Dear Madam / Sir . ,

Thank you already for your participation in what we consider a very interesting, interactive event yesterday! Today we welcome you again from 8:30 onwards. In preparation for the second day of our workshop, we would like to provide you again with the link to suggest topics to set the agenda for the parallel sessions this morning:
Topics for Day 2
And just in case you experience any technical issues, we have prepared a document, an "offline" version of the virtual platform, where you can find all the links to access the workshop sessions and collaborative tools directly:
EIP-AGRI workshop direct links
Looking forward to seeing you all at the event again today!

On behalf of the organising team,

Yours sincerely,

Beatriz Guimarey Fernández
Task Manager EIP-AGRI Workshop 'Towards carbon neutral agriculture'
EIP-AGRI Service Point "Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability"

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