Just 4 more days to sign up for our virtual Model United Nations this Saturday, 2/20 from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM!

With national events and news dominating our lives these days, it will be a nice break to concentrate on international events again for a morning via Zoom when Civitas hosts another High School Model UN session this Saturday. Middle School students are welcome to attend, too. If you participated in the November or December MUN event, you can sign up for the same country. If you do not have a country, just choose one for registration. If it is not available, we will let you know.
Writing a resolution is optional, but encouraged. Send resolutions (due by this Thursday, Feb. 18) to Stephanie via email: gavinstephanie89@gmail.com.
We hope to see you there!
Click here to register.
Saturday February 20; 9:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
High School Model UN -- Spring Session
Click here to register
Saturday, February 27; 11:00 AM - 12:00 Noon
Nicole Rainey of American Civil Liberties Union
Click here to register
Friday, March 5; 3:00 - 6:00 PM
Friday evening Session for Greater St. Louis Model UN
Saturday, March 6; 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Saturday All-Day Session for Greater St. Louis Model UN
Calling for Conversation and Connection
Are you a middle or high school student who enjoys Model United Nations? Or maybe you are especially interested in St. Louis issues? You might also be looking for something fun (and free!) and safe to do on a Friday night and Saturday during a pandemic. We imagine many of our readers will be very interested in a special Greater St. Louis Model UN (GSLMUN) Virtual Conference on Friday evening, March 5 and Saturday, March 6 sponsored by the John Burroughs School Model UN team. Maxine Clark, founder of Build-a-Bear, will be the Keynote Speaker, followed by a “fireside chat” opportunity for student delegates to ask her questions. The conference will include engaging dialogue about the Delmar Divide and Airport Privatization in a simulation that will be a“reimagined version of local government.” Workshops on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will also be part of the weekend experience.
Click here to learn more and register for this FREE, exciting, and unique opportunity!
Civitas will give Game Changer points to any student who attends. You can email us at info@civitas-stl.com with any further questions.
Here is more information from organizer Nathaniel Doty:
Nathanial talking about the GSLMUN
LAST SATURDAY -- Thanks so much to Sky Chadde and Kyle Bagenstose, Pulitzer Center journalists, for a terrific presentation on both COVID-19 in Midwestern Meatpacking plants and life as a journalist

Last Saturday, Civitas students and staff were fortunate to be recipients of terrific presentations from Sky Chadde and Kyle Bagenstose from the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting. Working for the Midwest Center for Investigative Reporting and USA Today, Sky and Kyle have been covering the extraordinary spread of COVID-19 in Midwestern meatpacking plants. The owners of the plants have consistently dragged their feet in implementing safety measures and the federal government under the previous administration did not enforce most existing regulations.
Sky and Kyle initially presented a wealth of information. Then they took terrific questions [Kyle: "I've presented to college journalism classrooms before and they didn't have nearly as many quality questions. Seems like a great bunch of kids."].
We look forward to having Sky and Kyle ZOOM into school classrooms later in the Spring.
Nicole Rainey from ACLU-MO to talk about Civil Liberties Issues
Special Focus on Student Rights

On Saturday, February 27, Nicole Rainey of the American Civil Liberties Union of Missouri will ZOOM with Civitas students to talk about Civil Liberties Issues. The federal government's view of inalienable rights has changed considerably as we have moved from the Trump Administration to the era of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
The ACLU was established in the 19-teens to protect liberties that were threatened by the government overstepping its reach. Many of the causes that it supports are not popular (e.g. advocating for Nazi protestors to have the right to march through a Jewish neighborhood), but they consistently work to protect individual liberties. This is true regarding student rights in school. Nicole will be joined by at least one other attorney from the ACLU-MO.
You can register for the event by clicking here.
After nearly two weeks of temperatures below freezing and a city blanketed in snow, you might be longing for warm, summer days ahead. Predictions of vaccine progress make the summer of 2021 look less restrictive than last summer, meaning more summer options for students looking for challenges and a change in scenery. Below are some programs we feel might interest Civitas students. If one catches your attention, feel free to email us at info@civitas-stl.com and we can nominate or recommend you.
A Model United Nations Camp at Chaminade College Preparatory School--This camp will explore the United Nations, a body founded after the Second World War to “save succeeding generations from the scourge of war.” Using a variety of active learning techniques, students will learn about some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Each student will represent a state in the United Nations General Assembly, conduct research from that state’s perspective on a specific issue, and draft a General Assembly resolution. On the last day of the camp, students will debate and vote on the draft resolutions in a simulation. Sign-ups will be on the Chaminade website soon.
Who? Any students entering grades 7-12
When? June 7-June 10, daily from 9:00 am-12:00 pm
Where? Chaminade College Prep in St. Louis, MO
Questions? Contact Dr. Robert Barnidge at rbarnidge@chaminade-stl.org
Sustainable Development Goals Changemakers Youth Action Program--The purpose of this program is to unite youth together from the St. Louis region to address challenges within the lens of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and equip young people with the tools, resources and relationships to take sustainable action.
Who? Students entering grades 10-12.
When? July 12-16 & July 19-23, 9:00 am-3:00 pm
Where? Innovation Hall @ Cortex Innovation Community & additional field trips to areas in St. Louis
Questions? Click here to visit their website.
Leadership Initiatives Summer Internships--Leadership Initiatives is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that has partnered with outstanding high school students to provide them with hands-on experience that builds their ability to collaborate, communicate, and confidently pursue their futures. Unlike other education programs where simulations are the key component, students intern with real law firms, business development organizations, security agencies, and hospitals to build their resume and their knowledge. This year, they are offering both in-person programs at Georgetown University and virtual internships to ensure all participants can develop their career goals and professional skills in a safe and accessible environment. Programs include Law & Trial, International Leadership & Business, Medical & Public Health, Medical Neuroscience, and National Security & Intelligence.
Who? Students entering grades 9-12
When? Various weeks in July, 2021, depending on program
Where? Georgetown University in Washington D.C. (and remote opportunities)
Questions? Visit their website: https://lichangesummer.org/
Serena Williams plays her second-round match at the Australian Open on Wednesday, February 10. Williams defeated Nina Stojanovic as she continues her hunt for a record-equaling 24th grand slam.Loren Elliott/Reuters
This past week at the United Nations