That's a wrap on #glaucomaweek!

Save the date for next year:
March 6-12, 2022

A whopping 400+ activities were posted on the official World Glaucoma Week World Map, reaching all corners of the world.
Thank you for being a part of our global community!

This is World Glaucoma Week
Submit your activity

Glaucoma awareness videos worth watching

Our World Glaucoma Week video library is growing! And there is still time to submit yours. Have a look at the wonderful videos already uploaded to get inspired, we continue to welcome videos until the end of the month. 

Go to the video library

Snapshot of WGW-2021

A virtual walkathon, tv show appearances, webinars, free screenings, brochures, Q&A sessions, a green spotlight on landmarks: these activities and so much more were happening this World Glaucoma Week. Browse the World Map to get a taste, and start thinking of your 2022 activity. 
Browse the World Map

We would love to know more about your activity that took place. Share for instance photos, videos, and news items by submitting them to the World Map. 

  1. Visit  
  2. Register and submit your activity
Submit your activity

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