
2021 Newsletter Term 1, Week 6

Parkes Christian School

A Message from the Primary Coordinator

People are the key, Jesus is the example.

Over the last six weeks the PCS staff have been a feature in each newsletter. This getting to know us section has been great to learn about individuals favourite school memories, fun facts about them and their favourite verse or quote.  

Last week I learnt that Mrs Watt was home schooled for her primary school years and Mr Quince won a piano eisteddfod. Both pieces...

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Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged,
for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

School News
Year 3 Art
Move over Vincent van Gogh, Year 3 are creating their own amazing art works. This is our take on Vincent van Gogh's sunflowers.
Mrs King
Year 6
Year 6 has had an amazing start to the year, with getting to know each other and doing some great work. 
Our class motto is: Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. He is our True North. As we learn more about Jesus by reading the gospels, we aim to make His ways, our ways. We aim to be true, kind and loving to others just as Jesus is to all humanity.
We have already been working on increasing our English skills by writing recounts that include vivid descriptions, imagery and figurative language such as: 'Its fur was soft and silky almost like clouds had been stuck to its body.' and 'He was as scared as a cat being chased by a hungry dog.' In Maths we have used different strategies for addition and subtraction, we have read and understood timetables and timelines, compared fractions and conducted probability experiments. In History we have linked the colonisation of Australia to the Industrial Revolutions as well as researching the poor living conditions of convicts and the impact of colonisation on the Aboriginals. We have also been working on our drawing and tennis skills.
So far the Year 6 classroom has been a busy place and we look forward to spending the rest of the year learning and supporting each other.
Mrs Berry
Year 7 Biblical Studies
Year 7 have made a great start in our Biblical Studies Lessons. We started the year by viewing a very helpful video which gave us an insightful glimpse into the structure of the Bible. We were able to focus in on the fact that although the Bible... continue reading...
Student Representative Council

Name: Laura Rusten
Class: Year 12
Quote to live by: “In the end we only regret the opportunities we didn’t take”
Person who inspires you the most and why: My family inspires me because I watch them succeed one day and fail the next and they always continue going forward without hesitation. 
What do you want to see happen at PCS in 2021: I would like to see more lunch activities involving teachers.

What is your definition of leadership: Leadership is showing the path to success and helping others to get there, not by doing it for them but by guiding them to it.
What is something that you want people to know about you: I’m not shy, I just don’t talk much. 
Favourite thing about school: Everyone gets along, everyone enjoys each other's company and that there is very rarely any conflict between peers. PCS is an enjoyable placed to be, filled with happiness. 

Name: Thomas Unger
Class: Year 12
Quote to live by: You’ll never regret having a crack.
Person who inspires you the most and why: I like reading the stories of soldiers trapped behind enemy lines with all the odds stacked against them, facing exhaustion, injury and fatigue, all while evading capture. It's amazing to see what people are capable of if they are determined enough. The fact that they can push themselves to their mental and physical limits when it would be so easy to just give up really shows you are always able to push yourself just a little bit more.
What do you want to see happen at PCS in 2021: I want school to be a more enjoyable place where students look forward to going to.
What is your definition of leadership: A leader is someone who not only takes responsibility of themselves but also takes the responsibility of the people around them. Treating others with respect and being a person of integrity are the two important qualities in becoming a leader. 
What is something that you want people to know about you: I’ll probably stop mid-conversation to look up at a plane flying overhead, especially if it's a cool sounding one.
Favourite thing about school: Such a friendly culture at school, and teachers that put in extra effort so students can experience things that most other schools couldn’t dream of. 

Garden Seedlings Wanted!
The PCS Agriculture classes are collecting the Woolworths Discovery Garden seedlings. If you shop at Woolworths and you do not plan to grow the seedlings at home the Agriculture students would love to grow them in our school garden. 
Please drop the seedlings into Miss Barrass in the Library. 
Crusaders Camp Excursion
Year 7 and 8 had a wonderful time at the Crusaders Camp at Lake Macquarie last week.
The camp is right on the shore of the lake, with million dollar views from the dining hall and fantastic, modern facilities.
The students were able to have a range of experiences they would never be able to have here in Parkes, including rock climbing, abseiling, sailing, canoeing, and raft building. Another highlight of the trip involved going fishing, with Mr Wynstra naturally catching the biggest fish of the day with his first cast!
There were also night activities which involved all sorts of games and a pirate treasure hunt that involved the teachers dressing up as pirates and creating all sorts of weird and wonderful challenges. Following the fun and games, the camp leaders took the students into small groups for Christian Discovery sessions and also talked the students about their Christian walks.
The food was magnificent, with all the students enjoying some fantastic meals, and the camp leaders did a wonderful job making all the activities fun, safe and educational.
All the students had a great time, consolidating friendships, making new friends, and having plenty of laughs and fun with the camp leaders and teachers. The teachers - Mr Wynstra, Mr Ballantyne, Mrs Muller, Mrs van Wyk and Mrs Pepper - were very impressed with the behaviour and attitude of the students, who participated in all the activities, with some of them conquering fears they never thought they would be able to.
A big thank you to Mrs Pepper for organising the camp, and we are hoping to return very soon.
Video Link:
It's a Girl!
Mrs Melhuish has had a beautiful baby girl!
Welcome Lucy Grace Melhuish
Born on the 12th February 2021
A massive congratulations Kate and Matt on the safe arrival of Lucy, everyone at PCS can't wait to meet her!
PCS Staff
Name: Paul Brown. 
Your Role at School: Mathematics, Engineering and Physics Teacher, Year Advisor for Year 9, Tech Administrator.
Favourite School Memory: Performing a skit on Dien Bien Phu in History, but using political satire.

Fun Fact: I used to perform in an Indy-folk band in Sydney
The Best Thing about Working at PCS: Having a good support network where you can talk through things that are challenging or successful.
Favourite Quote/Verse: John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God.
Name: Triniti Pobjie. 
Your Role at School: Year 1 Teacher
Favourite School Memory: Would have to be my brown and yellow school uniform that I paired with a pink jumper...and a perm!!!!!!! Yep!

Fun Fact: I once had a pet calf called Sunshine! She is the reason I don't eat meat!
The Best Thing about Working at PCS: The amazing, creative, kind, intelligent, wonderful, funny, brilliant students!
Favourite Quote/Verse: Choose Joy! Be amazing! Love everybody always!
Clothing pool
If you are after any uniform items from our clothing pool, either summer or winter, please email with the item of clothing you are after and the size.
Check our facebook page to see more images and videos from our newsletter!

Monday 1 March
  • Premier Reading Challenge Starts
  • Parent/Teacher Interviews (3:30pm - 7:00pm)
  • CANCELLED - Homework Hub - Yrs 2 to Yr 12 (3:07pm - 4:00pm)
Tuesday 2 March
  • CSSA Zone Swimming in Orange
  • Outback Lifesaver Program - Senior SLR (11:10am - 12:50pm)
  • Immunisations - Yr 7 (1:30pm)
  • Parent/Teacher Interviews (3:30pm - 7:00pm)
Wednesday 3 March
  • House Colours Dress Up Day
Thursday 4 March
  • Minimum Standards Test - Yr 10 (10:00am - 12:50pm)
Friday 5 March
  • Dubbo Excursion - Kindy to Yr 2 (7:30am - 3:00pm)
  • Sport Day - Kindy to Yr 6
  • Ice Block Day (12:50pm - 1:30pm)
to see more calendar dates for 2021, click here...
Please note:
  • Homework Hub is cancelled this week due to Parent/Teacher Interviews being on.
  • Primary Assemblies: Currently parents and visitors are unable to attend our school assemblies, please note we will advise when this has changed.
Upcoming School Events
Hockey Gala Day Training
On Wednesday 10th March, students from Parkes Christian School will participate in a hockey gala day at Cheney Park. A permission form will be sent in the coming days with specific information about the event.
In the lead up to the event, we will be running training sessions during lunchtimes. If your child has signed up for the gala day, please send them to school in sport uniform for training on the following days:
  • Year 2, 3 and 4: Wednesday
  • Year 5 and 6: Friday
Please feel welcome to contact Mr Denmead if you have any questions about the upcoming gala day.
Little Mermaid Audition Info
Singing auditions for lead roles in The Little Mermaid will be held next week in F10 during Week 6. These roles include:
  • Ariel, Ursula, Prince Eric, Sebastion, Flounder, Scuttle, Mersisters/Princesses, Flotsam and Jetsom, King Triton, Chef Lois
Tuesday - students in Year 10-12
Thursday - students inYear 7-9
Friday - students in Years 3-6

Backing tracks and lyrics will be provided, please be familiar with the song and ready to perform. Waiting students will sit in F9, you will be able to eat lunch while you are waiting. If you are sending a video audition please have that sent to Miss Harris by FRIDAY next week. 

Please note: collective auditions for ensemble scenes for K-12 students will be scheduled soon - some primary classes will be performing in scenes without having to audition; parents will be able to opt-out if they're not keen.

If you have any questions please email Miss Harris at -
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