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Welcome to our Sunday Worship
for 14th March Mothering Sunday

Forth Sunday of Lent

9:30am Communion

'My Father's house shall be a house of prayer'.

On the second Sunday of each month we usually have a service with a focus on wholeness and healing, and invite people to come forward for individual prayer for others or for themselves.

With 'Social Distancing' and restricted movement, this becomes limited, so we are introducing a new way to bring our prayer requests to God in our services.
You are invited to write the name of the person or situation you want prayer for on a slip of paper and place this in a bowl by the entrance as you enter the church.  If you are not attending church, please email the name or situation to the vicar before Sunday and they will add the name or situation to the bowl of prayers.

During our Sunday service during the intercessions, we will offer them in prayer, without reading them out aloud.
In this way we can still share (privately) our prayers and concerns.

On this Mothering Sunday, we particularly invite you to name your mother if you wish.

Please bring your own slips of paper with you, and just place in the bowl as you enter the church.
Communion Service for Sunday 14th March ~ Mothering Sunday
Liturgy and Readings for Sunday 14th March
BCP Communion for 10am Wednesday 17th March

Return to Covid-19 secure public worship in church.

To keep everybody safe, please do not attend if :-
you have any Covid symptoms or have had any in the last ten days 
you are self-isolating
you are in a vulnerable group
you are shielding
you do not feel comfortable about attending
you have been contacted by track and trace in the last ten days

Please do attend if:-
you are well.
you are wearing a face mask. (or exempt)
you feel comfortable about going out.

Those attending will be asked to:-
asked to sanitize hands on entry
come in and sit in socially distanced places
only move around church when invited to
not sing during any music or hymns
stay seated if communion is distributed
leave church only when invited in order to avoid congestion

PLEASE DO NOT STAY TO TALK as you would wish, but give those people a call during the week, using the contact details given out.

Currently, NO booking of places is required 
We expect a slow return to church attendance over the coming months as more people are vaccinated and Covid restrictions continue to be lifted.

Our services will be 'live streamed' with the intention of only recording those leading the service.  Please note that those in the front seats may have the back of their heads in view.

Spiritual Communion Prayer

Please pray this prayer during the distribution of Communion in church I f you are at home.
Thanks be to you, Lord Jesus Christ,
for all the benefits you have given us,
for all the pains and insults
you have borne for us.
Since we cannot now receive you sacramentally,
We ask you to come spiritually into our hearts.
O most merciful redeemer,
friend and brother,
may we know you more clearly,
love you more dearly,
and follow you more nearly,
day by day. Amen.
Adapted from the Prayer of St Richard of Chichester

Pause and Pray @ 6pm

The Archbishops of Canterbury and York are asking everyone in the nation, whether they have a faith or not, to pause and pray at 6pm daily from 1st February. Please join us in prayer.  If six o'clock doesn't work for you, please commit some time that suits you.  God Bless us all.
'Death does not have "the last word", and the Christian faith promises that one day "every tear will be wiped away"'.(Archbishops of Canterbury and York)

Daily Prayer

is a beautiful, ad free, experiential app designed to develop long lasting spiritual rhythms of prayer and scripture reading. 


Pray As You Go is a daily prayer session, designed to go with you wherever you go, to help you pray whenever you find time, but particularly whilst travelling to and from work, study, etc.

Dial-in Phone Services

from St. Mary's Goldington

Updated Weekly.
To access the recording of Sunday's Service just dial

0330 088 1945

When prompted enter the code

7977425 #

followed by the '#' key NOT the '£' asked for!
Then just press
when asked for which recording, to play the latest recording.
now with Sunday 10th jnauary Service.
Donate to St. Mary's Church, Goldington

Services by phone

Daily Hope – dial 0800 804 8044 for prayer, reflection, music and worship services from the Church of England. A weekly service is available from 9 am every Sunday.

Prayers and Help

If you have a prayer request or need help please let one of us know.
Our phone numbers are:
Revd Simon:  01234 351920,
Revd Jennie:  01234 266952, 
Revd Marcus: 07498 843908

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