
Church News for
Sunday 14th March 2021 Mothering Sunday

Worshipping With Us

With the agreement from each of our 6 PCC's we are delighted that we will reopen for gathered public worship on Palm Sunday.  We will continue to offer a PhoneChurch service each Sunday and our reopening is phased in line with the Governments 'Roadmap'. 

To join in with PhoneChurch simply call  03300 945 940
then at the prompt Room number: 55017514 #
and use Guest PIN: 3885 #
please see below for more detailed information.

Sunday 14th March Mothering Sunday

09:00 Morning Prayer - PhoneChurch
10:00 BCP Holy Communion - PhoneChurch
16:00 Evening Prayer  –  Zoom  (Taizé Music)   
If you are not able to join us please do make use of our simple Mothering Sunday at Home service by clicking Here
1 Samuel 1.20-28, Psalm 127.1-4, Colossians 3.12-17, & Luke 2.33-35
Evening Readings
Psalms 13, 14, Exodus 6.2–13, Romans 5.1–11
Collect for Mothering Sunday
God of compassion, whose Son Jesus Christ, the child of Mary, shared the life of a home in Nazareth, and on the cross drew the whole human family to himself: strengthen us in our daily living that in joy and in sorrow we may know the power of your presence to bind together and to heal; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Post Communion
Loving God, as a mother feeds her children at the breast you feed us in this sacrament with the food and drink of eternal life: help us who have tasted your goodness to grow in grace within the household of faith;
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
During the week - PhoneChurch
09:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday - Morning Prayer
09:00 Wednesday - Patrick of Ireland
20:00 Saturday - Compline

Sunday 21st March Lent 5

09:00 Prayer & Praise - PhoneChurch
10:00 Holy Communion - PhoneChurch
16:00 BCP Evensong - PhoneChurch
Jeremiah 31.31-34, Psalm 51.1-13, Hebrews 5.5-10, & John 12.20-33
Evening Readings
Psalm 34*, Exodus 7.8-24, Romans 5.12-21
Most merciful God, who by the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus Christ delivered and saved the world: grant that by faith in him who suffered on the cross we may triumph in the power of his victory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Post Communion
Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us that what we do for the least of our brothers and sisters we do also for you: give us the will to be the servant of others as you were the servant of all, and gave up your life and died for us, but are alive and reign, now and for ever.
BCP Collect
O Lord, who for our sake didst fast forty days and forty nights; Give us grace to use such abstinence, that, our flesh being subdued to the Spirit, we may ever obey thy godly motions in righteousness and true holiness, to thy honour and glory; who livest and reignest with the Father and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end.
During the week - Phone Church
09:00 Monday, Tuesday, Friday, & Saturday - Morning Prayer
09:00 Wednesday - Holy Communion
09:00 Thursday - Holy Communion - The Annunciation
20:00 Saturday - Compline

Sunday 28th March Palm Sunday

Reopening Step 1

09:00 BCP Morning Prayer - PhoneChurch
10:30 Holy Communion - St Gregory's Crakehall
16:00 Revive - Zoom
Psalm 118.1-2,19-24*, & Mark 11.1-11
Evening Readings
Mark 12.1-12
Almighty and everlasting God, who in your tender love towards the human race sent your Son our Saviour Jesus Christ to take upon him our flesh and to suffer death upon the cross: grant that we may follow the example of his patience and humility, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.
Post Communion
Lord Jesus Christ, you humbled yourself in taking the form of a servant, and in obedience died on the cross for our salvation: give us the mind to follow you and to proclaim you as Lord and King, to the glory of God the Father.
BCP Collect
Almighty and everlasting God, who, of thy tender love towards mankind, hast sent thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ, to take upon him our flesh, and to suffer death upon the cross, that all mankind should follow the example of his great humility; Mercifully grant, that we may both follow the example of his patience, and also be made partakers of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.

Holy Week

During the week
Monday 29th         09:00 Morning Prayer  - PhoneChurch
                              20:00 Compline - St Andrew's Finghall
Tuesday 30th        09:00 Morning Prayer  - PhoneChurch
                              20:00 Compline - St Michael's Spennithorne
Wednesday 31st   09:00 Holy Communion - PhoneChurch
                              20:00 Compline - St Oswald's Hauxwell
Thursday 1st         09:00 Morning Prayer  - PhoneChurch
                              20:00 Stripping of the Altar & Vigil - St Patrick's Patrick Brompton
Friday 2nd             09:00 Morning Prayer  - PhoneChurch
                              15:00 Hour at the Cross - St Gregory's Crakehall   
Saturday  3rd        09:00 Morning Prayer  - PhoneChurch
                              20:00 Compline - St Mary's Hornby

Sunday 4th April Easter Day

09:00 Holy Communion - PhoneChurch
10:30 Holy Communion - St Michael's Spennithorne
16:00 BCP Evensong - PhoneChurch
Isaiah 25.6-9, Ps118.1-2, 14-24*, Acts 10.34-43, & John 20.1-18
Evening Readings
Psalms 105 or 66.1-11, Ezekiel 37.1-14, Luke 24.13-35
Lord of all life and power, who through the mighty resurrection of your Son overcame the old order of sin and death to make all things new in him: grant that we, being dead to sin and alive to you in Jesus Christ, may reign with him in glory; to whom with you and the Holy Spirit be praise and honour, glory and might, now and in all eternity.
Post Communion
God of Life, who for our redemption gave your only–begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection have delivered us from the power of our enemy: grant us so to die daily to sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his risen life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
BCP Collect
O God, who for our redemption didst give thine only–begotten Son to the death of the cross, and by his glorious resurrection hast delivered us from the power of our enemy: Grant us to die daily unto sin, that we may evermore live with him in the joy of his resurrection; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord.
During the week - PhoneChurch
09:00 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, & Saturday - Morning Prayer
09:00 Wednesday -Holy Communion
PhoneChurch is working well, but please remember it is live and unless you mute the microphone on your phone everyone can hear anything that is happening at your end of the line.  We are still learning how to best use this system and whilst responses during the service are working well, communal singing is causing problems - so for the moment please just listen to the music as it plays rather than singing along.

For the liturgy/service booklet please follow the link for the relevant service.

As above to join in simply call  03300 945 940
then at the prompt Room number: 55017514 #
and use Guest PIN: 3885 # 
For the latest update from the Church of England please visit

Weddings Baptisms & Funerals

Please see the link above as this is likely to change 
Weddings 6 people present.
Funerals 30 people present. 

There continue to be complex restrictions and procedures in place and these services will look and feel very different to what you might be used to so please do talk with Rev'd Chris at the earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment.


We continue to hold phone discussions for Churchwardens, PCC Secretaries, & worship leaders every other Wednesday.  Our next meetings are on 24/03/21 and 21/04/21  at 16:15 on the PhoneChurch number.  
St Patrick's PCC will be meeting via Zoom on Friday 26th at 19:00

Rev'd Chris will be taking Tuesday 16th and Tuesday 23rd as his rest days.

Our monthly Wensley Deanery Prayer meeting is on Wednesday 24th at 11:00 via Zoom 

The latest newsletter from the Diocese is now available here

Our Annual Parochial Church Meetings are to be held in May this year and we hope to hold them in person if possible!  Please note the change of dates!

St Patrick's Patrick Brompton - 17:00 Monday 10th May 2021
St Mary's Hornby - 17:00 Thursday 13th May 2021
St Oswald's Hauxwell - 17:00 Friday 14th May 2021
St Andrew's Finghall - 17:00 Monday 17th May 2021
St Michael's Spennithorne - 17:00 Thursday 20th May 2021
St Gregory's Crakehall - 19:00 Friday 21st May 2021

Come and join us on Zoom for a time of Lectio Divina

Friday afternoons at 16:00
Lectio Divina is a contemplative way of reading the Bible. It dates back to the early centuries of the Christian Church and is a way of praying the scriptures that leads us further into God's word. It is listening with the 'ear' of the heart that allows scripture to speak to us in new ways while also deepening our relationship with the Living God.

For further information and the Zoom link please contact:
     Penny Johnson:   01677 450082  or
     Sue Bianco:          01677 450009

Wensleydale Filling Station 

From Mike and Pauline Hirst for Wensleydale Filling Station

This week would have been our March meeting and it seems a long time since we have been able to join together in worship and teaching.
I’d like to introduce you to Capernwray Hall and their Bible School principal, Derek Burnside. Derek came to speak at our Filling Station meeting in December 2018 and he was booked to come during 2020. This link takes you to his first talk in a series called ‘Glorious Reality’. He starts the series with the strap line ‘I’m in Christ and He’s in me’ looking at the verses at the end of Romans chapter 8.
Make yourself a cup of coffee, open your bible, sit down and enjoy listening to Derek speak to over 100 young people in the lecture hall as part of their Bible School.
Capernwray is a large Manor House located in beautiful grounds near Carnforth, Lancashire. Bought shortly after the second world war as a Christian Centre, it rapidly became part of an international organisation and in 1949 opened the Capernwray Bible School. As well as running two longer teaching schools each year, they run taster weeks and family holiday weeks.
To find out more look at their website:
I hope you enjoy listening to Derek and through their website and YouTube channel you can enter into some of their fuller teaching programmes. Please do pass these links onto others who may enjoy listening to this teaching or wish to find out more about Capernwray Hall.
God’s Blessing


Study Group

Rhythm of Life - Lent Course

Come and join us on Zoom for six sessions, as we explore a healthy spiritual rhythm of life.

Sessions will provide an opportunity to engage with the seven Rhythm of Life areas for deepening commitment: 
Praying        Reflecting        Encouraging        Sharing
Resting          Celebrating            Creating

Each session will be 90 minutes in length, including a 10-minute break.  The framework will consist of video clips, Bible passages, discussion questions, break out groups for discussion and prayer.
The weekly sessions will begin at 19:30 on Wednesday 24th February let us know if you would like to take part or simply join us on the night. The Link above will take you to the Zoom.

Session 4 - Sharing - 17th March will be asking: - 
1. When did someone share something with you that lifted your spirits?
2. Where do we struggle to share with others?
3. What is it about God that you’d love to share with others? Do you find it difficult? Why?
4. How is your Church sharing the things of God? Is it known for its generosity?
5. What would you love others to share with you?

Session 5 - Learning - 24th March will be asking: -
1. What has this difficult time taught us so far?
2. How does it feel to consider yourself beloved of God?
3. In what ways are you able to ‘sit at the feet’ of Jesus? Does anything stop you? 4. Can you remember a moment when God’s loving insight transformed the way you thought about something?
5. What could you do regularly to give yourself time to listen/read/learn and reflect on God God’s ways and how might you simply ‘be’ with God more often, in a loving, living, learning relationship?

If you missed the first session please don't worry each session is stand-alone so please do join us when you can.


#LiveLent  - Book and App

Both the book and the accompanying daily reflections encourage all Christians to think about their calling, how to share their faith and reflect on the difference Christ makes in our lives.  

We witness to God’s story and the impact this has made to our story so that others might also find their story taking on new meaning in the light of God’s love. While the current restrictions on daily life necessitated by the pandemic present significant challenges, the suffering and isolation many continue to face make the need for us to share God’s love with our communities greater than ever. Rather than just being a Lenten discipline, this year’s #LiveLent is a joyful invitation to make witness a normal part of the Christian life, the natural overflow of a life lived in devotion to Christ.  

The App is available in the App Store and we have copies of the printed book available - please contact Rev'd Chris if you would like a copy.



We will be rounding the week off with a service of Compline each Saturday during Lent on PhoneChurch
Do come and join us.

Our Schools

A message from Mr M White 
Executive Headteacher, The Synergy Schools Federation (Crakehall)

Today, the governing bodies of both The Synergy Schools Federation (Brompton-on-Swale CE and Crakehall CE Primary Schools) and The Federation of Leeming and Londonderry Community and Pickhill CE Primary Schools have launched a public consultation.  They are proposing that the two existing federations, should "federate”. This document provides detail of this proposal.  The document also provides details of public meetings that will be held later this month.  Due to the pandemic, these will take place remotely via the Zoom platform.

Hambleton Foodshare 

Please consider donating the following items 
  • Sponge puddings
  • UHT Milk
  • Angel delight & Jellies
  • Tinned Mixed Veg
  • Small jars of coffee
  • Cereal Bars
  • Deodorant
  • Toilet Roll
  • Shampoo
Thank you - all donations are gratefully received.
if you need a food parcel E mail - or ring 07514 244158
At the moment we don’t need Pasta, Tinned fish, Tinned tomatoes, soup or beans thank – you.  Please also check all items are in date before donating them – Thanks very much

Lisle's Limericks

Rev'd Lisle has offered us the following reflections on the Gospel readings for the next two Sundays.

There stood by the cross Mary his mother,
the disciple he loved, standing beside her.
     “Mother here is your son.”
     “John, please care for my Mum.”
So Jesus commended each to the other.
John 19.25-27

“The hour has now come for the Son of Man
to be glorified, to fulfil God's plan.
     Whoever serves me
     must come follow me,
ready to lose all, even shorten life's span.”
John 12.20-26

One of Lile's Limericks has now been set to sound and is very much worth listening to -

Liberia News

Simon and Grace Stretton-Downes
Simon is a dentist leading a team at a clinic at the Eternal Love Winning All (ELWA) Hospital in Monrovia. Grace is a nurse and will support Simon as well as seeking God's direction for her role in the mission field.  The couple are sent by St Gregory's Church, Crakehall and are working for Serving In Mission (SIM)

Rosemary Gaven is our local contact and keeps us update with the news they send. Simon says that it continues to be hot and humid in Liberia with periodic thunderstorms. 
Grace is full on this week helping run the 6th ETAT course (Emergency, Triage, Assessment and Treatment).  Her voice is a bit hoarse from talking all day.  Simon has led a talk on oxygen safety and facilitated in practical workshops on dehydration, blood transfusion, shock and oxygen safety too.  The toilets in the Chapel where they meet keep breaking as the chain inside disintegrates.  Grace has fixed these with a few cable ties, so they are usable again.  There is very little idea on how to fix things there so Simon and Grace feel privileged to have been taught to think outside boxes and be creative!

Simon spent Tuesday afternoon doing a stores audit prior to putting in a large order in the USA, larger items come via sea taking around 4 months to get there.  He is also trying to see why their panoramic x-ray machine is not working - theirs is the only one in Liberia.  Turns out that the changeover at the weekend from their generators to the Liberian Electricity Company supply has caused a slight drop in voltage which is below the tolerance the x-ray unit will work at.  Their engineer is getting the LEC to increase it slightly.  He is hoping that it will be the answer. 

Simon is working on trying to contact a Dental School in Ghana to see if they can get another staff member to start in September 2021.  The School's website is 1-2 years out of date which doesn't help.  In between all of this he says he is continuing to treat patients and fix things that are broken.  Thank you as always for your prayers which they rely on to keep them strong, healthy and wise.
Your prayers are always welcome and gratefully received.
As well as the 'Service at Home' leaflet that we have prepared for Mothering Sunday with Material from the Mothers Union - here is a colouring page that they have provided. Click here to download a printable copy.



And Finally

From Rev'd Chris

In our Lent group, we have been thinking about our life rhythms and how we find or make time to create, play and even rest.  This week in our Lenten journey we move from Purple to Rose, a lightening of the tone, a week of refreshing in our shared pilgramage.  Traditionally this was a special day to go home and visit your Mother and your Mother Church - the Church you were baptized in.  As well as posies of flowers, gifts of buns or cakes were often given, especially Simnel cake.  I have to admit that my one and only attempt at making a Simnel cake was truly disastrous - but I think I can blame the recipe as the middle almond paste layer mixed with both top and bottom halves in a most unsavoury fashion.  But as that was almost 40 years ago, perhaps it is time to have another attempt?  To turn back to mother Church, I wonder how many different Churches are represented by our combined congregations?  In normal usage, my Mother Church is St Mary's Eccleston, a large parish church in a small village.  We lived in the village from when I was born until I was four and from when I was nine until I was twelve and although I was a choir boy there for a while and have fond memories of helping my Grandfather who was one of the Churchwardens somehow it has never really felt like home.  I feel this is mostly as I didn't have long there but also it is a somewhat imposing building, built by the Grosvenor family to replace old parish church in the late Victorian period, it almost has a cathedral-esque feel.  If you would like to see more of this church including it's Font with one of the biggest covers I have ever seen do visit its page on Historic England.

So  I suppose the church that I consider to be my Mother Church is St Deinst Church Llangarron, where my family has St Deinst's Church, Llangarron | Hook Mason Ltdworshipped for almost 250 years.  It is where I worshipped as a teenager and was presented for confirmation,  Siân and I married, and where 3 of our boys were baptised.  In this photo, you can see the 'ringers door' and just visible is the grave of my Grandparents and my father.  So why does any of this matter, why do we have a day to commemorate our Mother Churches?  I feel that knowing where we came from, helps us understand where we are now.  That having security and stability in the place where our faith has been nurtured and confirmed is both fortifying and reassuring.  So even though it has been a number of years since I worshipped there, and I have no idea when I might return,  I give thanks that worship still takes place in those places and that together even if it is online this year we can share in our worship in the Churches that we call home today.

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