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Happenings At A Glance

Upcoming Sunday Services on ZOOM

Make sure you have a Chalice available to light before the Service begins.
Services can be seen on Zoom every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Our Touchstones The theme for March is respect.

March 14th: 
Sunday Service with Rev. Fred Wooden, Hayley Wynne, Katie Seiferth, Barbara Face 

Sermon: "Standing in Need"

Join our Service every week at this link: Zoom Worship Service

Find previous services here.

VUU News

In the Meantime,

When I got my initial training for interim ministry last spring I got a syllabus with lots of required reading and recommended reading, and handbooks and case studies, a small library of tools and techniques that honestly I could not begin to digest.  That made me anxious.  How could I possibly get all this done?  Did I want to work this hard?  Could I even get it all done?

Slowly, as with all learning, the immensity and intensity began to settle into a whole rather than a blizzard of parts.  All these tools and techniques were a kit, the means not the ends.  I began to realize choosing the right wrench was not the task, but seeing the goal.  

In interim ministry that comes down to making room.  Institutions like churches and congregations are spiritual attics.  I have served churches between 300 years old and barely forty years old but they all had stuff that had accumulated over time.  I mean both actual stuff and emotional stuff.  We once lived in a parsonage where the linoleum was hallowed because a former preacher had laid it down.  That made it hard for me to ask for improvements.  I was surrounded by the past, and felt more like a museum curator than a spiritual leader.  

Preserving memories is important, but if you keep everything from the past there is no room for the future. And few people join congregations whose unwritten mission is to revere the past.  

That is not true of VUU.  I detect no ‘edifice complex’ here, or ‘relics of saints.’  But there are habits of the heart as de Toqueville called them, the often unexpressed assumptions and values that explain why you do this and not that, which are in this place.  It is not my task to remove them, but to ask if you want to keep them and if so why.  

I am a spiritual Marie Kondo, as it were, opening the drawers and doors and asking, “does this spark joy?”  And if it does not, to suggest that you give it away so that there is room for future joy.  All the techniques and tools come down to this, helping you make room for your future joy.  It’s your choice, not mine.  But if you can, choose joy.  - FW - 

Happenings Announcements
Want an announcement in Happenings?  Fill this out.

Questions about Happenings email
VUU’s Environmental Action Team (EAT) is comprised of committees and special projects that focus on climate change issues. The Team would like to know what areas of environmental action are of most interest to you. Please complete the quick survey.  This information will inform future educational, motivational, and social activities for the entire congregation. Your feedback is very important to us! Thank you.
Help Wanted

Can you help?  VUU has as many needs while virtual as ever … in fact, perhaps more!  All safely, socially distant, and many from home.
Thank you for how many of you have responded so far.  We still have some positions to fill.
IHelp Coordinator – Organizer needed to coordinate communication between IHelp and VUU.  Oversee volunteers handling specific functions (sheet cleaning, food contributions, etc.)  From home – phone and email communication.  Contact
Membership Team – Members wanted to greet newcomers, connect members, facilitate Journey to Membership classes.  Contact

Youth Programs


Reminder: There are no classes this Sunday 3/14, we will be returning next week!

Registration link
2yr olds - 5th graders, Sundays 1-2 pm: CartUUns, Unitarian Universalist values through the animated short films of Pixar and Disney.
Please note:
1) Monthly "take home" bags of supplies will be created for each participant. Please indicate (on registration) if you can pick up bags at VUU, help deliver, or need delivery.

MIDDLE SCHOOL: 6th-8th graders, Sundays 2-3pm : Crossing Paths, Exploring the World's Religions using a UU theological framework. Virtual visits will enable youth to experience our "neighboring faiths.”
Please note:
1) Classes will be recorded and uploaded as PRIVATE to the VUU YouTube channel. Families will receive an email with the link to view the videos.
Registration link
Hi Families, 
I just CAN'T do another Easter without having a party for the children of VUU. [Party might be an ambitious description...event describes it better.]
Everyone will be masked, we will keep our distance from those not living in our households BUT we will have the opportunity to see one another! And there is a goodie bag....and drawing in the VUU parking lot...WHAT COULD BE BETTER??!!
(Teens who want to assist with the parking lot art activity should contact Marci)

Sunday, April 4th, 12 - 4 pm (after the virtual worship service)
In the VUU parking lot (use entrance on McKemy, exit onto del Rio. Entrance near the Education complex will be closed)

2 activities, registration required:
1. Drive thru visit with Marci and Hayley - an Easter goodie bag for each registered child
2. Parking lot art - 15 min time slot, sidewalk chalk provided (1st time slot: 12:15 pm, last time slot: 3:45 pm)
     Max of 6 families per time slot, be prepared with your 2nd choice. 

Registration required for participation in either (or both!) activities.

Registration will close when maximums are reached.

Marci Beaudoin (she/her pronouns)
Director of Faith Formation ministry
Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation

In the Community

Thirteen Connection Circles are meeting twice a month for small group connection.  Groups are 5 -10 in size and meet at various times during the week.  Please email to join a Connection Circle.  Members, friends, and visitors are welcome – it’s a great way to meet new friends and develop deeper connections to some you already know.
The Page Turners
The March book is The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes. This is a novel based upon a team of women who deliver books as part of Eleanor Roosevelt’s new traveling library which became known as the Packhorse Librarians of Kentucky.

The meeting will be on March 18 at 7:00 p.m. Anyone interested in discussing the book is invited to participate. If you would like to receive the Zoom link, email Amy at
EastVUU Meeting Thurs. March 11, 6:30-8:30pm 

Join us for our meeting. We welcome Atty Mary Miller, Executive Director of Refugee Aid, a project of the 501c3 Southwest Heritage Foundation. Currently Refugee Aid is making food bags for asylum-seekers coming through the International Refugee Committee Phoenix Welcome Center on their way to their families. For more information on how you can help, contact Sharon Kopina at ALL ARE WELCOME
Meeting ID: 739 743 734
Password: 920559 

Save the Date! EastVUU Social Night, Thur. Mar 25, 6:30p.m. Back by popular demand, our own DJ, Jerry Martin will lead us in Name That Tune, featuring female vocalists in honor of Women's Month. This should be so much fun! ALL ARE WELCOME  

Save the Date!  April 8, 6:30 p.m.: Zoom with the EastVUU group to hear from our own Sandy Whitley about the intersection of climate change and social justice. Learn easy actions you can take to help the planet! ALL ARE WELCOME
Green Sanctuary Garden Thurs. 8:00-9:30am
News from VUU’s Green Sanctuary Garden

“Everything that slows us down and forces patience, everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help. Gardening is an instrument of grace.” -May Sarton

Please consider helping out with light maintenance at the garden. Our new Work Day hours are every Thursday, 8am - 9:30am and the third Saturday of every month, 8am - 10am. For more information, please contact Kat Karpinen ( or Denise McLeod (

Paz de Cristo

We are looking for volunteers to serve meals at Paz de Cristo. During this time of Covid, we need seven volunteers each month. All precautions are taken to ensure safety and social distancing. Want to sign up? Want more info? Click here. Thanks in advance!
Food for Life and Planet

FLP Meeting 3/19: Open Discussion
On 3/19 at 10am, the Food for Life and the Planet meeting will be an open discussion.  All are welcome! If you’ve been curious about plant-based diets, how your eating choices affect the planet’s climate, considering Meatless Mondays (or not!), please join us!

On Friday March 26th, we’ll be discussing How Not To Die by Michael Gregor, M.D. It comes highly recommended by a few FLP members. Time to get healthy!!!!

Hope you can join us. 

ZOOM Meeting (9/18) Information:
FLP: Food for Life & Planet, Fridays 10:00 - 11:30 AM

Meeting ID: 825 6628 0722
Passcode: FLP

Immigration Team: Donations Needed! 

With several centers receiving an influx of refugees and asylum seekers, there are many items that are needed. Due to limited storage space, we are asking for only these specific needed items at this time

Men’s jackets, all sizes 
Men’s pants, all sizes (jeans or other casual pants are preferred) 
Men’s shirts, size small 
Men’s and women’s underwear and socks, all sizes (new) 
Men’s sweatpants, all sizes 
Women’s leggings and sweatpants, all sizes 
Women’s shorts, all sizes 
Men’s, women’s and children’s shoes, all sizes 
Towels Winter gloves, beanies and scarves, all sizes  

You may drop off items at the VUU office in the foyer. There will be a bin where you may place the items. Drop off times will be from 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Monday-Friday starting 3/15 and ending 4/1. If you have difficulty dropping off items, contact Barbara Q. at and you may arrange for pick up. If you have any further questions you may contact Barbara Q. as well. Thank you for your generosity!
New Administration policies have made it possible for families seeking asylum to continue their journeys. Groups and shelters helping REFUGEES and ASYLUM  SEEKERS are ramping back up and NEED YOUR HELP. We are not able to publicly announce those locations, but if you are interested in helping, contact Barb Quijada at for more information.

Environmental Action Team

New Administration policies have made it possible for families seeking asylum to continue their journeys. Groups and shelters helping REFUGEES and ASYLUM SEEKERS are ramping back up and NEED YOUR HELP. We are not able to publicly announce those locations, but if you are interested in helping, contact Barb Quijada at for more information. 

EAT Meeting Monday, March 15, 2021 at 6:00PM 
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 942 3643 4608
Passcode: 992059
OR By phone: +16699006833,,94236434608#,,,,*992059#
Our Dalai Lama and Friends virtual gathering meets every Sunday at 9 a.m. It be will on Zoom. 
Here is the link
Meeting ID: 388 347 383
Password: 347553

Social Distance...But Make it Social Justice

DACA Clinic: Volunteers Needed

2nd and 4th Saturdays at First Church UCC Phoenix, 12-4 pm

DACA is back! and UUJAZ is proud to be partnering with Keep Phoenix Together to empower Dreamers by assisting them with their DACA application. This life-changing immigration policy was recently reinstated by court ruling, and your support can help give Dreamers the tools to apply for deferred deportation under DACA. Volunteers are needed at the Keep Phoenix Together clinic. Anyone who can spare a few hours on a Saturday afternoon can help, no special language or legal skills necessary.

Sign up to volunteer here.

Book GroUUp

3rd Fridays, 12-1:30 pm

What legacy will you leave your beloved: your children, grandchildren, congregation, community, and/or country about how you worked to dismantle systemic racism during your lifetime? What will you bequeath to your beloved? What is your hope for their future, for Beloved Community?

Join Rev. Tina Squire and Steve Kraynak on the third Friday of each month for a justice-centered book discussion from the perspective of our Unitarian Universalist values. Here we will use reading, conversation, and writing to answer these questions.

March 19, 2021: Discuss Between The World And Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates
April 16, 2021: Discuss BREATHE – A Letter To My Sons by Imani Perry
May 21, 2021: Read aloud our own letters we've written to our Beloved.

Register here.

Race Matters and the Supreme Court
Tuesday, March 9th, 5-6:30 pm AZ time, 7-8:30 pm Eastern
Tuesday, March 16th, 4-5:30 pm AZ time, 7-8:30 pm Eastern
Tuesday, March 23rd, 4-5:30 pm AZ time, 7-8:30 pm Eastern

As UUs, we recognize the existence of many realities and even more so, how those realities are interwoven. The connection between law and race is one of these ever-present truths. Join Political Science Professor Emeritus and UU, Howard Tolley, for three 90 minute sessions examining Supreme Court caselaw involving slavery, native American rights, racial discrimination, segregation, mass incarceration, the death penalty, affirmative action, rights of protesters, and qualified immunity for law enforcement personnel. In this course taught through UUJAZ and UUJO, Tolley considers the impact of race, political ideology, legal principles, and personal preference on the selection of Justices and the decisions they reach.
Register here.

All In For Climate Justice: Food Equality and Sustainability 
April 9th - April 11, register before March 18th

Hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Ministry for the Earth 
This intergenerational seminar is an opportunity to collaborate with others while learning how to be a global activist. Through workshops, peer and expert-led panel discussions, community-building activities, and worship services, you will undergo a transformative process of learning, reflection, and growth while exploring some of the most challenging issues facing humanity today.

Register here.

Trans Inclusion in Congregations from Transforming Hearts Collective
UUJAZ is thrilled to provide access to this online course on radical welcoming for all AZ UUs, thanks to a generous grant from the UU Funding panel. This course on transformational culture shift counts towards your annual Welcoming Congregation renewal. Contact us for your free login code (usually $125 per person) to explore this course at your own pace, or create a group at your congregation to take it together!

Granite Peak - Scheduling soon - Contact: Lena Hubin
Valley UU - Scheduling soon - Sign up here
Surprise UU - Scheduling soon - Contact: Juliet Gustavson
Mt. Vista - Starts May 9th - Sign up here

If you’re interested in taking this course on your own, fill out this form.
Black Lives Matter 
Artist: Ashley Lukashevsky, Website, Instagram
Copyright © 2021 Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation, All rights reserved.

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