Hi <<First Name>>,

SOOOO looking forward to tomorrow! See you here at 12pm EST.

I also wanted to remind you to ensure that the below dates are in your calendar - and that you've communicated to whomever you need to communicate with to ensure these dates at 12pm EST remain available to you. 

April 6
May 4
June 1
July 6
August 3

As I shared on Friday in my voice note, there's so much beautiful stuff coming through for our journey together. As a starting place, we're going to deepen into the themes this past Full Moon highlighted. If you haven't read that email, you can read it here. Also, the soul share I posted today touches on these themes, too - you can read that here.

We'll dive into all of this and more tomorrow, but I wanted to plant these seeds and offer this theme to your heart in anticipation of tomorrow.

Sending much love and look so forward to seeing you tomorrow, 

I'd love to hear from you! Be in touch anytime any shares, questions or comments -

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Catherine Cowan · 9 McIntosh Gate · Collingwood, ON L9Y 5B6 · Canada