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Gospel for Haiti
Darrell & Christina Tonsing   ●   3031 Smyrna Road, Ozark, MO  65721   ●       ●      mobile:(417)830-8783    ●    office:(417)595-7784
Workers putting on the metal for the classrooms! Praise God. The people are so thankful!
Hello Friend,
We hope all is well with you all and the record setting cold snap didn't set you back to the 1930's. We had one pipe break, but it was quickly repaired. I think for now, spring is springing! We want to share with you briefly about Darrell's last trip to Haiti where much good happened. We had powerful services on Sunday where the Lord showed up and people were transformed. While having the services it was not uncommon to see people at the altar weeping, and making things right, and people on their face laying on the ground prostrate because of the power of God. Amazing times indeed!
We continued the work on the addition of the Sunday School class rooms, and we were able to get the roof totally completed in the time we were there. YEAH!  This will allow those kids coming to church to be inside and learn in a better, controlled environment. While it is "doable" to learn outside, its better to have it under a roof in a separate classroom. The fellowship of believers are super excited they have this available for their kids! This classroom space will also be able to be used to house other church fellowships to sleep when we are having conferences. Basically, it adds up too having another tool to effectively do what God wants us to do. I've said many times, "God can and will use anything"!!
 Every day our pastors we work with are continuing to distribute the 5000 Bibles to the pastors in the deep woods/hills of the central plateau. Pastors Johncy and Erivoux are being so faithful to do the work of the Lord in this respect. We praise God for them! Pray that every Bible gets to the exact home that God has intended it to go. On a more widespread basis, Haiti continues to suffer from the results of political turmoil in major cities such as Port-au-Prince. There continues to be a great need for the Prince of Peace ruling in Haiti. Haitians are continuing to give up their false idols to serve the living God.  Evil continues to be removed from our area God has given us charge over it in the Kandelon/Tinot areas.  The Spirit of God, we believe, is resting on these communities as we pray and continue to believe God is doing good things for His people. Thank you for praying for our needs!  I have many prayers to list and I hope you write them down and bring them before the Father. daily.

Prayer Needs:

We need a Website person that has a passion for missions who would be willing (preferably) to come in the new office and meet with us in staff meetings on Monday and invest at least 3 hrs a week in doing this critical work. We have come a long way with our website, but we want to continue to grow in every area of ministry in a way that makes God look good!

We have a new intern whose name is Jelaina and we are super excited to have her! She will be receiving credit for her work with us scholastic wise, but more importantly she will be learning new skills to aid in her call to be a missionary. She is supported and is working by faith so anyone who has it on their heart to support her with $5 or $500 recurring or one time gift will welcomed by us. We have a place for you to give for her here...
We would appreciate your prayers for her to be healed in her stomach. Pray that all allergies be gone as well, that she be totally healed! This is a step of faith for their family that needs the income.

Please pray for God to continue to move in awesome ways. Pray for the salvation of Haitians, their discipleship and God's impact to be far and wide! As Bibles go out, that they find the exact person for which God intended.  

Pray that God would Bless Darrell and whoever is with him to travel back to Haiti the end of March, and we would be God's vessels as we minister, preach, pray and witness.
Please Pray like we do, that every donor would be given much supernatural grace with everything they put their hand to. Blessed over the top!

We love you and appreciate this wonderful opportunity to walk in what God has placed before us. We continue to receive so much grace to grow and we are excited about the opportunities that are before us!!!

Thank you so much!
Until the whole world hears,
Love Darrell, the Tonsing family, and all of the Gospel for Haiti staff!

Check us out and what is going on anytime on Facebook or at Click here to see past issues of this newsletter.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
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Haitian worker measuring and placing the rafters, and making them secure!
One of the many benefits to having the classrooms! No more classes outside!

When many kids are present, we need places to teach them! Praise God!

Jelaina is our newest addition to the team. She will be interning, doing office work, and learning about aspects of her future missionary work.

Bibles continue to go out to the highways and byways. We have almost distributed all of the 5000 we received last fall! Praise God! That's a lot of impact!

Thank you for your love, prayers, and support! Darrell has plans to return in March, Micah is planning on returning in May, while Josiah will be looking forward to the Naval Academy!
If you would like to support this ministry, you can give securely online at our website.

You can also send a check made payable to "Gospel for Haiti" to
Gospel for Haiti, 3031 Smyrna Rd., Ozark, MO, 65721.

Copyright © 2021 Gospel For The Nations, All rights reserved.