
Welcome March 2021 -
Fáilte Márta 2020


Every month, we aim to deliver a newsletter full of our upcoming events, insightful news, articles of note & of academic interests
regarding health and the environment.

As we continue to #holdfirm as outlined by HSE, we ask that the public remain vigilant with physical distancing and following the government guidance.
We would like to thank the Irish population for their ongoing kindness, generosity and patience towards the healthcare sector during these trying times in 2020.


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change in world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"
- Margaret Mead 

We are delighted to launch 
"Conversations with IDE' - a new podcast which aims to interconnect and link doctors with other environmental stakeholders across different disciplines 

For this episode, Dr Callum Swift & Dr Margaret Brennan sit down to interview Isabella Tree, who is a UK conservationist and author of the award-winning book “Wilding; the return of nature to a British Farm”. The spectacular results of her rewilding experiment on the 3,500 acre Knepp farm offer a window into possible solutions to many of today's most critical problems: carbon sequestration, soil restoration, crop pollination, flood mitigation, water purification, animal welfare and human health.

Isabella's book 'Wilding' was also IDE book club in 2020.
We look forward to hearing further suggestions of future guests on this podcast. 

We would also like to thank Patrick Dexter, who provided the introduction music and will be playing at St Patrick's Day for President Biden. He has kept millions of viewers happy over the past year with his beautiful cello music outside his cottage in West of Ireland -

If you are new to the work of IDE, we encourage you to listen to the introductory podcast and begin thinking about environment and health in your own space, finding a community that will encourage you to explore these links deeper and continue working on committing individually, nationally and internationally to supporting climate action.

The second meeting of CHIME (Climate and Health in Medical Education)  was held this week with medical schools around Ireland. A really productive and invigorating session about content and implementation. Check out the jamboard! We would love to hear further input from any medical students on what areas you believe may be missing.


In this new 10-part series, released by Royal Society of Medicine in the UK and presented by healthcare professionals for healthcare professionals, experts from across the health community will unite to address the impact that climate change is having on human health. The Prince of Wales will be recording a message to introduce this important series. 

By positioning health and wellbeing at the centre of the climate change discussion, the Royal Society of Medicine will give healthcare professionals the opportunity to understand the links between climate change and health and recognise how they can help combat climate change and its effects.

Sign up for the 10 part series beginning 16 March here
Two IDE representatives signed an affadavit at Dublin City Council on behalf of Irish Doctors for Environment and Climate and Health Alliance last week on the importance of continuing to protect active travel, which encourages healthier modes of transport and has numerous health co-benefits. 

It is crucial we continue to commit towards cutting fossil fuels. IDE will continue to liase with Climate and Health Alliance organisations on promotion of the Smoky Fuel Ban, due to the numerous health co-benefits from reducing indoor and outdoor air pollution. 
IDE are delighted that Dr Byrne will be representing this Friday at the Virtual Town Hall meeting on the importance of protecting clean air. 
A gentle reminder that, if you have not already done so, there is a public consultation process to the Galway City Development Plan 2023-2029 based on the Mission Statement, Aims and Principles of Galway National Park City.  As IDE are members of the City Champions, we have access to a template that champions can use to make this submission before 4pm Friday March 5th. Please feel free to edit as appropriate. The email address to be used is Please contact for template
On March 13th from 10am - 1pm WIMEN conference (postponed from last year!) on Diversity in Medicine focusing in particular on Gender & Diversity will be held online. Dr Aoife Kirk will represent IDE & discuss some of the aspects of climate health, biodiversity & gender with a focus on action doctors can take. 
Dr Mike Ryan video has been viewed over 1.5 million times online, where he bluntly outlines as IDE continue to promote - the links between future pandemics, climate change, and the importance for a safe recovery is sustainable growth while protecting biodiversity. 
Finally this month we would like to send our warmest welcomes to Heather Coyne, a new intern who is joining IDE via Montreal, Canada. We are very excited to have Heather, who is currently studying a Bachelor of Global and International Studies at Carleton University, Ottawa.  

"To walk through a forest uncharacteristically barren of snow in wintertime, or through a hospital ward dominated by older and chronically ill patients, is to witness two of the greatest challenges of our time: the degradation of the Earth’s ecosystems and the shift in human disease towards that driven by our lifestyles and our surroundings. Both challenges are inseparable: climate change, ecosystem destruction, massive losses in biodiversity, a warming ocean, soil degradation, and pollution are wreaking havoc on our planet and sickening us." - Lancet Global Health - Human health and environmental sustainability: the 21st century's grand challenges
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