News, stories and information

Church Newsletter - Wednesday 31st March 2021
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Worship in church

We have now returned to worship in the building.

In order to facilitate this we will hold short services of the word before returning to offering Holy Communion.

Sunday Services
8.00am Morning Prayer
9.30am Service of the Word
11.15am The 11.15 Service
6.30pm A Simple Evensong

Mid-Week Services
10am Thursday Service

These services can only take place safely under the following conditions:
  1. Face covering are worn (unless your are exempt)
  2. There will be no congregational singing
  3. People do not chat to those outside your household (either inside or outside church)
  4. Hands are sanitised 
  5. People of different households sit 2m apart
  6. You sign in for track and trace. 
  7. There will be no Sunday school at the moment
The church will be fully cleaned between services.

Virtual Worship

Easter Sunday
Sunday 4th April 2021

The service will be sent out
via email on Saturday 3rd April 

Sunday Worship

Psalm 118,1-2,19-29; Mark 11.1-11

Please join us over zoom for....
Youth Group

Details will follow on the worship email which will be sent out on Saturday
You can find all the previous services here
 Join us for worship
Further Church Opening 
After April 12th we expect to be able to open up children's activities and groups and the hall

After the 17th May we expect to be able to open church for visitors.

Please keep an eye on the weekly sheet.
Holy Week and Easter
Holy Week Services/Gatherings for 2021

Wednesday 31st March 2021 at 7.30pm
Holy Week Gathering via Zoom
Meeting ID: 870 9344 2369
Passcode: Holy

Thursday 1st April 2021
Thursday Morning Service at 10am
Maundy Thursday Service at 7.30pm

Friday 2nd April 2021 at 12 noon
Good Friday Service

Sun 4th April 2021
Easter Sunday Services at usual times of
8am, 9.30am, 11.15am and 6.30pm
Virtual Good Friday Service
(other services will be sent out in the worship email on Good Friday)
Lent Course: Session 7
Featured Bible Passages
• Luke 24:13-35 • Acts 9:1-9 • Acts 26:29
This session explores the different ways that people come to faith in Jesus and unpacks the implications of this for our models of evangelism. The session aims to prepare you to share the gospel both ‘long and short’. The session also features a video interview. This session is based around Chapter 7 of Hannah Steel’s book Living His Story. A featured passage is below, but you are encouraged to read the whole chapter as the questions often reference the book. Featured Passage The book of Acts records for us many of the conversations the Apostle Paul had with those who were sceptical about the Christian faith. One such conversation came after he had spent two years imprisoned on a false charge, when Paul finds himself before King Agrippa in Acts 26. Agrippa stood in the lineage of a string of kings who had opposed truth and righteousness, not least Herod the Great who had tried to kill Jesus as a young child. And now Paul himself stands before the King, seeking his help and ultimately awaiting his fate. Paul’s response in this situation was, as on numerous occasions, simply to tell the story of God’s work in his life. He does not engage in legal argument about his unlawful imprisonment but honestly and openly traces his journey of faith, from his religious childhood, through the dramatic encounter with the risen Jesus on the road to Damascus, through to his present situation. The only defence he needs is to narrate his experience of God’s work in his life and he does this calmly and full of respect for his listeners. What is particularly striking in this testimony is the boldness with which Paul directs his question to the King himself: ‘King Agrippa, Do you believe the prophets? I know that you believe.’ One can imagine the shock at the brazenness of Paul’s question to the King, demonstrating that all those years in prison have in no way dampened his courage. The King’s reply is similarly feisty, questioning Paul: ‘Are you so quickly persuading me to become a Christian?’ Suddenly the attention is not upon Paul’s story but on the King’s reaction to it. It is evident that Paul’s testimony leaves the ‘what about you?’ question lingering in the air. Paul’s response reveals a profound truth about the ways in which people come to faith: ‘Whether quickly or not, I pray to God that not only you but also all who are listening to me today might become such as I am – except for these chains’ (Acts 26.27–29). In this statement Paul reveals his evangelist’s heart. The beauty of Paul’s evangelistic approach in this incident is the transparency of his desire that every person listening would meet Jesus. However, his use of the phrase ‘quickly or not’, translated in the NIV as ‘long or short’, indicated what Paul had learned about the variety of ways in which different people made the journey of faith. For some, their experience would be an instant moment of conversion, a crisis point in which their life is instantly changed, but for others it would take more time, a slowly evolving movement towards faith in Christ. What may appear as a somewhat throwaway comment from Paul is actually a principle that gives hope to us as we seek to witness to those around us. Since receiving the message from my friend Chris, this idea of ‘long or short’ has been both helpful and hopeful in understanding that the journey towards faith will look very different from one person to another.
Living His Story - Session 7 with Archbishop Stephen Cottrell

In the seventh session we will be exploring the following:

This Lent, reflect upon your own faith journey and ask yourself: What are the key moments that stand out? Who has influenced and helped you? 2. How do you feel the story of your journey to faith affects others? How do those of others affect you? 3. What are some of the ways you might be able to help gently nudge people along the pathway to faith?

If you would like to join a group (meeting over zoom) please contact Becky at or call 881437.

Groups are meeting at different times and on different days so we hope to find a time which suits you.

The book is not essential but if you would like to buy it - it can be found here at a discounted rate:
Electoral Roll
It is more important than ever to keep in touch and the easiest way to allow us to keep in touch with you is by signing up for the electoral roll which is revised every year before the annual meeting in April.

Please sign up by clicking this link
Please note there was an error on the previous link which has been corrected
(or asking for a paper electoral roll form from the office)
The BIG church quiz
Saturday 3rd April 2021
Zoom in for 7.30 - 9 pm

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 874 5335 0286
Passcode: questions
Wednesday 31st March - Friday 9th April 2021
(broadcast each evening on Facebook)

A simple form of evening prayer and candle lighting *

At St Mary's we would like to invite you to join us in a short time of prayer every day at 7pm. It involves lighting a candle and placing it in the window and then saying the following prayers as individuals or as households.  You can join with others in these prayers on our Facebook page.

The Lord almighty grant us a quiet night and a perfect end. Amen.

Our help is in the name of the Lord
who made heaven and earth.

A period of silence for reflection on the past day may follow.

O God, make speed to save us.
O Lord, make haste to help us.

Glory to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit;
as it was in the beginning is now
and shall be for ever. Amen.

The reading for the day (see below)**

The candle is lit and the following prayer is said
Heavenly Father, accept this burning candle as a sign of faith and love.
Like this candle, bring light into our world
Even as this candle is lit may we know your presence
and be consumed in the warmth of your love.
In your mercy, Lord hear our prayer.

In peace we will lie down and sleep;
for you alone, Lord, make us dwell in safety.

Abide with us, Lord Jesus
for the night is at hand and the day is now past.

As the night watch looks for the morning
so do we look for you, O Christ.

The Lord bless us and watch over us;
the Lord make his face shine upon us and be gracious to us;
the Lord look kindly on us and give us peace. Amen.


Wednesday 31st March - Matthew 11:20-24
Thursday 1st April - Matthew 11:25-30
Friday 2nd April - Luke 7:36-50
Saturday 3rd April - Luke 8:1-3

Mon 5th April - Matthew 12:22-32
Tues 6th April - Matthew 12:33-37
Wed 7th April - Matthew 12:38-42
Thu 8th April - Matthew 12:43-45
Fri 9th April - Matthew 12:46-50

Lantern Tower Lights
lit this week in memory of
Derek Handley and Revd. Dennis Lumb
Please let us know if you would like the tower lights lit in memory of someone you love. You can leave a donation in a pink envelope in church.
Write on the back
  1. Your name
  2. Your contact details
  3. The person you would like to remember
  4. The date you would like the towers lit 
Alternatively e mail us at
Thank you to those who have sent through their weekly offering

We would be grateful if you are able to help us either by setting up a standing order through your bank (details below) or by sending a cheque addressed to 'St Mary's PCC' (preferably a lump sum rather than weekly amounts as this avoids multiple trips to the bank) to the vicarage - 15 Molescroft Road Beverley HU17 7DX

Please do let us know if you are setting up a standing we can allocate gift aid accordingly - St Mary’s P.C.C. account 90775800, sort code 20-43-47

Alternatively you can give online by clicking here
My gift to church
Keeping in touch
If there is anyway you think we can help please do not hesitate to get in touch:-  07598 518426
A number of healthy and mobile church members are offering their services to help with food deliveries etc.  If you need practical help please do not hesitate to call.
 Our contact details are:
St Mary's Church
Northbar Within
HU17 8DL

Telephone:  07598 518426

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