Dear Reader,
Happy Birthday ENNE Newsletter! One year ago we published the first edition of the main communication tool of the ENNE International community.
Last month, we described the 3 reasons to be part of our network, which already counts 69 registered VET organisations, from 5 European countries, representing over 255.000 students and 41.000 staff members. In the last 4 months, 36 new members have signed the membership agreement and new ones are coming.
Are you following our YouTube Channel? Subscribe and discover all VET Role Models interviews!
Every month we will share the most relevant news, events, and resources in the field of VET, including information about our network members and any other organization that wants to share good practices in the field of VET!
We are ready to go and you... you could be part of it! Click here if you want to join our community!
ENNE Project Team
Last 23 February 2021, at midterm in the implementation of the project activities, the EACEA has invited all the coordinators of the selected Networks and Partnerships of VET Providers to meet and share good practices and information about the new programme.
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EDEN 2021 Virtual Annual Conference – UNED Madrid
“Lessons from a pandemic for the future of education”
The 30th Anniversary year of the Association the Annual Conference will be hosted by the National Distance Education University UNED in Madrid, Spain, on 22-25 June 2021 and will be held online.
The main topics:
- Learner centredness in education
- Evolution of ODL
- The transformation of f2f teaching
- Through online to blended learning and adapting to “new normal”
- Digital preparedness, digital literacy, and digital citizenship
- Micro-credentials in HE
- Diversity and social inclusion
- Continued adoption of AI
- EU Education and Training Policy in ODL
To submit and take notes for more information: www.eden-online.org/2021_madrid/call
EDEN - the European Distance and E-Learning Network
EDEN is a non-governmental educational association established in 1991. It shares knowledge and improves understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.
- Professional School of Building Architecture and Geodesy Kolio Ficheto, Burgas
- Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering and Technology,G.S RAKOVSKI, Stara Zagora
- Vocational School of Transport and Agrarian Technologies “Nikola Vaptsarov”, Haskovo
- Vocational High School of Transport “Vladimir Petkov Minchev”, village of Vladimirovo
- Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering and Electronics “Maria Sklodovska – Curie”, Sliven
- Vocational High School of Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering, Galabovo
- Business High School, Burgas
- Vocational High School of Electrical Engineering, Varna
- High School of Business and Finance “Vasil Levski”, Montana
Training through Virtual Reality: Project for competence development in public transport
The VET training centre of the Leipzig public transport company (LAB) coordinates the Erasmus+ project
“Competence+: A Blended Learning Programme for Competence Development Beyond Pure Professional Skills” continue on >>
Making our schools 2030-proof
The project focuses on “innovative learning environments including 21st century skills” and “evaluation to-be“.
The new strategic plan 2030 of GO! is being rolled out.
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The Work Based Learning continues!
The challenges of this peculiar period continue, but the learning of our learners from Vocational Education and Training cannot stop.
The school COOPETAPE has reported, in its social media pages, the success of two internships of the vocational course of Graphic Arts. Continue on >>
Fraternisation in education!
This Erasmus project provides international internships for VET students from GO! Eeklo, Maldegem and Zelzate.
Via de verbroederingsgemeenten van Zelzate zoeken we stageplekken en gastgezinnen.
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Council Resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training
towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030)
On 18 February 2021, the Council of the European Union approved the new Resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030).
What are the framework sets 5 strategic priorities for the next decade?
"Mobile, but different - Erasmus+ in times of Corona" is a podcast by the German National Agency NA at BIBB that gives insights into the practice of project promoters on how stays abroad can also work in these times. Website
Aus Deutschland
"Mobil, aber anders - Erasmus+ in Zeiten von Corona" ist ein Podcast der deutschen Nationalagentur NA beim BIBB, der Einblicke in die Praxis von Projektträgern gibt, wie Auslandsaufenthalte auch in diesen Zeiten funktionieren können.
The importance of foreign language skills in the world of work is increasing - this is one of the findings of a recent analysis by the German Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) based on representative surveys of the workforce in recent years. Differentiated by the occupational sector, it is primarily IT and scientific service occupations in which foreign language skills are most frequently required (around 91%). Read more here (in German)
Aus Deutschland
Die Bedeutung von Fremdsprachenkenntnissen in der Arbeitswelt nimmt zu - das ist eins der Ergebnisse einer aktuellen Analyse des deutschen Bundesinstituts für Berufsbildung (BIBB) auf der Basis von repräsentativen Erwerbstätigenbefragungen in den vergangenen Jahren. Nach Berufssektoren differenziert sind es vor allem IT- und naturwissenschaftliche Dienstleistungsberufe, in denen am häufigsten Fremdsprachenkenntnisse gefordert werden (rund 91 Prozent). Mehr dazu hier
Improving access to Science, Engineering and Technology education and training in resource-poor institutions through an Open Platform for Technology Enabled Active Learning Environment
The TEAL2.O project will develop and deploy an open-access, cloud-based, collaborative teaching & learning platform that will enable the design and delivery of quality open and distance Learning in SET. Will it offer? >>
- Access to MOOCs and other digital learning content developed around the glob
- Modularity and full customizability, allowing institutions and teaching staff to design programs and develop teaching content that suit local needs and constraints, including those of underrepresented learners
- Autonomous assessment and quality assurance
- Seamless integration of open source hardware and software into the learning process to maximize learners’ exposure to technology and provide access to virtual labs and experimentation
- Enhanced opportunities for collaborative learning and teaching, allowing institutions to pool available expertise and support quality
- Learner-centred education, flexible learning pathways and co-creation on the part of learners
- Full integration with Moodle
EGInA Srl, based in Italy, it is a private consultancy and training agency, operating in the field of EU projects and grants.
European Center for Quality Ltd., based in Bulgaria, it gives highly professional consultancy help to its clients thanks to its qualified and experienced employees and using the rich international experience and know-how of its partners.
Arts & Skills is based in Portugal, it is a private consultancy and training organization, operating also as a Hosting and Intermediary Organization in the field of European Mobility Programmes.
Wisamar is based in Germany, it is an accredited, non-profit education provider, acting in further education and training, integration, project management and EU Mobility.
Connectief is an intermediate organisation supporting actions leading to a smooth flow of pupils or course participants in labor market-oriented training to the labor market. Connectief facilitates this crucial step from training to work through projects.