
Let go of your attachment to being right, and suddenly your mind is more open
~ Ralph Martson

Welcome to the 40th edition of the MayWeather Newsletter series, a weekly newsletter where I share my thoughts and new ideas on things that I learn on personal productivity; somewhere between due diligence, good thinking and note-taking.

<<First Name>>,

I realized one of the toughest decisions I’ve ever had to make is to let go of every emotional attachment I had to my work. It’s easy to say that I’d just let go, move forward and forget about it when the piece of work is just there but it doesn’t really work that way when the said piece of art or creativity is the talk of your world.
How then do we say: let go of the fact that your name is written in gold in the hall of fame? Feels like crack, right?
In the phases of life, varying experiences are imminent: the good, bad, ugly and then life! Since this is the case, why will you choose to place a ban and limit on how far you can reach? You wrote the finest article on Marketing in Africa and everyone seemed to clone your template, why stop there when you can recreate the magical wand of you in the subject of Public Policies?
It breaks my heart to see that we project letting go to be only valid when you hang on to negative experiences when it remains a stronghold in the minds of potential disruptors.  When you hit the gold mine, acknowledge it: bask in the euphoria and live in the moment but most importantly, the next step is to invest the way forward: the past is over.

  • Where do you want to go now and how do you plan to get there?
  • What new projects are you taking on and how do you intend the onboard the responsibilities and challenges that accompany such decisions?
Merely thinking about these unlocks possibilities in your mind. (Bringing the ideas to fruition is another ball game entirely)
However, when you conquer your world, an integral part of doing more is in training your mind to move in a new direction. It is a priceless opportunity: a one – way ticket to move forward.
Just before you ask if my name has even been written in gold in the hall of fame, take this as a side gist from me: a note to myself.

Weekly Thread of Wisdom 
  1. You cannot call people to where you are not. You cannot give what you do not have.
  2. Life changing ideas are contrarian enough to give you insights but not so contrarian that they bother you.
  3. Pay attention to the questions that inspire you and captivate you. These are seemingly complex issues that don't have simple answers. These are questions that will drive your learning.
  4. Words are powerful! We tend to remember what people say years after: a sincere, personal, specific compliment is one of the strongest motivators you can give people.
Book Review
Show Your Work
Austin Kleon

This author in his timeless piece expounded on ten revolutionary ideas that every artist can use to share their creativity with the world.

While artists struggle to share their works because of the expectations from fans and admirers; everything must be perfect, Kleon advises artists not to wait until they are experts before they start sharing. It's encouraging to know that amateur artists can share their imperfect works with the world, so they can find their voice in the process. 

*Artist is a broad word used for writers, actors, poets, graphic illustrators, singers, and other creatives.

In Closing 
I am rooting for you as always. 

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