Clarify the line between home and work
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How to help remote employees stay engaged
Higher levels of remote work have blurred the definition of business hours. But whether you’re working from home or still in your regular workplace, there are ways to clarify the line between work and home life. 

This is especially true for managers and supervisors, who should consider the following:
  • Set communication expectations: Are employees required to respond to messages or phone calls received after-hours? 
  • Set an example: As a leader, do you set a good example by setting and keeping boundaries?
  • Take your time: Vacation time is as important as ever. Encourage employees to take time off to disconnect from work.
  • Indicate importance: In emails, consider using the subject line to communicate the urgency of your message (i.e. “Needs attention” or ”non urgent”).
  • Promote breaks: Remind hourly employees to take their breaks including uninterrupted lunchtime.
Encouraging a daily routine and a familiar work environment also helps employees set boundaries and feel engaged. Find more tips on

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