
One Year Later...

Good morning, afternoon, or evening, 

One year has passed during this pandemic. Last year, the newsletter title was “Your Financial COVID”. I’m pretty sure that some of you are still experiencing a financial COVID. I’m not going to say that’s okay but I do know that all of us have built our resilience last year. So, this week I’m asking you to reflect. Reflect on the things you have learned and what you can take with you for the rest of your life. There are some events that change you completely. I’m confident the pandemic has done that for me. 

In addition to this reflection, we have been given a third chance with the COVID relief bill. It is not too often that we are given multiple chances at “FREE” money. I use free loosely because you had to work in the past two years to get it. But at any rate, I challenge you to take care of your needs and build your savings. Stimulate yourself before the economy. In the same way you create a budget for your regular paycheck, do the same for your stimulus. Write out the list of expenses and deduct it from the balance. Write it out until you get to zero. Then if you are in a good position, invest. Learn how to be more proactive instead of reactive. 

If you want to have accountability for you to stay on track throughout the year. This is a good time to join the accountability group. If you didn’t get ahead in 2020 with the earlier checks, let me help you stay on track this year so you can FINISH! 

See you next week...

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