
Winter 2021  |  Week 9: March 1-5

Chapel Online
Pastor Ruby Varghese

Amplify Youth & College-aged Ministries, Quest Church

View this week's Chapel (live Tuesday at 10:30 a.m.)
Chapel schedule for upcoming information
UMin YouTube to subscribe and for past Chapels
Lenten Stories
Follow UMin on Instagram throughout Lent for weekly scripture readings and stories from SPU students about how they are being stretched in this season.

Season of Saturday Declaration Tree
During Lent we are curating online space for communal practices of confession, lament, repentance, and renewal. You are invited to participate by submitting your note of "declaration" for the online tree.
Sharpen Grab & Go Lunch
Wed, March 3 |  12 -1 p.m. | Eaton Breezeway

Commuter, CHA, transfer students, and off-campus students, come through for a grab-and-go lunch as you make your way to class. We'll be in the Eaton Hall Breezeway. Please keep a six-foot distance and wear face coverings when you come through. Follow us on Instagram for more information.
Barnabas Servant Leadership Scholarship
Nominations due March 5 | Nomination Form
Nominate a current SPU junior student who demonstrates Christian character, has made a commitment to on- or off- campus service, shows a willingness to take on tasks regardless of recognition or challenge, and demonstrates leadership. The recipients of this scholarship receive a $750 cash grant and a $250 contribution in their name to a charity of their choice. Use the online nomination form.
Perkins Center Prize
Entries due April 2 | Prize Information
The John Perkins Center is hosting this annual writing competition for students enrolling at SPU. The Prize honors the legacy of Dr. John Perkins' work in reconciliation and Christian Community Development. Entries are due by April 2, 2021. Winners will receive $1,000 SPU tuition scholarships. Visit the Prize web page for detailed information.
Urban Plunge
April 9-11 and 16-18  |  Application
Join an immersive experience designed to help students gain perspective in proximity to Seattle's issue of homelessness. Students are invited to experience some of the challenges the homeless population of Seattle face on a daily basis, while learning how local service agencies and others engage in supporting the people who face these compounding challenges. Urban Plunge will take place April 9-11 and April 16-18 over the course of two weekends during Spring Quarter. Apply today!

For more information about Urban Plunge, UI student contact Kellie Cobb.

JPC Drop-In Time
2nd & 4th Tuesdays  |  12 - 1:30 p.m.  |  Zoom
Join the John Perkins Center staff for an informal drop-in space over Zoom, where we can be community together.

Upcoming Date: March 9

Group Evening Worship

Wednesdays  |  8 p.m.  |  Instagram
Join Group on Instagram on Wednesday evenings for mini-worship sessions, short devotionals, reflections, and art. This worship space is designed for students and led by students.  We would love for you to join us!

Chat with Campus Pastors & UMin Team

Need to process or want to talk about faith, relationships, or just about life? The UMin Team of campus pastors and staff would love to connect with you. Contact us and we'll be in touch!

3307 3rd Ave. W.
Seattle, WA 98119-1950, U.S.A.

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