
March 2021

Faces of Open Government

Malick Lingani, President of BEOG NEERE

Francophone countries and local governments in Africa are joining OGP at a fast pace, creating an opportunity to join efforts and advance open government reforms in the region. Malick Lingani tells us how organizations and international partners are helping French-speaking OGP members strengthen their open government efforts and other countries in the region get closer to joining OGP here.

Vaccines and Open Gov 

COVID-19 vaccines are an essential tool in the race to save lives and rebuild economies during the pandemic. Read recent pieces on the role the open government community can play:

Effective, Efficient, and Equitable: How Open Government Can Deliver on Vaccines 

By Renzo Falla, OGP

8 Reasons Why Vaccine Procurement Should be Open

By Kristen Robinson, Open Contracting Partnership

Improving Governance by Asking the Questions That Matter

By Fiona Cece and Stefaan Verhulst, The Gov Lab and Nicola Nixon, The Asia Foundation

Learn how the 100 Questions Initiative is moving beyond solution-driven thinking & putting data-centered questions first here.

Open Gov Week is May 17-21. Register your events here.

Closed Democracies in Latin America? Openness at a Crossroads

By Silvana Fumega and Fabrizio Scrollini, the Latin American Open Data Initiative (ILDA) and Gabriela Hadid, Luminate

According to the recent Open Data Barometer for Latin America and the Caribbean, open data and transparency are stagnant in the region. What can the open government community do to build stronger and more accountable democracies? Learn more here.

Learning in the Face of Complexity

By Munyema Hasan, OGP

How does OGP learn and what are we learning? In this blog, we set out to answer these challenging questions amidst OGP’s tenth anniversary and an independent evaluation on our impact.

Online or Offline, Citizen Engagement Needs to Be Underpinned by Core Open Government Principles

By Risha Chande, Twaweza 

Twaweza believes it’s essential to include citizens in the decisions that impact their lives. Explore insights on engaging citizens during COVID-19 based on what they’ve learned from hosting Africa’s first mobile phone survey program here.

Steering Committee Spotlight

- Interested in helping lead OGP and steer the global open government agenda? OGP is looking to fill four civil society seats to join the Steering Committee as of October 2021. Nominations are open now through April 9, 2021. Learn more here.

- Elections for government Steering Committee seats will launch in mid-April. Stay tuned for more information.

Tackling COVID-19 Through Open Government in the City of Buenos Aires

By Florencia Romano and Melisa Breda, City of Buenos Aires

The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged every government’s health systems and management capacity. Learn about the Government of Buenos Aires' efforts to flatten the curve, care for citizens and strengthen the health system here.

Open Contracting for Infrastructure: An OGP Commitment to Support the Recovery

By Mariana San Martín, Open Contracting Partnership

Infrastructure plays a key role for economic recovery and is an excellent policy area to consider for OGP commitments. What should we consider to ensure infrastructure investments are open, inclusive, and sustainable? Learn more here

The World of #OpenGov

- OGP is collaborating with the AI Now Institute and Ada Lovelace Institute to launch the first global study evaluating the initial wave of algorithmic accountability policy. Learn more about OGP’s informal Open Algorithms Network here

- The World Resources Institute and Open Data Charter explore the benefits of open climate data in a new report and a blog.

- Read a recent opinion piece in The Hill on the underrepresentation of female leaders in public finance. 

- OGP’s Chief Research Officer Joe Foti shares why we don’t have enough OGP commitments addressing accountability and how to get more through engaging justice professionals and advocates.

- If you’re a data user/practitioner, give Open Data Charter your feedback on their COVID-19 data taxonomy for future pandemic preparedness. 

- Distinguished scholars and practitioners, including OGP’s Chief Research Office Joe Foti, share solutions for restoring federal government ethics and rule of law in a new report for the Brookings Institution.

- See how Kaduna State, Nigeria is adapting their “Eyes and Ears” citizen monitoring platform during the pandemic in this recent piece by the World Bank.

- During Open Data Week NYC, the Open Data Charter hosted a session on opening up gender pay data, which included great examples from Buenos Aires, Catalonia and OGP. Watch the recording here.

- Read Integrity Action’s new report on sustaining the impact of social accountability and watch the webinar for a roundup of key findings.

- Civil society activist Hamzat Lawal discusses his anti-corruption efforts in Nigeria and lessons learned on government accountability during the pandemic in this piece by TAI.

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