The Duke Global Fellows Program is a new learning and leadership opportunity for undergraduate students who want to develop a global skill set with on-campus training and networking. No travel required! The Office of Global Affairs and the International House are accepting applications until March 15 for the 2021-2022 academic year.



2020-2021 International Awards Program Nominations
Celebrate the achievements and contributions of students and student groups who benefit the international community at Duke and to honor the legacy of the International House and internationalism at Duke. Deadline for nominations is Monday, March 15 at 11:59 p.m.  Learn more.

Graduate Student Training Enhancement Grants
PhD students who do not have any summer funding may submit proposals for virtual/remote internships with a community organization, government agency, NGO or cultural institution, related to the student’s area of study.  Deadline is Monday, March 22.  Learn more.
Duke Global Baton
421 Chapel Drive
Box 90035
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 684-0682

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