[Image of Carl]

Welcome to Newsletter #181

A bunch of tales I wanted to share with you

A tale I read

This Love by Hollie McNish
[This Love by Hollie McNish]

A tale I heard

Poet Rob Auton on the book that made the biggest impact on his life:

"I read a biography of Spike Milligan and that had a big impact on me. There’s a black and white photograph in it of him playing the trumpet with his eyes shut and underneath there’s a caption that reads ‘Very rare - truly happy.’ I was surprised at how those four words hit me and kept hitting me. Before that, I hadn’t realised that people could feel that way but it helped me come to terms with the fact that I was one of them. It made me wonder if a lot of other people feel the same way or if I was one of the unlucky ones."

A tale I saw

Potato by John Hegley

A tale I wrote

There's a dog in my house
that talks if you press
one of the buttons
on its ears or paws or chest.
Heart, it says,
if you press its chest.
My heart is blue, it says, 
if you press its chest again. 
I don't know what it says 
if you press its chest a third time.

A tail I like

[A tail I like]
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