
Upcoming services 

Sunday 14 March:  Can faith be carbon-neutral?  Speaker and worship leader: Clay Nelson

No in-person service this week.

Virtual service 11.00am.

Information for joining our virtual service:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 894 916 3748
Password: 12345

Stay in the conversation

Watch/read/hear a recent sermon: The road to hothouse hell is paved with good intentions” 

Church videos have English-language subtitles. Hit the “‘CC’ — Subtitles/Closed Captions” button (visible on the YouTube screen) once the video starts.

Church news

Arrangements under COVID:  

This Sunday (14 March) we will still gather only on Zoom, even if are at Level 1 by then. We need more than a few days' notice to be able to plan properly for a full service. We look forward to seeing you again in person soon.

At Alert Level 2, the church is open to any renters who are able to comply with Level 2 requirements. Sunday Services are held in person only when we are in Level 1 (or better!).


Quiz on wheels — 20  March: The Quiz is a team game, there are questions and quests for all ages. Learn something of the history of Northcote/Birkenhead, be wowed by its beauty, and be moved by the love stories that feature along the way. The quest will take about two hours, and we will finish with a shared afternoon tea at one of the lovely beaches. If it is too cold and wet for that, Rachel and Clay have offered their home, as our tea party spot. Details will be given on the day.

There are Bridgeway Movie tickets, as prizes for the winning team.

You are allowed to look up answers on your smart phone, in fact in some cases that may be essential. You also need to take photos.  You will also gain extra points if you can dress up as royalty for one of the tasks.

We request $10.00–$20.00 per adult member of the team, depending what you can afford. Children are free. All money will go to  peace and social justice projects.

If you are participating please email Kay, The quest will be emailed to you on Friday 19 March. If you don’t have access to a printer, please let me know in advance.

Kay Parish

Autumn Equinox celebration  Sunday 21 March, 5.00pm-8.00pm:  Dances of Universal Peace a delightful way to experience community and intimacy with the Spirit of Life through a rich, intercultural array of pathways. We will be chanting/singing and moving to simple sacred phrases from six different world wisdom traditions No experience or singing talent necessary easy movements and words are taught in a call and response way ... followed by potluck supper.
RSVP to Sally Mabelle ( Koha gratefully received to support the Auckland Unitarians' Peace and Social Justice activities.


Whanau gathering for all ages — Easter Sunday:  Easter egg hunt, activities, shared pot-luck picnic lunch 12.00 noon–3.00pm, Easter Sunday, 4 April.
Join us for our first whanau gathering for 2021 on Easter Sunday, 4 April, after the Sunday service.
This is an intergenerational gathering. We welcome children and people of all ages to attend. Please invite your friends and their children to join us. There will be a craft project, an Easter egg hunt, and we ask everyone to bring picnic food ready to eat for a shared pot-luck lunch.
After the service, we will walk or ride share to Viv and Jos’s home and gather in the park behind their house. This is a beautiful small park, very contained and suitable for the Easter egg hunt.

Wet weather plan
If it is a rainy day, we will remain at the Unitarian Church and hold activities, the Easter egg hunt, and the pot-luck lunch inside the Church.

Kia ora from the Children’s Committee: Judy, Tess, Joel, Alex, Isabel, and Ann

Religious education news
Sexuality and relationship programme for older adults: "The Next Chapter" — please see this invitation to join a programme running in a sister UU church in Clearwater, Florida:
"Dear Clay,
"I visited for a worship service online with your congregation back in November and really enjoyed being with you all. Now I'm curious about a possible collaboration.
"I serve as Transitional Director of Religious Enrichment for the Unitarian Universalist of Clearwater, Florida, USA, and we just began a sexuality and relationship program for older adults that we're calling "The Next Chapter." We have eleven women and one man registered, and I wonder if you might have a few from your congregation who would be interested in joining us and helping with the gender balance. Since we've already started, time is of the essence.
"For those in Auckland, the program would meet on Wednesdays at 12:30-2:30pm from now through June 2. Here is our webpage about it:
"Warm regards,

Children’s circle group:  On Sunday mornings during the service, our teachers Isabella and Anna offer an Inclusive Values Educational Programme in the education space downstairs. The programme is suitable for children of primary and intermediate school age. Other children are welcome to stay in church for the service.

Children's circle group roster:  Our teachers, Isabella and Anna, are developing and promoting our new children's programme, as well as taking turns teaching the Inclusive Values Education classes on Sundays during church.  To connect with the children and help Isabella and Anna, we encourage one adult from the Church to help with the children each week. Please sign up online by clicking here and scroll down to the roster to enter your name and contact details, and/or sign up on the roster circulated in Church, for the Sunday/s of your choice. If you are available for a regular shift, say every other month, please note that in the comments. We anticipate having enough volunteers for any single individual to volunteer only once every two or three months to keep the roster covered.  You don’t need to do more than just be there to support our teacher.  Of course you are also welcome to join in and participate as much as you wish and are able. 

Our children are precious to our church whānau, and the involvement of the church community is essential to the children's committee's vision of growing our community in size and age diversity. Intergenerational integration may ultimately include such treasures as an all-age Christmas pageant, special Intergenerational services, family social gatherings, meals, and other celebrations and events. Please help us send a message to families in Auckland that we are offering a wonderful opportunity for their children to participate in an Inclusive Values Educational Programme.
Kia ora from the Children’s Committee: Judy, Tess, Isabel, Ann, Alex, and Joel


Church groups and ongoing features

Craftivist Companions:  Our Craftivist Group has got off to a great start. Our current project is in support of the Living Wage Campaign, and will feature in the announcement of the updated Living Wage hourly rate, on 1 April.  We are all making squares 17x18 cm, which carry messages about the benefits of paying the Living Wage. You can see some examples on the church website: We also have our own FB page: Craftivist Companions.  If you would like to make a square at home, contact Kay for details. Better still, join us at the church on Thursdays at 7.30 (Covid levels permitting), for great company and some supper too. No experience required.

Kay Parish

Stay connected:
WhatsApp x 2
Kay has set up two WhatsApp groups one for news and one for people to share light relief and inspirations.
If you would like to be part one or both of these groups, you will need to download WhatsApp if you don't already have it. Please then send your mobile phone number to Kay Parish:, and let her know which group (or both!) you are interested in.

Church virtual meetings
The church has a Zoom account with two Zoom licences, available to church groups, MC, finance, building, men’s groups, circle groups, etc.  The account allows for more than a 40-minute meeting, and has various other features  recording, breakout rooms, and more  not available in the free account.
There's a calendar showing availability on the website For now contact me to book a slot.

Paul Howarth
Auckland Unitarian Church

One action  two gifts
Little Food Pantry: Our congregation has a no-questions community food pantry
 “Give what you can; take what you need”. Please bring items of non-perishable food or sanitary items for the pantry. You can bring them on Sunday or drop them off any time during the week; just pop them into the cheerfully painted cabinet outside the church.

City Mission: For more structured giving, Auckland Unitarians also regularly donate to the City Mission. Please bring canned goods, non-perishables or sanitary items along on a Sunday morning to contribute in this way.
Hot tip: if you have enough to spare, you can donate to both.

Peace & social justice group (PSJ):  The PSJ Group meets bimonthly on Zoom, until the health scare is over, when in-person meetings will be reinstated.
Any Church member wishing to participate in Group projects should contact me at for information on what involvement with the Group entails (please note that my address in the directory is in error).

For information about the PSJ group and current PSJ projects, please follow this link.

Men's group:  The men's group may choose to connect by phone or other electronic means during the pandemic. Please join the WhatsApp group (see above under Latest news) to connect with members of the group and learn of any plans to return to meeting in person. The group provides a supportive community where men can share their thoughts and feelings with other men, seek/offer advice and discuss issues and ideas.

Rafters music club:  Rafters is a friendly music club that meets at 8.00pm at the church on the third Friday of each month. For more information, visit their website at

Lunch bunch:  The Lunch Bunch meets the fourth Tuesday of the month. Venues will change at participants' suggestions. All are welcome to join in. For more information and monthly venues contact Dawn Elvidge at 

Newsletter archive:  past copies of this newsletter (complete with deliberate errors) can be found at

Pastoral care/church member unwell:  If you know of anyone who is unwell, please alert our minister, Rev Clay Nelson. His contact details are: mobile (021 151 1122); email ( Clay will then inform others on the Pastoral Care Team and coordinate support. The pastoral care team members are Alexandra Bruce, Craig Wedge and Chris Breeden.

Joys and concerns:  Have a joy or concern you would like to share but can't make this Sunday's service?  Email
Clay will select a member of the pastoral care team who is in attendance to light a candle and read out yours.

Circle groups:  Would you like to join a Circle Group or start one in your local area? These are small groups whose main objectives are to strengthen our congregation by drawing us into mutual ministry.  New groups are forming, please send us an email to find out which location might meet your needs.

Mini library:  Our miniature library is located in the Muriel Newland room. The library is catalogued and on line here. Just click on the headings at the top of the columns depending on whether you want to search by author, title, tag etc.

Management committee:  Do you have questions for the church Management Committee? If so, just ask. Members of the Management Committee are Viv Allen (secretary), Jenny Boyd, Leo Boyd, Tess Brothersen, Alex Bruce, Terry Childs (treasurer and chair), Kay Parish and Alaine Tasker. You can email us on We look forward to hearing from you.

Directory:  Members and Friends of the Auckland Unitarian Church – you can add yourself or make changes to your information for the church's directory at any time by emailing

Unitarian tee-shirts:  If you would like to order a t-shirt, please contact Kay Parish, 

YouTube channel:

Facebook: "Like" the Auckland Unitarians on Facebook (we won't be able to see your page, but you will get our updates on your newsfeed).

Donations to keep the church going are most welcome:
You can donate online to our BNZ account 02-0100-0024691-00 (include your name and "donation" as ref) or by cheque to the Auckland Unitarian Church.

Community notices

This section is for notices that may be of interest to Church members but that are not formal church news.

Wiser conversations:  Derek Handley is hosting Wiser Conversations, "Together at Home" a series of virtual conversations designed to help us reflect and respond to our new surreality.
Conversations are free to attend but registration is required.


A radical religious heritage: Auckland Unitarian Church and its wider connections, by John Maindonald (member of our congregation). Second edition now available here.

A Vision Splendid: The Influential Life of William Jellie: a British Unitarian in New Zealand, by Wayne Facer (member of our congregation). Second revised edition now available in paperback and on kindle.

Latest issue of ANZUUA "Quest" journal:   The most recent issue of the ANZUUA "Quest" magazine is now available via the following link:

Latest issue of Sydney UU church journal:   The most recent issue of the Sydney Unitarian Church's Journal "The Unitarian Sun" is now available via the following link:

Latest issue of Melbourne UU church newsletter:   The most recent issue of the Melbourne Unitarian Church's Newsletter "The Beacon" is now available via the following link:

Dictionary of Unitarian and Universalist Biography — NZ entries: "Thomas Fyshe Palmer"; "William Joseph McEldowney".

A Rebel’s Vision Splendid, and The Divine Need of the Rebel, both by James HG Chapple, available at Project Gutenberg.

We hope to see or hear from you soon,
Rachel Mackintosh, newsletter editor

Editor's note: I am having formatting issues and so in some sections, items appear entirely in bold type. This is unintentional. Apologies.

(Newsletter copy deadline is 5.00pm on Wednesday on any week. The newsletter usually goes out on Thursday every week. Submissions that will be outdated by Thursday are not included in the weekly update. Please email Please put “for the newsletter” in the subject line.)



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