Dear Subscriber,

In this week's digest, we share a video recording of our AMI Talk featuring Silvia C. Dubovoy and Ama van Dantzig, a blog post discussing the impacts of the climate crisis on children and youth and a video about the Montessori approach to education. Are you missing some physical activity at home? Then check out the video by Montessori Sports. Do not forget to visit our AMI Digital resources page to get free access to various classified cards and language materials.

Women's Rights Discussion with Silvia C. Dubovoy and Ama van Dantzig

On 8 March 2021, we held our second AMI Talk, featuring Silvia C. Dubovoy, PhD and Ama van Dantzig, co-founder of Dr. Monk. Silvia and Ama shared insights on equality and equity gained from their professional lives. Silvia shared an overview of the social movements and historical context that shapes Montessori's particular brand of idealism. She explored her ideas about the education of young girls and the link between the wellbeing of mother and child in the context of what we now know as Montessori theory and practice. Ama shared her passion for helping people find ingenious solutions for the challenges of our time. She also focused on the relevance of uniting people and communities in order to help leaders to take the steps to confront such challenges. You can watch the recording of this AMI Talk here

The Montessori Approach Is About Creating Children for a Life of Caring

“Today we need an education that is about human development, about all the great things that humans do, because knowledge is not enough. It is about looking at children and saying: “with what we’ve got let’s create something that’s going to help them flourish.” Watch this beautiful video created in collaboration with BrightVibes on how the Montessori approach to education prepares children for a life of caring. Watch the video here

Climate Change Harms Children the Most, Particularly the 85% in Developing Countries

According to the World Health Organisation, children will suffer 80% of the illnesses, injuries and deaths attributable to climate change. Children are harmed by both sudden climate change events (e.g., floods and fires) and long-term climate changes (e.g., droughts and rising sea levels). Children’s education is also harmed; flooding and droughts are followed by declines in school attendance. Forced migration is followed by trauma and behaviour problems among children. The key to supporting children and young people in such circumstances is to give them agency. The Convention on the Rights of the Child states that children have the right to participate in and influence decision-making processes that are relevant to their lives. Learn more here


Dribbling a ball is a great activity for children to perceive and understand objects in an environment with relation to their bodies. By controlling the ball with their feet, children see what their movement does to the ball. Eventually, practising this skill will improve their eye-foot coordination. Watch the video here

AMI Digital is an online repository of quality Montessori resources for educators, schools and families. Due to the current situation with COVID-19, AMI is offering free access to some of its materials for use with children aged 3-6, some of which are also suitable for older children. Explore the AMI Digital Free Educational Resources here. It has been undergoing development recently in preparation to re-launch this year for all AMI members to access as part of their membership benefits. AMI members will soon have access to an extensive range of educational resources as well as academic papers and journals. 
Do you want to support our work? Then become an AMI Member and join the worldwide community dedicated to the rights of the child and support of human development. Membership of AMI is open to all individuals. AMI members are a stronghold in the Montessori community, putting Montessori education in the spotlight and making a difference to the lives of children; by engaging together we can meet the challenges of the future. 
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