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Birthing People Behind Bars:
Exposing Forced Sterilizations in State Prisons

Thursday, April 15, 2021
6:00 PM - 8:15 PM PT


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News and Updates


Our Journey Towards Reproductive Justice: The Story of the SOLARS Study
- Watch the full event

Fatal Police Violence Impacts the Health of Black Infants 
- Read more about the new study

Ask JAMA to Stop Perpetuating Racism in Medicine 
- Sign the petition

Choosing to Challenge:  
What International Women's Day means to Associate Director, Solaire Spellen

Team Spotlights

PTBi Fellow Awarded UCSF Faculty Position 
Congrats, Dr. Tesfalul!

PTBi's New Fresno Community Engagement Associate, Kendalyn Mack-Franklin 

Get Involved!

  • Oakland BIPOC preemie parents, earn $50 to share your experiences about your financial support while pregnant.
    Join our Benioff Community Innovator Oakland Listening Circles and share your experiences with financial support while pregnant and birthing during a zoom session. We are providing a $50 gift card for participation and the listening session will take place on Zoom.
    Sign up!
  • Black NICU parents, earn $75 and share your breastfeeding, chestfeeding, and lactation experiences.
    Do you identify as Black/African American and currently have an infant(s) in the NICU or recently had an infant(s) in the NICU? Do you want to share your breastfeeding, chest feeding, and lactation experiences in the NICU? Please consider joining our Black-led NICU Research Study.
    Learn More!
  • Prenatal providers and Black parents, earn up to $105 to share your perceptions on pregnancy supplements including aspirin.
    The Pregnancy, Race, and Aspirin - eXploration of Individuals’ Stances (PRAXIS) Study is using online surveys and virtual interviews to learn about knowledge of and perspectives toward aspirin and other medication and supplement use in pregnancy among prenatal care providers and Black women and birthing persons. Please consider joining our Black-led Research Study.
    Learn More!
  • Pregnant women and birthing people, earn up to $550 to share your pregnancy experiences during the pandemic.
    The HOPE COVID-19 Study is looking at how the virus that causes COVID-19 and factors associated with the pandemic like stress and social distancing might affect a woman or birthing person's risk for certain kinds of adverse pregnancy outcomes, like preterm birth and preeclampsia, as well as newborn and infant health.
    Learn More!

PTBi in the News

Save the Date

  • Black Maternal Health Week April 11 –17
    The fourth annual national Black Maternal Health Week (BMHW) campaign, founded and led by the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, will be a week of awareness, activism, and community building.

Recent Publications

Occurrence of fatal police violence during pregnancy and hazard of preterm birth in California. Dana Goin, Anu Manchikanti Gomez, Kriszta Farkas, Catherine Duarte, Deborah Karasek, Brittany D. Chambers, Andrea V. Jackson, Jennifer Ahern  

The Last Word

Our hearts are heavy with sadness and anger for the families who lost loved ones in the Atlanta attacks and for the countless other members of the Asian and Pacific Islander communities who have been and continue to be subject to senseless harassment and violence. We continue to stand in solidarity with the AAPI community and all people subjected to racism. 

White supremacy is the real enemy. 

To all of our AAPI friends and colleagues, particularly those who are pregnant, we know all too well the stress these events can bring. Please try to prioritize self-care. To those who aren't AAPI, we urge you to check in on your AAPI friends, offer support and seek ways to help stop Anti-Asian racism and violence. 

Learn more
Please contact us with any questions:
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The Preterm Birth Initiative · 3333 California St. · Suite 285 · San Francisco, CA 94118 · USA