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BeJS Newsletter#50

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Hello BeJS community, we hope everyone is fine and staying safe :)

Unfortunately this is going to be the last BeJS Newsletter: The main goal for which I started this project is to gain visibility and create a community, that would help me organise an international conference in the coming years. Unfortunately this project is not evolving and I am stuck with the same amount of subscribers I had when I launched this newsletter :(. For those reasons I decided to stop this newsletter and focus on creating my own blog and my own articles. I'll keep you posted about that don't worry... See ya...

BeJS#11 was a balst!

Lumberjack's extensible architecture and cross-version Angular compatibility( By @LayZeeDK)

Lumberjack is a versatile and extensible logging library for Angular. Its plugin-based architecture and cross-version compatibility with Angular and TypeScript enables features to be released across many versions of Angular and many log driver plugins from a single codebase. We use the builder pattern to compose log objects and provide low level building blocks as well as opinionated means for structuring Angular application logs.
Watch the recording

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TypeScript Function Syntaxes

The syntax for various functions and function types in TypeScript with simple examples.

Interview with Ryan Dahl, Creator of Node.js

Ryan Dahl is a software engineer and the original developer of the Node.js, and the Deno JavaScript and TypeScript runtime. This interview is about his projects, the main challenges in Deno, his thoughts on the future of JavaScript and TypeScript, the third-party Deno ecosystem projects and how he would have changed his approach to Node.js if he could travel back in time!

Understanding Z-Index in CSS

A visual guide on how z-index and stacking contexts work in CSS.

Faster JavaScript calls

JavaScript allows calling a function with a different number of arguments than the expected number of parameters, i.e., one can pass fewer or more arguments than the declared formal parameters. The former case is called under-application and the latter is called over-application...

Announcing Vite 2.0

Vite (French word for "fast", pronounced /vit/) is a new kind of build tool for frontend web development. Think a pre-configured dev server + bundler combo, but leaner and faster.

Listify a JavaScript Array

Make a human readable list from an array in JavaScript.

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