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Why Programmers Should(n't) Learn Theory

Part 2 of 3

Theoretically topics in programming languages have been growing in mainstream awareness, and I now more often hear engineers browsing textbooks and papers, asking whether it will help them become a better engineer. This is part 2 of 3 of my answer to that question. Last time, I argued that understanding type theory has profound impact on everyday programming. But for the next two on the list, program analysis and synthesis, I've identified fewer benefits outside of tool building.


Program Analysis

Program analysis means using some tool to automatically infer properties of a program in order to e.g.: find bugs. It can be broadly split into techniques that run the code (dynamic analysis) vs. those that inspect it without running it (static analysis); both of these have many sub-families. For example, a dynamic deadlock detector might run the program and inspect what order it acquires locks, and conclude that a program that does not follow sound lock-discipline is in danger of deadlocking. (This is different from testing, which may be unable to discover a deadlock without being exceptionally (un)lucky in getting the right timings.) In contrast, a static analyzer would trace through all possible paths in the source code to discover all possible lock orderings. I’ll focus on static analysis for the rest of this section, where most of the theory lies.

First, something to get out of the way: Static analysis has become a bit of a buzzword in industry, where it’s used to describe a smorgasbord of tools that run superficial checks on a program. To researchers, while the term “static analysis” technically describes everything that can be done to a program without running it, it is typically used to describe a family of techniques that, loosely speaking, involve stepping through a program and tracking how it affects some abstract notion of intermediate state, a bit like how humans trace through a program. Industrial bug-finding tools such as Coverity, CodeQL, FindBugs, and the Clang static analyzer all include this more sophisticated kind of static analysis, though they all also mix in some more superficial-but-valuable checks as well. I refer to this excellent article  by Matt Might as a beginner-level intro.

This deeper kind of static analysis is done by a number of techniques which have names such as dataflow analysis, abstract interpretation, and effect systems. The lines between the approaches get blurrier the deeper you go, and I’ve concluded that the distinctions between them often boil down to little things such as “constraints about the values of variables cannot affect the order of statements” (dataflow vs. constraint-based analysis) and “the only way to merge information from multiple branches (e.g.: describing the state of a program after running a conditional) is to consider the set containing both” (model-checking vs. dataflow analysis).

Is studying static analysis useful for understanding software engineering? I’ve changed my mind on this recently.

I think the formal definition of an abstraction as seen in static analysis, specifically the subfield called “abstract interpretation,” is useful for any engineer to know. Sibling definitions of abstraction also appear in other disciplines as well such as verification, but one cannot study static analysis without understanding it.

Beyond that, however, I cannot recall any instance where I’ve used any concept from static analysis in a lesson about software engineering.

Static analysis today is focused on tracking simple properties of programs, such as whether two variables may reference the same underlying object (pointer/alias analysis) or whether some expression is within the bounds of an array (covered by “polyhedral analysis” and its simplified forms). When more complex properties are tracked, it is typically centered around usage of some framework or library (e.g.: tracking whether files are opened/closed, tracking the dimensions of different tensors in a TensorFlow program) or even tailored to a specific program (example).  Practical deployments of static analysis are a balancing act in finding problems which are important enough to merit building a tool, difficult enough to need one, and shallow enough to be amenable to automated tracking.

A common view is that, to get a static analyzer to track the deeper properties of a program that humans care about, one must simply take existing techniques and just add more effort. As my research is on making tools easier to build, I recently spent weeks thinking about specific examples of which such deeper properties could be tracked upon magically conjuring more effort, and concluded that, on the contrary, building such a “human-level analyzer” is well beyond present technology.

Static analysis is the science of how to step through a program and track what it is doing. Unfortunately, the science only extends to tracking shallow properties. But there is plenty of work tracking more complex properties: it’s done in mechanized formal verification.


Program Synthesis

Program synthesis is exactly what it says on the tin: programs that write programs. I gave an entire talk on software engineering lessons to be drawn from synthesis. There is much inspiration to take from the ideas of programming by refinement and of constraining the search space of programs.

But, that doesn’t mean you should go off and learn the latest and greatest in synthesis research.

First, while all the ideas in the talk are used in synthesis, many of the big lessons are from topics that do not uniquely belong to synthesis. The lessons about abstraction boundaries, for instance, really come from the intersection of type theory and verification.

Second, the majority of that talk is about derivational synthesis, the most human-like of the approaches. Most of the action these days is in the other schools: constraint-based, enumerative, and neural synthesis. All of these are distinctly un-human-like in their operation — well, maybe not for neural, but no-one understands what those neural nets are doing anyway. There are nonetheless software-engineering insights to be had from studying these schools as well, such as seeing how different design constraints affect the number of allowed programs, but if you spend time reading a paper titled “Automated Synthesis of Verified Firewalls,” to use a random recent example, you’re unlikely to get insight into any aspect of software engineering other than how to configure firewalls. (But if that’s what you’re doing, then go ahead. Domain-specific synthesizers do usually involve deep insights about the domain.)

Next time, we'll finish off by discussing the utility of formal verification as well as of the unlikeliest buzzword of the decade: category theory.

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