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In summary:
  • Hear all about Mardi Gras
  • Register your interest for batucada workshops by Rob Acari
  • Vote on raio practice days
  • Get yourself a new raio shirt

Greetings Raiolings! Hopefully the sun is shining glorious rays of light upon you all this Monday!

Mardi Gras Wrap-up

For those of you who went to Mardi Gras, phew what a weekend! It was so great to hang out with our Sydney samba drumming and dancing friends. Between drumming before the gig in the holding area, drumming during the gig, drumming after the gig outside the stadium, drumming all the way walking home, drumming outside Louis place, drumming at the next door neighbour’s party and then drumming in Louis place until the police showed up, I’d say we got our fill!

There were many highlights, in particular it was very exciting to have La Presidente, Claire Lariosa, out representing the band ahead of the gig in a mix 106.3 radio interview, then fiercely leading the charge for SBS twice in her warrior like samba getup.

Many thanks go to members of the Raio committee (Claire and Louis in particular), for the organisation to make the event happen. Special thanks goes to Louis for offering up his newly acquired Sydney terrace house for accommodation and associated partying, his tolerance of mess, noise, booze, people and police complaints in his house was truly astounding. Thanks must also go to Felipe for his Brazilian music DJ choices, it filled the dance floor!  

Batucada Workshops

Rob Acari, who is head of Bloko 3K in Melbourne and generally knows everything about anything to do with playing in a bateria, is thinking about doing a teaching tour of various cities across Australia, including Canberra! We need to get sufficient numbers to come to make it worth Rob’s time so please don’t hold back. If we get numbers we are looking at subsidising the cost for Raio drummers (potentially up to 50% for those who have signed up to long term memberships) to make it affordable so please indicate interest at the doodle poll link below:

Raio Practice Days

With Autumn arriving the time will soon be upon to head back to Ninians for practice (from end March). After inquiring with Ninians it looks at though they are free every second Wednesday as well as on Mondays. Given previous issues with some band members not being available on a Monday we would like to test interest in band practice nights being held 6:30-8:30 on the following days:

  • Alternating between Mondays and Wednesdays (option 1); or
  • Being on every Monday night (option 2)

Please vote one way or the other at the following doodle poll link:

Details of new practice arrangements will be sent out soon. Until then we will continue to play at Regatta Point on Wednesday nights.

Long term memberships

Sick of paying subs each week? Pay $100 to the Raio account to have your subs covered for 6 months (this is a discount on normal rates)!!

If you dont have the Raio bank account details ask someone for them at practice. 

Raio Shirts

We’ve recently done an order for 20 Raio Shirts in various sizes so if you are keen for a shirt let one of your friendly committee members know and we’ll see if we can sort you out! Cost is $30 a shirt.

17th March WED - Practice @ Regatta Point
24th March WED - Practice @ Regatta Point
31 March WED - Practice @ Regatta Point

Google Drive Videos for various parts of our songs + YouTube Channel for public videos  
FACEBOOK MEMBERS GROUP - join the group here!

Practice is WEDNESDAY's  6:30pm - 8:30pm @ Regatta Point

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