Alinker - vehicle for change
In this INSIDER newsletter: AbilitiesEXPO, Alinker Academy and Dr. Gretchen, Julie and her horses, Alinker is finalist at TravelAbility, and BE's hive about the Alinker for heavier people? 
For all the new subscribers, welcome! 
This weeks newsletter is packed, so enjoy! 
Special guest on our biweekly Alinker ZOOM call March 17th, was Doctor Gretchen Hawley, a PT specialized in MS. She explains neuroplasticity, the importance of activating your brain and how that works with the Alinker.
Another special guest on our Alinker ZOOM call was Karen Snyder, Founder of the LiquidGym in Ottawa. She gives us an overview of what the Alinker Academy is, what they have added and how it benefits you. 
Julie and her horses 
By Brandon: @sybelosangel Campaigner #119
Julie at the Horses and Hero’s program for veterans with PTSD. If you are apart of the Alinker Family you probably already know Julie. She is a huge part of why we do the with the crowdfunding campaigns. Access to the Alinker is only half of the reason we do this...

Together we are building a community of people showing up for one another sharing love and light because we need it. Often times the thing that brings people to Alinker also causes some extent of isolation both physically and socially. With a movement of love and light we can change that.

For Julie it was sciatica and a goal she had set for herself.. 50 half marathons in a 10 year span 😲 about half way through her goal her mobility issues had progressed too far to complete half marathons without a racing wheelchair and a guide.. that was until the Alinker Family learned about her dream of continuing marathon running and joined together to honour our new family member.

On April 22nd Julie's campaign completed and she would be the proud owner of her own yellow vehicle for change She’s been busy ever since working towards her goal and has already completed several more half marathons and is always busy supporting the next Alinker campaigners with bake sales and donating parts of her proceeds from her sewing shop sales to campaigners!!

With every campaign completed #163 we get to add more people to this movement and it shows!! Worlds everywhere are being radically changed by this family... Campaigns are completing left and right and it’s because of beautiful souls like Julie 🤗

You don’t have to be an Alinker user to be apart of this movement. We are from all walks of life and we all just want to move a little differently.  Go to and learn more about what donating to a campaign can do today. It’s life granted and freedom in mobility gained. Thank you Julie for your service and enjoy your next ride with Jake this Wednesday 🤗🐎🐎


If you like to share your story, please send photos, video, text to EMAIL
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Alinker is finalist

Leaders in the travel industry are looking to make travel more inclusive.

We say:

            "it's never inclusive enough,
                     until everybody is included and no one excluded." 

TravelAbility did months of research and selected 15 finalists and the Alinker is one of them! These 15 companies will pitch for the leaders in the travel industry, click on the link below to see who the judges are. These leaders are looking to make travel better for everyone, so they selected companies who can contribute to travel tools for people with disabilities.  Wish us luck! 

If you’d like to attend the LaunchPad and see our presentation (along with 14 others and our Special Innovator Presentations) here are the details: 

TravelAbility’s Virtual LaunchPad

Thursday, April 1, 2021

8:30am-12:30 pm Pacific Daylight Time

We really hope you can join us. We have a “Friends and Family” code that will save you $50 off the event price.  Enter LPF50 in the promo code field at checkout. Click this link to learn more and to register

The TravelAbility
newsletter has a lot of great links! 

BE's hive

Alinker for heavier people? 

It is insane to me that 67% of the US population is overweight, and yet, there is nothing non-stigmatizing designed for heavier people! We are receiving many requests from people for Alinkers with a higher capacity than 265Lbs and yes I am definitely looking to develop an Alinker for up to 450Lbs.

But, with that said, I do not want to develop a "bariatric" Alinker, that would still stigmatize and isolate people. Heavy people are now seen as a problem, but I see a system that is not designed for our wellness. 

I see a far larger picture in which people need to have access to mobility, but also access to community and healthy food choices. 

We have created a 'sickcare' system that makes money over the back of sick people; a food industry that makes money over food that makes people sick, feeding right into the pharma industry that wants to medicate people with "fixes" for the created problems.

The dependency that is created on non-food that makes people sick and overweight, is by design. Half the US population lives in a food desert (food apartheid is a better word) and does not have access to healthier food choices. Crap food (all that contains sugar and is processed) is subsidized, why? Why is healthy food not subsidized? It would prevent a lot of 'sickcare' costs resulting from poor food. Right? 

We want to build a community where we address how we can show up for each other and create access. So the Alinker for heavier people goes hand in hand with creating a community where we have access to a healthier life and are not just living at the receiving end of food and pharma driven 'sickcare' system that thrives on sick people. 

I want to develop the coolest Alinker 2.0 which is suitable for everybody up to 450Lbs, not a second line of Alinkers for heavy people.... The development takes a lot of money and my time, so it will not be launched any time soon, so please bear with us. I wanted to share this with you because we are receiving many requests. We hear you, and are working on it. 

Here a little video on how we built our company, our vision 
Assumptions are dangerous

From this video (and related ones from Alinker Academy
and Liquid Gym), we received so many questions about
the weight of this one person in this video, assumptions
about her weight. First up, she was not heavier than the
maximum capacity of the Alinker, but that is beside the point.

The assumptions about her were painful. This is what
heavier people deal with their whole life, assumptions
and opinions, judgements of others... 

The biggest problem heavier people have,
is the judgement of others.
Judgements and assumptions
says all about the person making them.

Please be kind to one another, kind to yourself.
You don't like to be judged, don't judge others. 

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