data analysis from science, journalism, government, and open source.

The sixth edition of is set to take place online between May 4 and 5 2021, and the call for session proposals is now open. You can submit session proposals for a 25-minute talk or an hour-long Birds of a Feather session. The deadline for proposal submissions is end of day, anywhere on Earth on February 28 2021.

Carpentries Core Team member Serah Rono recently posted on the Carpentries Topicbox with more information

Code for Science & Society’s Event Fund
Code for Science & Society has now put out  its second call for applications from open data science communities to apply for grants to organise their virtual events! Grant awards range from $5K-20K. Read more and apply for the grant here.

Toolshed (Posts from Our Past)

In February of last year, The Carpentries published a blog post announcing our receipt of the Mozilla Mission Partners grant for work in Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility.
The Carpentries is funded in part by grants and donations, and donating even a small amount can make a big difference - we value all contributions!
Donate to The Carpentries
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