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Winter Conference has always been a significant time for our students to experience Jesus and discover their place in the mission of God. This year, rather than packing a hotel conference center, students from New York to Hawaii all connected virtually to one live national broadcast. We gathered WMU and KVCC students at a local church to participate in the livestream (photo above). While it was a step into the unknown to host the conference like this, God moved in powerful ways!

6,292 students attended nationally. The speakers lifted our eyes to consider the beauty, mercy, and grace of Jesus. They helped us to see the urgency of sharing with those around us. 
The week following the conference, Cru’s “For the Sake of the One” outreach challenged each of us to share the gospel with 3 people in our lives. At the following Thursday Cru meeting, students shared stories about reaching out to those around them: 

Jacob felt convicted. “I’m supposed to reach the world, and the world is 12 feet away from me” - his rooomates! He took the opportunity right away to talk about Christ with one of them. Scott had a conversation with a friend about the Christian song he was listening to. He ended up sharing the gospel with her using the Knowing God Personally booklet he had been trained to use the week before. Jenna shared her testimony with a girl across the hall in her residence hall. That weekend the girl went to church with Jenna, and they went and purchased a Bible together. 

David noticed a student from India listening in as his Community Group was watching The Chosen (miniseries about Jesus’ life) in the student center. David invited him to join the group. After the episode, the student had so many questions. “Who was that baby with the animals?” David set up a time to meet with him to explain Jesus’ message.

This is not an easy time. Our students are struggling with sin, overwhelmed by school, and dealing with conflict with friends related to COVID. Yet we are seeing God at work in and through them. It’s a gift to be a part of that with you!
Deep snow volleyball during a break in the Winter Conference livestream.

Please pray...  

-Pray for our students spending “5 Weeks in 1st Pete” together to fall in love with God’s Word!

-Pray for God to draw more and more students to himself.

-Pray for up-and-coming leaders among our students, that God would be maturing them in the areas that hold them back.

“3 out of 4 Americans between the ages of 18-24 report poor mental health tied to the pandemic, according to the CDC.” PBS 1/2021

Lucy and Max taking a break from "sledding" down the mini-hill at our house.

Your friends,
Jeff and Kate


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