CLC in Metro New York Newsletter
World CLC Day!

Greetings Dear CLC Friends!  Each year we celebrate World CLC Day on or close to the Feast of the Annunciation on March 25th. This year, we are fortunate to have two opportunities to join in prayer internationally and nationally on March 27th!  See information below!

Join CLC around the World!
March 27th at 9 am

It is with joy and hope that the CLC World ExCo writes to share with you the details of our world prayer for Saturday March 27, 2021. It will be at 9:00 AM EDT.  It is the first time ever that all CLC members around the world are are invited to participate in a single event!  Here are some preparations:

1) The prayer can be viewed on the CLC Youtube Channel, through the following link: - Youtube CVXCLC  It will last 30 minutes.  You will be able to offer greetings and prayers through the chat / comments.

2) It will be a time of prayer together. Therefore, we ask you to prepare for this moment. Please prepare the space in which you will pray. If you can, bring a candle. We will invite you to light it at a certain time during the prayer.

3) You can use this prayer guide to follow the prayer. Three languages will be used, but remember, the most important thing will be the encounter you have with the Lord, knowing that at the same time, a worldwide community will be praying together.

4) At the end of the prayer, we will invite you to share a word, a phrase or a picture of your prayer. You can do this on our social networks, using the hashtags: #WorldCLCDay #CVXCLC
Twitter: @CVX_CLC   

5) To read letter from the CLC World Executive Council, go to Projects 175 World CLC Day 2021: Rejoice in the Holy Spirit. Let us Gather to Discern and Act!

CLC USA World CLC Day Mass 

March 27 at 7 PM

All CLC USA members are invited to attend a virtual Mass together! It is an opportunity to pray together as a national community as well as meet our new National Ecclesial Assistant, Father Hung Dominic Nguyen, SJ.  There are a couple of people who will be making a commitment to CLC during the Mass. We will also provide an opportunity for members to renew their CLC commitment.  
After the Mass, there will be small group breakout sessions so that you can meet and talk with CLC members from across the country.  It is a good way to understand our being part of community larger than our own group.  We will conclude our time together in song!
To Join the Mass on Zoom, go to:
Meeting ID: 880 2707 2018
Passcode: 120222
To Dial in by Phone, call: 646 558 8656
Please sign into Zoom at 6:45 PM so that we can start Mass promptly at 7 PM.   See you there!

Talk by Dr. Austen Ivereigh 

People of God inside the Tent of Meeting: 
Pope Francis’ Vision of a synodal church

CLC in the Metro NY area enjoyed a lovely virtual gathering on March 21st with talk by Dr. Austen Ivereigh, prayer, small group discussion, and a beautiful Mass with Fr. Dan Fitzpatrick, S.J., and Fr. Vinod Fernandes, S.J.  For those of you who missed this talk, you can watch it on Youtube at this link:


Upcoming Events

October 31: Leadership Zoom Meeting 9 - 11:30 am

December 6: Advent Day of Prayer 9 am - 12:30 pm
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