04-Mar-2021 | Lantz Family | Open in web browser
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A strong start to a new year

It is critical that we continue to Look to Jesus for direction the work we are doing, not just get caught up in good works. God has given us significant strategies to pursue as we continue to stay in the fight to serve orphaned and vulnerable children this year.

Leadership training
Through COVID we have become very good at delivering live training in a virtual environment. Last year I helped develop and release a leadership pipeline that defines the work values, time applications, and skills needed for leaders in various roles. This year I will be training leaders in all of our sites with practical tools to grow in these areas in order and increase our capability and capacity to serve children. Pre-covid my reach would have been more limited to those I could see in person, so the hybrid approach this year significantly increases my impact.

Sharing trauma training globally was launched in March 2020, and this month I am working with the team to increase our ability to use this platform to serve organizations. Significant ministries, non-profits, and even government agencies are now in conversation with us with a desire to learn and apply this biblically based, trauma informed strategy for serving people from hard places. Who knows how many people we will impact directly through this incredible opportunity!

THANK YOU for your prayers, encouragement, and financial partnership. It is a joy to be doing my part along with you as we follow the Lord in this great calling. God bless you!

Jeremy, Caitlin, and Kids

Town Hall Tuesdays

Want to hear directly from our ministry sites and leaders? Visit the Back2Back Facebook page to get links each Tuesday in March to hear from and interact directly with our site leadership!

Prayer Requests

  • Significant growth in our leadership bench to occur through the investment in training and development
  • More organizations to sign up for trauma training
  • Continuing creativity as we seek to meet holistic needs in the midst of the pandemic
What prayer requests do you have? What testimonies can you share? Please email us at to to let us know so we can pray and rejoice with you!
Thank you for your prayer and partnership!
Jeremy & Caitlin Lantz | 513-498-5223 |
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