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Cancel your cable, Grimerica goes to Rokfin

     With 4 YouTube strike on two channels over the last couple weeks we have had to make some adjustments in our approach to video.  Moving forward Grimerica Outlawed  and controversial Grimerica Show live streams will be streamed and uploaded on Rokfin, for free.  Rokfin also offers $10 USD dollar a month subscriptions to access all premium content on their site, including Sam Tripoli's Zero, The Propaganda Report and more.  
                   In order to facilitate the move to Rokfin we started a brand new video show called Grimerica Goes Deep for premium Rokfin subscribers.  If your'e already subscribed to Rokfin you already get it!  If you want to sign up for Rokfin,a new YouTube alternative, please do so through our landing page so we get credit, Another way to support the show!


                 Grimerica Goes Deep will consist of 6 episode seasons featuring deep dives on various topics. We're starting with Ancient Mysteries and Lost Civilizations and then moving on to Climate Change and have some great guests lined up.  Randall Carlson joins us for episode #1 - Atlantis.
#479 - Adam Drissi
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Adam Drissi aka Aeon Animus from our chats joins us about a grand book he has put together called Eden and Entheogens – Psychedelic History from the Bronze Age to the 1960’s.
Latest Audiobooks
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Full 2 hours interviews and extra episodes.
#8 - Dr. Judy Mikovits
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Dr. Judy Mikovits joins us for a great chat about the current Covid situation, the Plandemic, masks and vaccines and the whole shabang
Sign up for Grimerica Outlawed Plus and get access to Grimerica Reads, featuring lengthy articles read to you, by Graham.
Graham Emails The Alberta Gov (and they respond)
From: Alberta Health Operations <>
Date: February 18, 2021 at 10:51:12 AM MST
To: Graham Dunlop <>
Cc: Alberta Health Operations <>
Subject: FW:  Open up, no masks
Dear Graham,
Thank you for your email to the Ministry of Health regarding PCR testing. Alberta Health is pleased to provide the following information.
In the case of COVID-19, the PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test used in Alberta has been confirmed to be highly specific for SARS-CoV-2. It does not react to other viruses, even other coronaviruses. Testing for COVID-19 in Alberta is performed using a real-time reverse transcriptase PCR assay developed at the Alberta Precision Laboratories (APL) and validated by the Canada National Microbiology Laboratory. APL has evaluated the risk of false positives by testing samples known to be negative for COVID-19, in order to confirm that the standard testing procedure will not generate a positive result in these cases. Based on the evaluations that APL has carried out, false positive results occur very rarely. To minimize the potential impact of the occasional false positive result, public health instructions take into account the context surrounding the individual such as presence and type of symptoms and the likelihood of exposure to COVID-19.
It is important to understand that the total number of cycles required to establish that a PCR result is positive is specific to each test platform and can range from 15 to 45 cycles. Cycle test (Ct) values from one test platform cannot be used to interpret results or assess test performance on a different platform. Ct values are based on the number of PCR cycles that it takes to cross a threshold of fluorescence in the assay. This pre-determined threshold level of fluorescence is established during test development by using known positive and negative samples to ensure that the cycle threshold is not so low that positives are missed and not so high that negative samples are wrongly identified as positives. This pre-determined threshold varies between assays. In Alberta, there are a number of tests being used and each test and PCR target has its own specific Ct cut-off.  
About your question on counting COVID deaths, A COVID-19 death is defined as a death resulting from a probable or confirmed COVID-19 case, unless there is a clear alternative cause of death identified (e.g. trauma, poisoning, drug overdose). This includes deaths where cause of death was due to COVID-19 or COVID-19 was a contributing factor. There are instances where an individual dies with COVID-19 but not from COVID-19 – these individuals would be counted as a case of COVID-19 but they would not be included in the number of deaths due to COVID-19.
The situation with COVID-19 continues to evolve, and the Government of Alberta is updating public health orders, guidance and recommendations continuously based on evidence and the expert advice of our public health officials. You are encouraged to visit regularly for the most up-to-date information.
Thank you again for writing.
Alberta Health Emergency Operations Centre

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