
February 2021
We are pleased to announce that the Republic of Korea will host the 2021 Open Government Partnership (OGP) Global Summit in Seoul and virtually from December 13-17, 2021. Details regarding the Summit format, registration, call for proposals for the agenda, and more will be announced soon. Learn more here.

Democracy Beyond the Ballot Box: The Biden Imperative

By Sanjay Pradhan, OGP

OGP's Chief Executive Officer Sanjay Pradhan discusses how U.S. President Joe Biden can leverage OGP to renew democracy at home and abroad. Read it here.

Overcoming Women’s Barriers to Participating in Entrepreneurship and Public Procurement in Africa

By Ruth Namara, Bo Rosenfelt Clausen and Gilbert Sendugwa, Africa Freedom of Information Centre (AFIC)

Economically empowering women is essential to achieving gender equality, yet many women are excluded from public procurement processes. See how AFIC and regional partners are removing barriers through their Feminist Open Government Initiative work here.

Strengthening Citizen Engagement During a Pandemic: A Look at São Paulo, Brazil

By Henrique Goes and Lucilla Dias, City of São Paulo

At the outset of the pandemic, the City of São Paulo launched Participe+ to increase public participation in policies that affect all of the city's residents. Learn more here.

Open Gov Week is May 17-21. Register your events here.

Trump’s Pardons and Putin’s Palace Show Why Biden Must Tackle Corruption at Home and Abroad

By Joe Powell, OGP

To save democracy at home, and build a stronger global coalition of democratic allies, we must ensure that financing for authoritarianism is made ever harder. Read about the need to fight corruption at the highest levels of government here

Plus, read Joe’s letter to the Financial Times about Biden’s democracy summit here.

Debt Transparency: An Open Government Solution to Mitigating Debt Crises

By Jessica Hickle, OGP

Growing debt over the last two decades has left many resource-rich African countries on the verge of debt crises. See why debt transparency matters and how open government approaches can help tackle the challenges related to hidden debts here.

A Stronger Post-Pandemic Africa Requires Crucial Governance Reforms

By Sanjay Pradhan, OGP and Eddy Maloka, Africa Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) for The Daily Maverick

Sanjay and Eddy discuss why leveraging platforms like OGP and APRM is crucial to tackling COVID-19 in Africa and building an even stronger community of open gov reformers. Read it here.

Corruption remains a major obstacle to achieving the SDGs. Join OGP and Pathfinders for Peaceful, Just and Inclusive Societies March 2-3 to discuss current progress in the fight against corruption and identify opportunities for collaboration, political leadership and country-level action. Register here.

Mainstreaming Gender, Diversity, and Inclusion in Open Government 

By Florencia Cavalli Duran and Karina Kalpschtrej, Poder Ciudadano

We know that corruption, lack of transparency and accountability have a higher negative impact on marginalized groups like women and LGBTQIA+ people. Read why and how we can mainstream gender and diversity perspectives in open government policies here.

#DigitalAgainstCOVID19 Innovation Challenge: Meet the Finalists

See how the four finalists of Asian Development Bank (ADB) and OGP's recent innovation challenge are using digital technology to strengthen the monitoring of COVID-19-related spending and improve feedback mechanisms here.

Careers and Opportunities

Americas Country Support Consultant: OGP’s Country Support team is looking for a consultant to support member countries in the Americas with their OGP process. Spanish and English fluency required. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2021.

Request for Proposals: OGP Signature Stories – Video and Photography: OGP is seeking professional services to capture people, places, and events for OGP’s storytelling platform on open governance globally. The last day to submit an RFP is March 19, 2021.

Communications Officer: OGP is looking to add a creative, strategic communicator to its growing team. This position will eventually be based in OGP’s Brussels, London or Berlin offices, but is currently 100 percent virtual. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.

The World of #OpenGov

- A new report from Results for Development shares evidence and experience-informed recommendations on media engagement throughout the OGP process.

- In the latest episode of Pod Save the World, hosts Tommy Vietor and Ben Rhodes discuss the value of open government.

- Are you working to fulfill a social impact mission and bring about more transparency, accountability, and civic participation in the world? Join nearly 50 other orgs in a brand-new, bigger and brighter, COVID-safe space. See a sneak peek of member benefits here.

- Explore how internationally recognized data standards can tackle low levels of data disclosure and ineffective monitoring mechanisms that further encourage corruption in this report on Mega Sport Event infrastructure.

- Is COVID-19 all bad for democracy? Listen to the first Democracy Debate hosted by Carnegie Europe, the European Partnership for Democracy and the Open Governance Network for Europe – a joint initiative of OGP and DemSoc – here

- The European Democracy Hub brings together analysts and reformers engaged with EU democracy support and democratic challenges in Europe. Find events, articles, papers and more here.

- Warren Krafchik (IBP) and Leslie Lang Tsai (Chandler Foundation) share five tools for reducing corruption during COVID-19.

- If you missed our recent webinars about the IRM Refresh products, watch the recordings here.

- Maha Jweied shares successes and strategies in advancing access to justice during the Obama-Biden years and the benefits to government in participating in the global movement on justice. 

- Integrity Action invites you to a webinar to learn more about their research on sustaining the impact of social accountability initiatives. Register here

- Explore France’s new digital diplomacy project that allows you to find your digital service provider’s ToS and track their changes. 

In this blog, the government of Argentina reflects on how their year as co-chairs of OGP impacted the open government agenda in the country and the opportunities they can leverage to strengthen the agenda further in 2021. 

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