We Stand With Our Community Members of Asian Descent
Please take a moment to read Executive Director of The Carpentries, Dr. Kari L. Jordan’s statement of solidarity with Carpentries community members of Asian descent.
The Carpentries has launched a Podcast!
The Carpentries’ podcast is a way for us to share conversations and discussions of interest to our community in a format that is portable and accessible. The goal is to ensure that our community is able to interact with us in whatever way they choose to do so.
Listen or download the current episodes at the Carpentries Podcast page!
African Carpentries Community Monthly Meetups
The African Carpentries Community monthly meetups have been running since 2017. Here we discuss topics that are of interest to our instructors in the African context, including available resources, opportunities, events, and more. Join our first session, on 25 March 2021 12:00 - 13:00 SAST/10:00-11:00 UTC. You can signup on our Etherpad.
The topic of the month: An introduction to Github