
Hey Pythonista,

A common thread amongst the many aspiring and established developers we speak with is that of productivity:

"There's just not enough time in the day to learn everything I need to learn".

"My day job takes up way too much time".

"I start courses but only get a little way in before I get distracted by the next shiny thing".

"I can't focus on what I'm supposed to be working on, which is writing more code".

"My weeks are filled with work but I'm no closer to my goals".


If any of these examples sound like or resonate with you, then you're exactly who we made our new Productivity Course for:

Introducing: Practical Productivity with PyBites.

This 3.75 hour, 36 video course is very hands on and makes you do the work required to improve your productivity.

Not only do we tackle the main concepts ("the 80/20"), we also draw from our own experience building PyBites while maintaining our families/kids and fulltime jobs (and lately, taking weekends off).

By applying the practical approach we teach you in this course, you will gain quality time back in your life that you can put toward your goals and personal growth.

Here's what people are saying:

"For a very reasonable time investment, I came out of this course feeling more prepared than from the other books, podcasts, and videos I've consumed on the topic!”

"After implementing some of the lessons, I have seen a noticeable change in my effectiveness as a developer!"

"I wish I had done this course sooner! I realized that it contains the key points on Productivity that I’d learned about, in one easily digestible course!"


Don't "procrastinate" on this one, reclaim your agenda and start achieving your goals.

Get the course here.


- Bob & Julian

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