
This newsletter is designed for health care professionals, climate partners, legislators, and those who want to be a part of developing solutions for health concerns caused by and/or increased by climate change.

We educate and support health care practitioners who want to amplify their voices in support of health and climate action. If you are interested,  join GCCA now.

Register now to receive a link to the article.

GCCA Consults….Monthly Speaker Series

Thank you to all of those who joined our GCCA Consults GA Interfaith Power and Light (GIPL) session on 3/2! We are looking forward to future partnerships.

Join us on Tuesday, March 30, 4-5 PM EST as GCCA Consults Sierra Club - GA Chapter, featuring Neil Sardana. Register now.

Clinician Resources, Education and Events

Register now.

This webinar is part of a series associated with the Consortium’s Climate and Health Equity Fellowship.

Georgia Environmental Justice Education and Awareness Symposium — Earth Day, April 22, 2021

South Fulton County

Dr. Jen Barkin, Dr. Neha Pathak, and Dr. Yolanda Whyte will participate in the upcoming Environmental Public Health Roundtable led by Representative Mandisha Thomas (GA House District 65). For more information and to register, go to: GeorgiaEnivironmentalJustice

Save the date for this half-day symposium on April 28, 2021 on climate change and clinical practice! This CME event will convene clinicians, hospital leaders, health professionals, and students for a series of short, engaging lectures and panel discussions on the clinical practice implications of climate change as well as strategies for addressing climate-associated practice and care delivery challenges. Registration link will be available soon.

GCCA is proud to be a Partner in this event.

Medical Society Consortium on Climate & Health Annual Meeting

The Medical Promise of Climate Solutions: Moving to Action for Health and Equity

May 21 - 25, 2021

More information Here

GCCA Members are actively providing health solutions to climate change

GCCA is this month’s featured guest for the Medical Association of GA (MAG) Top Doc’s show

This month’s MAG Top Doc’s show featured GA Clinicians for Climate Action (GCCA) and Dr. Rebecca Philipsborn. Hear more about how we are impacting the health of Georgians and our health care systems, in the midst of climate change. Watch Now.

In addition to the video recordings that are available on Facebook, ‘Top Docs’ is available as a podcast on Apple, Google, Spotify, Stitcher, and iHeart Radio.

In preparation for Earth Day next month, Dr. Yolanda Whyte, Dr. Jennifer Barkin and Dr. Neha Pathak, joined GA House Representative Mandisha Thomas (D-65) and City Councilman Corey Reeves (District 5) to meet the planning team and present for the upcoming Georgia Environmental Justice Education and Awareness Symposium.


General Internists as Climate Health Advocates”, was written by Dr. Homan Wai (VCCA), Dr. Neha Pathak (GCCA), and Dr. Rob Byron (Montana Health Professionals For a Healthy Climate), and published in the Society of General Internal Medicine (SGIM) Journal. Read it here.

Dr. Jennifer Barkin’s research entitled “The Effects of Extreme Weather Events on Child Mood and Behavior" was accepted for publication by Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology. Kudos Jen!

Dr. Anne Mellinger-Birdsong researched and developed several one-pagers detailing the health effects of gas stoves.

Feel free to download for your own information and help educate others:

Natural Gas Stove research for physicians

The Health effects of natural gas stoves

Dr. Yolanda Whyte participated in a virtual taping for the Green Table Talk with Congresswoman Lauren Underwood (D-IL) in support of Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act, part of the Momnibus Act. Here is recent coverage.

To read the Momnibus bill in its entirety, click Here. There is a section entitled: Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act.

Climate and Health Equity Fellowship

In February of 2021, the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health in cooperation with National Medical Association launched the Climate and Health Equity Fellowship (CHEF) program. Georgia’s fellows are Dr. Shaneeta Johnson (Atlanta) and Dr. Linda Walden (Cairo).

This new fellowship opportunity will help generate a network of experts on climate, health and equity in four southeastern states as part of a strategy to advance a clean energy future in a region that is vulnerable to climate crises and has experienced systemic racial and climate injustice.

Several Clinicians for Climate Action (CCA) groups are participating in a growing network of Consortium state affiliates, including Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. The Consortium is partnering with the southeastern regional affiliate of the National Medical Association (NMA Region III) on this program to help build the strength and diversity of these Consortium state affiliates. Every southern state has a state NMA affiliate.

This project will build the strength of an alliance of state clinician groups and state NMA affiliates in the southeast in order to tackle climate change by strategically training and mentoring doctors to be powerful and knowledgeable voices for change. The fellowship will strengthen the knowledge, skills, self-efficacy, and contacts of the fellows so they can effectively promote equitable- and health-focused climate solutions. Networking will bring fellows together with each other and with climate action groups in their states.

This program was made possible with generous support from Johnson & Johnson and the Energy Foundation.


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701 S Columbia Drive, Decatur, GA 30030

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