
Hi friends,

I had the pleasure of talking about my songwriting process and 52 songs project on the Songwriting Idiots podcast. It was a fun conversation. Take a listen!

Speaking of which, this week's song – Both Be Better – is all about love: our desire for it, the times it feels like we’ll never know it, and how our attempts to cultivate it can hurt other people.

(ICYMI, I'm recording a song a week in 2021.)

Enjoy the things!


Ten Things

1. 💿 Mariah Carey – MTV Unplugged EP

Mariah Carey showing everyone how it's done, way back in 1992.

2. 📺 Canine Intervention

Queer Eye for dogs (very good).

3. 📺 Kachalka

Mini documentary about a gym built from Soviet-era scraps, featuring lots of hench old men.

4. 🎥 Palmer

Justin Timberlake plays an ex-convict who becomes BFFs with a bullied non-binary child. 

5. 🎥 Billie Eilish: The World's A Little Blurry

A look inside Billie Eilish's absolutely bonkers world.

6. 📝 Peloton’s top instructor isn’t above a 10-minute workout

Tips for getting stuff done.

7. 📝 How much is enough to retire on?

Ugh, still got a few years to go.

8. 📝 Kinky zoom orgies, lingering exes and wank addictions: inside Britain’s sexual recession

Whatever it takes to cope with corona.

9. 📝 The joys of being an absolute beginner – for life

On starting new things.

10. 📚 Brian Eno – A Year With Swollen Appendices

I'm enjoying a few pages of Brian Eno's diary most nights before bed. It includes loads of fascinating tidbits of information from a life dedicated to creativity and art. This new 25th anniversary edition has a real tasty design, too.

Pertinent information

👨🏻‍🚀 I'm Luke, a writer and maker. If you liked this email, tell a friend. If you're new here, you can subscribe.

💁🏻‍♂️ You might like these things I've written on being a freelance writer, giving your money away, taking care of your brain, and tools to get things done.

✏️ Ten Things is edited by Annabel Bligh.

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