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Friday 12th February 2021

Hello Parents! You should feel very proud of your children and of yourselves for what has been a difficult start to 2021, but one we have faced together! We've continued to listen and adapt the home learning, introducing additional lessons and challenges this week for Key Stage 2. 

Well done on completing a whole half term of online learning! There has been so much good work to share from the past several weeks, which we will continue to share over half term over on our social media channels.

Enjoy the holiday homework and give Mr Nicholson's challenges a go!

Have a happy and restful half term break, it won't be long until we are all together again.
"Hello boys and girls! Well done for all your hard work this half term! Here are this week's Moz Moments:

Olivia and Coco sending letters and gifts to each other
Brandon helping Henry with his Maths when he has finished his own work
Joshua L's lockdown birthday - he received lots of lovely cards from friends
Harrison baked flapjacks for his elderly neighbours
Jess helped a girl who slipped on the ice outside of the house.
Georgie has been looking after her family as they all share internet, desk space and devices to do their work
Sophia K helping load the washing
Toby unloads the washing and takes his sister's things upstairs
Acacia helping at home and in school
Seb has been baking at home and sharing with his brother Max
Leyton forgot his gloves and Charlotte shared her second pair
All the children in Reception have been helping each other on the zipwire.
All of Form 2 began online lessons in the morning and the children contribute and cope really well with the technology
Mr Laycock wants to thank Mrs Beeson for being so patient and supportive of him this half term - a great team!

Keep all your lovely Moz Moments coming for me to hear about in assembly!"
It's February and there's nowhere to go, we could all do with a bit of good news! We have resource packs from 'The Happy News' full of feel-good facts and space for you to write about your own happy news. Click the below link to download and print off your own Happy Newspaper or ask your class teacher for more information.

Resource Pack
In Times Tables Rock Stars:
Form 3 are the top rockstars this week for highest average minutes and highest average of correct answers. Well done to Jess in Form 5 and Rory in Form 3 for the most points earned.
Modern Foreign Languages

MFL shout outs to Freddie FP, Georgie & Isabelle for being the only people in Form 5 & 6 who have completed all their Spanish and French assignments this week. They have each earned about 8 house points from me! Also huge shout outs to Jacksen and Florence FP who always complete their Language Nut assignments every week and Florence's mum always sends me lovely photos of Florence dancing to the videos I send her. This week I had one of Florence and the dog learning Spanish on Language Nut! 😊👏

Form 5 are currently in the lead on Language Nut with 973,000 points this term with Form 4 a close second. 
Cameron is still at the top of the leaders board with 223,000 points but with Kirk very close on his heels in 2nd place.

- Miss Smith
Marvellous Music
I would like to say a fabulous well done to all of Key Stage 2 for their fantastic Recorder playing this week - I have received some super recordings of their playing.  So much progress is being made!

Special mentions to Harry in Form 3  for his magnificent playing, George P and James in Form 4 for their super Shrimps on Tour, Kirk in Form 5 who always sends me a full recital each week and is playing superbly and Georgie in Form 6 who is just a super musician.

- Mrs Coultas
Amazing Art
Art shout outs to Amelia for her amazing surrealist desert scene, George B, Henry B and Olivia for their Surrealist creatures and Cameron for his Surrealist house. They really captured what surrealism is all about. Also big shout outs to Aaron and Toby in Form 2 for their amazing still life pictures using pointillism.

- Miss Smith
The Independent Schools Association's National Art Final is available to view in their virtual gallery! Marvel at the brilliant work of children from over 500 schools who entered their pupils' creations into the annual competition this year.

We are delighted to have five junior artists featured including Sapphire, Lolah, Kirk, William and Freddie H!
House Point winners this week!

3rd place - Rodney (111)
2nd place - Drake (121)
1st place - Nelson (124)
Well done to all of Nelson House, keep up the great work!
Year totals:
Drake: 580            Nelson: 593            Rodney: 564
As a Microsoft Teams user, you are entitled to all the Office 365 education products for free, courtesy of our school's education accounts. To download Word, Excel, Minecraft and Scratch for Education and more, go to and click on 'Install Office' on the right, then select Office 365 apps. Then when prompted, type in your child's email and password.
Early Years
Early Years have had a great half term and we are looking forward to it continuing for those in next week. We've done lots of exploring and crafting, and have been loving the singing and dancing with Mrs Coultas, focusing on conducting the music along with her!

In Little Adventurers this week, we have been enjoying our Winter topic to the fullest with so much snow and ice!

Love is in the air and we have been decorating buns with pink icing and made lovely heart collages to take home.

Outside, we filled the tuff tray with foam for some messy play and mark making! The foam was like snow which we tossed into the air. Then we decided the foam was milk/cream and whisked it up to make ice-cream - it's never too cold for ice-cream!

We enjoyed trying new foods for Chinese New Year including noodles and prawn crackers.

In Great Explorers this week we have learned about Valentine's Day and we have made lots of treats - letter bugs, Valentine's cards and decorated heart biscuits. We have also sorted hearts numbered 1-12 and found the relating quantity of stones and leaves!

We have painted and drawn wonderful pictures and used red rice to measure capacity to celebrate Chinese New Year!

We have learned the letter 'p' this week and thought of lots of words beginning with 'p' - peg, pink, pants, pop!
We are closed for half term next week except for children who attend for 50 weeks of the year.

If you still have your child's learning journey, could this be brought in next week please. Please could we also ask for spare socks and gloves to be sent in as we are having lots of fun splashing in puddles and playing in the cold and want to ensure we're all kept warm and dry! Thank you!


Reception have loved learning all about Chinese New Year this week and have made a Dragon head which they danced a Chinese New Year dance to. They learnt that they were either goats or monkeys and they found out what that meant.

They wrote some lovely Chinese New Year sentences. We listened to Chinese stories and stories from around the world and we learnt how to be kind and gentle like the Rabbit in the Moon and give a little bit of ourselves to those who don't have.

In Maths we learnt about odds and even and tried to identify odd and even numbers as well as doubling, halving and sharing equally. We enjoyed doing Cosmic Yoga where we met Cracker the dragon and went to a land of wonder.

Today we have thought about Valentine's Day and those we love and have decorated some heart biscuits to take home.
Form 1
This week Form One started by comparing The Koala who Could with Be Brave Little Penguin. The children compared and contrasted the books and showed amazing insight into both characters and setting.

We then progressed and looked at what a diary entry is and what we need to write a really good one. Some children wrote about a day in Kevin the Koala's life and other chose Pip the Penguin. The children's work was like reading the events had really happened with amazing adjectives included.

In Maths we are now masters at knowing how much each number up to 50 is made with our improved knowledge of tens and ones.

In Science the children had to create an experiment to find out which material would be the best alternative for an umbrella. The children set up the equipment and made sure it was a fair test. They gave excellent reasons why some materials were more suitable than others.
Form 2

Even though it has been the final week of the term,  Form 2 have continued to maintain their strong work ethic and have consistently produced a high standard of work.

In Maths this week we have been focusing on dividing by 2, 5 and 10 as well as looking at odd and even numbers. The children have been using a variety of methods to solve division problems including: sharing and grouping as well as using representations such as arrays and number lines. Towards the end of the week the children challenged themselves further by using the inverse to check their answers and to solve missing number problems. Their recall of both division and multiplication facts has astounded Mrs Neild, many of the children expressing that they have remembered them from using Times Tables Rock Stars! Great work Form 2!

In English we have continued to look at the book ‘Diary of a Wombat’ by Jackie French using our inference skills to explore the events in the story from the viewpoint of different characters. Some of the children had the opportunity to ‘hotseat’ as the characters whilst the rest of the class asked them open ended questions to find out what their character thought and felt about particular situations. This culminated in the children writing their own diary entry detailing Mothball the Wombats escapades from the viewpoint of the family using first person and past tense.

In Science, we completed our topic on ‘Everyday materials’ by looking at individuals who had invented new materials. One such person is John McAdam who developed a new method for building roads, a process which is still utilised today. The children completed some fantastic fact files on John McAdam detailing his life and the significance of his invention.

Form 2 have maintained high levels of motivation throughout the term and continue to amaze me with the effort they put into each and every lesson. Enjoy the half term break Form 2!

Form 3

Form 3 finished rounded off the half term by completing ‘The Hodgeheg’ by Dick King Smith. We were all delighted to find that Max our ‘hodgeheg’ found a safe place to cross the busy road and the whole family and Uncle B were able to enjoy an adventure to the park. Everyone was brilliant at being reading detectives finding evidence in the text to answer comprehension questions.
We made masks and had fun using them in role play activities including an interview with Pa hedgehog about his neighbour. This activity led to some super character descriptions. We finished the week by imagining what could happen next and WOW there was some fabulous creative writing that we shared with each other.
In Maths we have been subtracting money using different strategies, calculating change by pretending we were in a restaurant (remember those?!) ordering from a menu and working out the correct change. Then we completed a mini assessment of the work we have covered in our money topic.
In Science we planned and carried out an investigation to find out how water evaporates. 
In RE the children explored how food is used in religious celebrations with focus on the Hindu celebration of Diwali. The children designed a new sweet for a religious celebration, selecting ingredients, illustrating and labelling the new sweet with recipe instructions.
All this hard word was finished off with ‘Friday Fun Day’ to celebrate a fabulous half term.  We enjoyed bingo and a quiz with questions created by the children and 2 Lies /1 Truth game..
Form 3 & 4 screamed their cries for help to warriors as Boudicca!
Form 4

In English, we have finished our fairytales module and have now been working on non-chronological reports through various texts, looking at the definitions of words and technical vocabulary.

Our Maths this week has been all about reading as we have been interpreting and designing bar charts, pictograms and line graphs.

In Learning Challenge we were following Boudicca to the Battle of Watling Street and finding out what happened to her. We hope you enjoy the fantastic rallying calls by the children addressing warriors as Boudicca!

It was lovely to have an extra member of Form 4 join us this week to try out the live lessons on Wednesday who joined in with the English and Maths!

Many of you joined in with the additional afternoon challenges this week, enjoying methodical football with Mr Wilce and a Science experiment with Miss Gresswell!
Form 5
Form 5 have had a fantastic final week heading into the half term break.

In English we have been looking at the music video ‘Titanium’ by David Guetta and SIA, to strengthen our use of complex sentences and figurative language. The class had to write a prequel to the video.

We have been using skills around converting in Maths, practising with improper and mixed fractions to problem solve finding fractions of amounts.

Just like our weekly bingos, we love a bit of competition in Form 5. We took part in a Light and Shadow ‘Who Wants To Be a Millionnaire’ and then designed scientific informative posters.

And in our Learning Challenge, continuing with 'What lies beneath?' the children researched the discovery of Tutankhamun.
Form 6

Year 6’s adventure this half term has come to a finale in space during this week’s English lesson. We have studied Tim Peake’s missions to space and written diary entries about his time on the International Space Station. We have also learnt about some of the women who worked in NASA, such as Katherine G. Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson and their struggles for equal treatment.

In mathematics we have been exploring different methods for solving arithmetic questions. The year 6’s have shown some particularly impressive multiplication and long division skills. Check out Kitty and Layla’s amazing work. 

We ventured out to the Bermuda Triangle in this week ‘What Lies Beneath?’ Learning Challenge lesson. We learnt about the famous mysterious cases and created timelines to help us try and solve some of the mysteries. Finally, we researched different theories about what causes theses mysteries in the famous Bermuda Triangle.

In RE we finished our exploration of freedom and justice by creating our own comic strips highlighting the role of justice and freedom in the exodus story. 

In PHSE we have been learning about how to keep our money safe, an essential skill before we head to our secondary schools. We have looked at how we can use banks and financial help lines to ensure we keep our money safe and know how to spot unsafe transactions. 

In our final science lesson of the half term, we have stayed a little closer to home and examined the movement of the earth. We have looked at how this effects the seasons and the daylight hours. 

Commendations were presented this morning in our assembly with Mr Martin. Our normal assemblies take place in the hall on Friday mornings, where parents and grandparents are welcome. We are so impressed with you all! You are putting in top effort and really impressing us with your work.

Reception - Maya C who has made Mrs Hudson smile and laugh over the last few weeks with her online videos and storytelling. We meet on Teams once a day and she is doing incredibly well with her home learning and loves to tell me what she has been up to. I have been super impressed with her attitude to everything for such a young girl. 
Form 1 -  Charlotte H who has demonstrated all that she has learnt with every piece of work she has completed, which has been amazing.  Everything has just clicked into place for her and she has amazed me with her progress.
Form 2 - Edward D for completing tasks to a consistently high standard and showing a thirst for learning by completing additional independent practise.
Form 3 - Joshua L for a positive, enthusiastic attitude throughout this half term and producing work that he can be very proud of.
Form 4 - Henry D for the resilience he has displayed throughout the half term in challenging circumstances.
Form 5 - Freddie FP for showing great resilience in his online learning.
Form 6 - Gracie D for brilliant work in school and at home. She always pushes her self to complete challenges in maths which stretch her abilities and she has been a house point machine this half term!  
Well done!
Remember our VE Day celebration back in May? The lyrics to We'll Meet Again are still so relevant today. Our video has been viewed over 1,000 times and shared by ITV Calendar news! Well done!

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Thank you in advance.

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